Wonky Wednesdays!

Now announcing the new, completely derpy, entirely hilarious, WONKY WEDNESDAY!


On Wonky Wednesdays, we will be doing 3 rounds (at 2 different times) of any random, derpy gamemodes we can think of (or what you can think of).


In today’s Wonky Wednesday we did Spy Drone Wars (videos coming soon).


Please feel free to post your own suggestions for minigames we can do! Once enough suggestions are reached, every Sunday, I will post a link to a straw poll with all of the suggestions (minus the one done in the last week). Be sure to include an explanation of your suggestion as well as rules. Vote for which one you want to see played!


Wonky Wednesdays will be streamed on Twitch on the following account:




At the following times (tenative):


18:00 GMT (6:00pm)


22:00 GMT (10:00pm)


If you want to participate in a Wonky Wednesday, be on the OWL teamspeak (weltenfall.net) at either time.


Current ideas (see rules in upcoming post for these ideas):


-King of the Cave




-Spy Drone Wars


-Faction Wars


-Class Wars


-For Narnia Collection (Torpedo Takeover, Octopus Frenzy, Nuclear Fallout, You Will Die By My Warp, Torpshadius)


-Station to station open space race


-Proxy mine FFA


-ELRF beacon hunt




Rewards for Wonky Wednesdays will be determined at a later date. Hopefully GS rewards in SC will eventually be possible if this becomes popular enough. Otherwise, KT and I will work out steam game giveaways (maybe)

You have no idea how much I’m looking forward to next week’s WW. This is part of a new initiative to get some interesting content out on internet media for people who are looking for stuff besides the regular battle videos. (Though we may post some of those too.)


It’s likely that I’ll be moderating most games rather than participating in them if I’m streaming. I’ll be asking that as many participants as possible record their playthrough (with or without audio) and send it to me for video production!


I’d also like to suggest that we do more than 3 rounds if we have more than 8 people, depending on how long each round takes.

We need to get some Michael Bay going like we did back then:


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?showtopic=25487](< base_url >/index.php?showtopic=25487)


I would love to redo some of these with more people, especially since the videos were taken down :smiley:

This is unacceptable. I want Wonky Wednesdays and Wacky Fridays!

wacky fridays is just where we go on on fridays into pvp and whack each other, i like those fridays.

I’m sorry, I believe the correct term is “funky friday”


Jeez, plebs

I’d like to suggest a “class wars” fight where its a 9v9 and each team has 1 ship of each class (LRF, Guard, Engie, Command, Tackler, Gunship, Cov-ops, ECM, Recon).  You can’t have 2x of any ship class and it could be any tier.  I feel like this would be really fun and challenging, but idk if it would fit into the whole “wackyness” theme, but still.

I’d like to suggest a “class wars” fight where its a 9v9 and each team has 1 ship of each class (LRF, Guard, Engie, Command, Tackler, Gunship, Cov-ops, ECM, Recon).  You can’t have 2x of any ship class and it could be any tier.  I feel like this would be really fun and challenging, but idk if it would fit into the whole “wackyness” theme, but still.


Added to the list of current ideas. (The gamemodes don’t have to be wacky per-say, as faction wars isn’t)

We need to get some Michael Bay going like we did back then:


[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?showtopic=25487](< base_url >/index.php?showtopic=25487)


I would love to redo some of these with more people, especially since the videos were taken down :smiley:


Yes, let’s do this.


I’ll add those to the idea list


Also, do we want to add Funky Friday to this? Do a minigame on Wednesday and a minigame on Friday?

Rules for King Of The Cave, Spy Drone Wars, and Faction Wars



-Bring a covops with nothing but a nuke loaded.

-Map is Alpha-7

-Everyone meets in the cave

-HUDs off

-If you die, you are out

-Last man standing wins


Spy Drone Wars: (FFA version)

-Bring a recon, no microlocators, have spy drones and holoships

-We’ll pick a sector in open space to play in, NO LEAVING THE SECTOR

-Station Protection must be off

-You have 1 life by spy drone, 3 by guns

-The objective is to multiply with holoships, and to spy drone the correct recon

-If you get spy droned, you are out, self destruct as soon as you get spy droned


Spy Drone Wars: (Team version)

-2 teams, both using all recons, no microlocators, spy drones and holoships required

-In a custom Team Battle, we will fight

-If you get spy droned, self destruct

-First team to deplete the other team’s points wins


Faction Wars: (Refer to Engle’s original suggestion if you have questions: [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/27597-what-do-you-all-think-about-faction-battles/#entry327807](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27597-what-do-you-all-think-about-faction-battles/#entry327807))

-2 teams

-Each team can only play as one faction (both play as different ones)

-Teams will face each other in a custom Team Battle

Guys, what about a race? I mean a real one: for exemple from jerry station to fed on. The first squad that can bring at least 2 ship at arrival will win. No restrictions on ships allowed or weapons… 

Guys, what about a race? I mean a real one: for exemple from jerry station to fed on. The first squad that can bring at least 2 ship at arrival will win. No restrictions on ships allowed or weapons… 

oooh i like this idea :D 

Guys, what about a race? I mean a real one: for exemple from jerry station to fed on. The first squad that can bring at least 2 ship at arrival will win. No restrictions on ships allowed or weapons… 


Great idea. I’ll add it to the list of ideas.


