Wonky Wednesdays!

Once we did t5 vs T1. The T1 was filling towards me then they seemed to self destruct

Factoring it into the For Narnia! option.

This week on Wonky Wednesday: Spy Drone Wars (Team Edition)!


If you wish to partake in these derpy adventures, please be on the OWL teamspeak by 22:00 GMT for rules, and fun.


For Episode 3 of Wonky Wednesday, here is a link to a strawpoll with 4 options we haven’t done yet. Cast your vote for what we should play!


Strawpoll: http://strawpoll.me/5381759

Where’s the videos from the previous events?

Where’s the videos from the previous events?


KT is the one who recorded them (and Entersprite I think), so ask one of them. 

What is this?

What is this?


Who is this guy?


But more important question is: 


What is love?

What is love?


I asked Entersprite for his, my recording wasn’t too interesting with a single perspective. Haven’t gotten his yet…


If you’re recording today’s or any past or future WW, please contact me so we can arrange a way to get me the files so I can put together a nice video :smiley:

Dunno if i can make it for tonight but if i’ll be there i’ll promise: I will be drunk.

Dunno if i can make it for tonight but if i’ll be there i’ll promise: I will be drunk.


You’re always drunk; you’re a sponge! Now come on, I have some dishes to wash…

Spy Drone Wars!


World of Star Frigates : (World of Battleships)

Team Battle: Players can only use frigates. All frigates must use coil mortors only.(no missiles) Frigates can only use free aim to fire. NO HULL OR SHEILD MODULES ALLOWED. Ships must line up in 2 parallel lines to start the game. Like a battle ship column. Frigates CANNOT MOVE once ref starts the match. Its up to the ref to ensure frigates are aligned in a parallel configuration at a specified distance. Guards not permitted. long range cannot use special. this game mode focuses on target calling for the players along with free aim skill shots.

tatics will also focus on engi heal chaining also potential DPS (Long range) torpedo’s should be reviewed for usage :

Once you die you cannot re-join the column until the ref restarts.