Workshop interface improvement - add a slider in Manufacture option

I would like to suggest the following proposal for the Workshop interface, when you click on manufacture option.  Screenshot: 1

An added slider tool. When you click on each resource, there should be the list with the each resource icon and number within that window.

If you got enough resources to craft a new item, you should be able to move a slider to your desired position or number, just like when you are refining Iridium.  Screenshot: 2

Once you select the desired amount, it would be wise that you get a final confirmation window with the selected/used resources or materials, which will give you the total amount of a selected craftable item.

Option accept or dismiss should be available.



Screenshot: 1




Screenshot: 2






Sincerely,  Koromac


Yaaaassss. And how in the big wide world did you get so much graphite? (Tungsten)

Yaaaassss. And how in the big wide world did you get so much graphite? (Tungsten)


Contact me privately, or in TS and I will share this information with you.

Unless, if you want some huge nerf coming your way again, I would rather not do that here.

Yaaaassss. And how in the big wide world did you get so much graphite? (Tungsten)

Play PvP, salvage stuff, ??? profit!


I have more than that…

Yaaaassss. And how in the big wide world did you get so much graphite? (Tungsten)


Call me crazy but maybe the 3241 hours on record he has have something to do with it…

YES YES to this !  


Specially if I want to craft 50 drones or 50 irdum or explosive shells at once.  


My fingers ache sometimes from the continous clicking.  

This needs to happen. It is such a pain manufacturing craftable ammo in mass quantities. Slightly off topic, but related to crafted ammo: There needs to be a notification when your crafted ammo runs out on a ship.

If you implement this I will have no good reason to spend two frikkin minutes making ammo every 20 matches!


Also an auto replenish invasion ammo option would be lovely to chance upon.

So, what else should they add?

So far, I think this is sufficient enough.



Screenshot 1:


  • implement a notification check option/warning, when your ship runs out of invasion ammo and missiles and premium based ammunition and missiles as well.



Screenshot 2:


  • add auto-replenish option for invasion based ammunition and missiles (we already have auto-repair and auto-replenish, so this would be the new 3rd option to check, in the game options - server options)

  • add auto-replenish option for premium based ammunition and missiles (optional - it should be un-checked by default and this should be the new 4th option to check, under game options - server options)



Screenshot 1:




Screenshot 2:



So, what else should they add?

I can edit my original post, so that it won’t get missed.


  • implement a notification warning, when your ship runs out of invasion ammo and missiles.

  • add auto-replenish option for invasion based ammunition and missiles (we already have auto-repair and auto-replenish, so this would be the new 3rd option to check)

One suggestion per thread to keep it structured.

+1 to suggestion in OP

One suggestion per thread to keep it structured.


Let’s not deviate from that, then.


It is finished, but now we got 2 suggestions in the same thread, which revolves arond the same issue.

To keep it structured, I won’t add anything new, but those 2 posts from me, which explain the original idea, should be implemented.

To facilitate the cohesion of this thread, I won’t make any more responses.

Great idea. +1.

I vote for that, put it in the game

Gekaler, I am waiting for your blessing!



He is probably late for the weddings as well.

thanks for your input - forwarded to the Devs


(sorry for the late notice)

I am confused.

The 2nd screenshot was about Iridium artifact slider, shown as an example.

Now there is some woman. What the hell is going on there?

This is getting tiresome.

I just manufactured and salvaged around 50 items each.

The process is so time consuming. Why are we not getting a simple slider option?

this feature has been implemented. thank u!