Only thing with this would be we should probably ban recons and cruise engines. Make it an actual fight to get there.


We could also do an ultra hardcore version where respawning isn’t allowed.

I just thought of another idea for Wonky Wednesdays.


It would be a recon FFA, last man standing, proxy mine fight.



-Everyone must be in a recon with proximity mines

-Use Abandoned Outpost map in Open Space

-Everyone must be criminal (1 person will be the spectator, everyone will shoot him once, then he will self destruct).

-Using the circular structure where beacon C would be in a PvP game, everyone will start at a different point around the circle. Flying around the inside edge of the circle (between the ring and the central part) staying even (or as close to even as possible) with the ring around the outside, everyone will fly around and around the structure, dropping proximity mines. Last man standing wins.

-No leaving the structure area.

Rules for King Of The Cave, Spy Drone Wars, and Faction Wars



-Bring a covops with nothing but a nuke loaded.

-Map is Alpha-7

-Everyone meets in the cave

-HUDs off

-If you die, you are out

-Last man standing wins


Spy Drone Wars: (FFA version)

-Bring a recon, no microlocators, have spy drones and holoships

-We’ll pick a sector in open space to play in, NO LEAVING THE SECTOR

-Station Protection must be off

-You have 1 life by spy drone, 3 by guns

-The objective is to multiply with holoships, and to spy drone the correct recon

-If you get spy droned, you are out, self destruct as soon as you get spy droned


Spy Drone Wars: (Team version)

-2 teams, both using all recons, no microlocators, spy drones and holoships required

-In a custom Team Battle, we will fight

-If you get spy droned, self destruct

-First team to deplete the other team’s points wins


Faction Wars: (Refer to Engle’s original suggestion if you have questions: [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/27597-what-do-you-all-think-about-faction-battles/#entry327807](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/27597-what-do-you-all-think-about-faction-battles/#entry327807))

-2 teams

-Each team can only play as one faction (both play as different ones)

-Teams will face each other in a custom Team Battle

In favor of all ideas on this list. I suggest starting with Spy Drone Wars Team version for next WW. :smiley:



Guys, what about a race? I mean a real one: for exemple from jerry station to fed on. The first squad that can bring at least 2 ship at arrival will win. No restrictions on ships allowed or weapons… 

I love this idea, so long as Recon and Cruise Engine are banned. Speedfitting is fragile and you’ll get wrecked by the enemy team.

Another one I just thought of:


Capture the Container (in open space)


Basically have it be 1-flag CTF, with three teams. Each team starts at a different station. The flag is a container that a spectator/moderator will be holding in Fort Muerto (at the very top where the boss would spawn in the PvE mission). First team to retrieve the container and bring it back to their station will win. Granted, this will be hard to remember who has the flag, but we could implement a rule that you cannot drop the flag unless you die. 

I just thought of another idea for Wonky Wednesdays.


It would be a recon FFA, last man standing, proxy mine fight.



-Everyone must be in a recon with proximity mines

-Use Abandoned Outpost map in Open Space

-Everyone must be criminal (1 person will be the spectator, everyone will shoot him once, then he will self destruct).

-Using the circular structure where beacon C would be in a PvP game, everyone will start at a different point around the circle. Flying around the inside edge of the circle (between the ring and the central part) staying even (or as close to even as possible) with the ring around the outside, everyone will fly around and around the structure, dropping proximity mines. Last man standing wins.

-No leaving the structure area.


That was my idea  :005j:

btw, I want a video of last Wednesday :smiley:

Guys, what about a race? I mean a real one: for exemple from jerry station to fed on. The first squad that can bring at least 2 ship at arrival will win. No restrictions on ships allowed or weapons… 

Lets do it also no speed modules (strafe is allowed) and both players use same ship  :006j:

Lets do it also no speed modules (strafe is allowed) and both players use same ship  :006j:


That would be hard to check in Invasion. You can’t see the ship stats. I’m imagining some builds with the piranha with overdrive and engine module… Or maybe a tackler with long range freeaim 7gravibeamers to slow people behind you (of course also with high sensor range to remove their afterburners from 7k away) :stuck_out_tongue: