why is there more self damage then normal dmg?

why do you take more damage from what u hit urself with?


does it magically just deal more damage to urself rather than opponents or teammates? 


man, the logic. 

What did you hit yourself with?


And to answer your question, AFAIK assuming negligible resistances, you should be dealing the same amount of damage.

the thing you are hitting has more resistance than you.

wtf? go inta a wall pull off a torpedo, you take more damage than regular, ca 50 precent more. 

wtf? go inta a wall pull off a torpedo, you take more damage than regular, ca 50 precent more. 


Regular as in? Larger ships take more damage from explosions.

Regular as in? Larger ships take more damage from explosions.

no? is tested in match, equal resistance and enough shields. on enemy its what dps that is shown ca 16k somethin and when i hit myself it goes way beyond. so thats bullshit. 

bigger ships does not take more dmg. not even against nukes. 



bigger ships does not take more dmg. not even against nukes.

Yes they do

Explosion dmg is scaling with ship size i.e Interceptors have natural dmg reduction vs explosions, fighters are 100% and frigates take boosted dmg, if you do not know how this game works, it doesnt mean it works they way you want it to work. That is why i suggested DrDeath to find some one to educate you guys in CORP, you don’t even know basic stuff.

Please watch the flame.

Because everyone knows te CORP is a respected corporation and NASA are just a bunch of randoms…

I cant wait for the next tourney to make you guys show your skills.

like this 2 guys doing squad from NASA in Sector conquest using tier 4 ships lvl 11-13 with MK2 stuff that didnt even get 1 assist the hole game?




they hide 17000 meters away, okay rating (you know why? bcus they hide) 


also u can see how many screenshots i took, tried to get both names in there same time, this prooves they are standing still. if u want more then just ask :wink: 1600 rating on one of them my xxxx. 


this is ur mates bro, 


also i was ceo in  THE CORP.


also this damage taken, i guess that explains why ecm always take so low dmg, so whats the point? If missiles do less dmg to ecm, and ecm and what? is command have smaller (than fighters)? gunships go with fighters i guess, so basically its 2 ship types that goes under normal damage taken and rest is 100 precent and upp. thats nothing important and is not written around places. 


waow bro interesting (like it was anything important?) Lel go play star conflict like you never do in tier 5 like ur mates here. haha. gj. 




 told DrDeath to find more good people?  whats wrong with you man?

like what ur teammates? lolololol e


that screenshot was taken 15 minutes ago cause i knew u would say something stupid like that nasa is good? 


nasa will always remain with lows.  


(had to take many screenshots to get both names in the picture, cant do screenshots holding ctrl or shift so)

My friend bro (might not comprehend “friend”), do you know that there is a Map? where you can see everyone location and name? It is actually quite useful, might want to check it out.

okay Enny just because you in nasa does ppl ask you to pick on me?


here bob.




hope this answer ur questions then. srsly need to upload 2 images before you believe something?


im 17, go pick on someone else with more skills :))


also you cant see them if you press score tag, they are inside the score on left side so you cant see them. its possible to go right outside map without leaving battle area. cowards. 

okay Enny just because you in nasa does ppl ask you to pick on me?

here bob.


hope this answer ur questions then. srsly need to upload 2 images before you believe something?

im 17, go pick on someone else with more skills :))

Do we have to show every1 ur profile so we can make fun of your or will you shut up by yourself?

okay Enny just because you in nasa does ppl ask you to pick on me?


here bob.




hope this answer ur questions then. srsly need to upload 2 images before you believe something?


im 17, go pick on someone else with more skills :))


also you cant see them if you press score tag, they are inside the score on left side so you cant see them. its possible to go right outside map without leaving battle area. cowards. 

I’m not speaking for NASA I’m stating a fact. If you cannot read that is not my problem. That you are 17 explains everything…

go speak to my 2 million vouchers instead bro.



go speak to my 2 million vouchers instead bro.



and what exactly does it tells us? That you don’t even know what is happening in the game.

go speak to my 2 million vouchers instead bro.




Your point being?


By the way, I’m terribly bored now and you’re kinda entertaining. 

im retardded so im gonna shut upp now

I am re tarded, so I am going to shut up now

Fixed it for you

BTW you might want to look into modern internet browser, technology can hide your inability to spell. This is what I do every day.

Edit: Forgot the mandatory brah, brah

Leikis, you might want to stop embarrassing yourself on the forums. 

im 17, go pick on someone else with more skills :))

Poor boy, are the big dudes having fun with you? oh poor good boy. Come on, I will give you a cookie if you stop pretending you have any knowledge of this game, and stop making ridiculous statements only a tier rusher “bro” like you could make.


You know, when you die you can’t sense anything, and you are not aware of your death, but for the rest of us is painful. The same happens when you are stupid. So please, stop our suffering.


And I will give you TWO cookies!! good boy!