Why does the Sirius get screwed over on special weapons and modules?

The Sirius is the only Rank 14 destroyer that doesn’t have it’s own special weapon. It also has the weakest special ship mod and active mod.


The Vigilant and the Tyrant both have a special weapon, the Vacuum Resonant Laser and the Thermoactive weapon. These got nerfed to the point where nobody seems to be using them, which is a problem in itself, but the Sirius simply doesn’t get one of these at all.


The Vigilant and Tyrant also both have unique passive modules, with the Vulnerability Scanner and the Warp Stream Detector, both of which aren’t really all that good anymore now that destroyers can’t get close to someone without making the Hindenburg feel better about itself, but still, these are unique modules. The Sirius gets the Augmented Cooler, which is really just a slightly better version of the Shared Cooler. This isn’t a unique module, it’s just a minimally improved version of a module you can fit anyways. Again the Sirius gets screwed.


Then you come to active modules. Vigilant gets the remote minelayer, which is a very strong module that has a variety of uses and inflicts a ton of damage. Tyrant gets the Isotope Harvester, which isn’t quite as good, but hey, it does a decent amount of damage and also heals you. Then you get the Sirius, and oh boy, the Destabilizing Field. This thing does relatively little damage, it doesn’t slow enemies down because the damage they take for going fast is also very low, it has a longer cooldown than things like the pyro emitter, it’s just not a very good module at all. 


On top of that the Sirius gets screwed by it’s level bonuses as well by getting bonus EM resistance to hull, because hey, I’d much rather have 2% more EM resistance than 10% more kinetic resistance.


Also the speed of the Sirius really isn’t all that impressive. Definitely not Federation worthy, and from what I understand this used to be the main draw of the ship, before that got simply taken away. 

Your argument is flawed. 

15 minutes ago, Aetrion said:

the Vacuum Resonant Laser and the Thermoactive weapon. These got nerfed to the point where nobody seems to be using them, which is a problem in itself, but the Sirius simply doesn’t get one of these at all

The Thermoactive is the best gun in the game. It wont be nerfed. It’s not a beam cannon at 10km. Vaccum is bad. 

15 minutes ago, Aetrion said:

The Sirius is the only Rank 14 destroyer that doesn’t have it’s own special weapon. It also has the weakest special ship mod and active mod.


The Atilia Complex is a mobile version of the Spatial Stabilizer. It’s far better because you don’t have to be locked in place. Vigilants beam destructor is alright, Tyrants warp deflector is better, but they’re close range ships.

15 minutes ago, Aetrion said:

Warp Stream Detector, both of which aren’t really all that good

Warp is amazing, anyone dies within 2,000m you’re healed for 12k? Tyrant is a close range brawler and it is NOT weak in close range to anything but Plasma Arc. 


15 minutes ago, Aetrion said:

Tyrant gets the Isotope Harvester, which isn’t quite as good

Really? Isotope heals per damage dealt, at 4100m you deal 6k dps, it’s amazing. 


Sirius doesn’t get offensive modules because it’s a long range moving gunship. 

Regardless, Vigilant is crappy anyways with the Shield Split mod in the last main update. Oh and thermoactive  It’s all tank, with no self regeneration, I have  a 100k shield Tryant with great resistance with Warp Stream and I never die ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”) Frontline too Vigilant has no heal, it’s techinally better in terms of numbers but without healing, and NO drones dont count, its bad.

21 minutes ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

Sirius doesn’t get offensive modules because it’s a long range moving gunship. 


So, why doesn’t it get some modules that help it be a long range moving gunship then?


The Destabilizing Field is neither long range nor does it really help you stay on the move.


The Augmented Cooler also does absolutely nothing for range or speed.


There is no excuse for not having a unique weapon if the other two ships get one. 


And yea, the Atilla is pretty good, which is why I didn’t bring up the special abilities as a point of imbalance. It does not make up for not having a weapon and having by far the worst passive and active mod.

13 minutes ago, Aetrion said:

So, why doesn’t it get some modules that help it be a long range moving gunship then?



It’s meant to be fast, and shoot from far, Atila is the balancing point really, the damage boost just for moving is far better than being still like Spatial Stabilizer. 

13 minutes ago, Aetrion said:

The Augmented Cooler also does absolutely nothing for range or speed.

This helps with that ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

13 minutes ago, Aetrion said:

The Destabilizing Field is neither long range nor does it really help you stay on the move.


is garbage, I agree

13 minutes ago, Aetrion said:

unique weapon if the other two ships get one. 

Doesnt get one, Atila  is the balance I guess, or devs were lazy but 2/3 is good for them

How does the augmented cooler help with range and speed?


I don’t think the Attila makes up for all the downsides. Yes, it’s a really good module, but given how many Tyrants and Vigilants you see in the game and how few Siriuse the argument that this module alone balances the ship just doesn’t hold up. 

Desta field was nerfed, before it was ultimate inty killer. Now nothing more than kill stealer.


Atilla seems to be good but takes away the advantage of mobility with Fed router. If Atilla lasted longer and give speed/rotation after activation, it would be perfect mod. Sirius is not as tanky as other two and taking damage over mobility greatly reduce its survivability. G’thardu under Atilla hits like truck, I must admit.

Atilla is great with coilgun rof build, augmented cooler is great for neverending meson spam, the destab was hellishly op against anything smaller than a frigate and the ship itself was a speed hulltank and what not sooo yeah, everything got cut down. It was nigh impossible to beat a good sirius build back then.

Technically the special weapon was supposed to be G’Thar’Du, Sirius has plasma controls which makes it better, the destabilizing field is an anti-interceptor mod, but it works well against Ellydium ships with the antifriction sphere, since it can be hard at times to stay under 30% max speed until the effect shakes off, it can put them at the risk of slowing of down and being an easy target, or have the increasing damage kill them if they are not tanky enough, the augemented cooler is a more powerful shared cooler, that doesn’t have much of a point, but Sirius still has a much larger basic capacitor volume, and a lower consumption for afterburners, allowing you to boost the entire time while keeping some spare energy for the modules, one compact shield generator will do wonders on it.

today the main role of a destroyer is a LRF … you sit 8000m back and spam ‘Halo’ Launcher and Gravitational Lens the whole time … that’s why you don’t need speed  … because your parked…

9 hours ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

The Thermoactive is the best gun in the game. It wont be nerfed. It’s not a beam cannon at 10km. Vaccum is bad. 

Vacuum lasers top range (Crew for range + ammo for range + 3 horizon mods is somewhere about 6500-7200m) (and with 3 horizons your dps will really suffer)


9 hours ago, Aetrion said:

The Destabilizing Field is neither long range nor does it really help you stay on the move.

Is excellent for the move on a mobility relying destroyer that is not as far from the battle as the rest


10 hours ago, Aetrion said:

The Sirius is the only Rank 14 destroyer that doesn’t have it’s own special weapon.

“Attila” Targeting complex doesn’t exist now? (Pro tip: it does)


18 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

today the main role of a destroyer is a LRF … you sit 8000m back and spam ‘Halo’ Launcher and Gravitational Lens the whole time … that’s why you don’t need speed  … because your parked…

And people who actually do that end up with nothing but 8 assists, 600 effi points and knowing that you probably f*cked up the game for your whole team, so no, this is not how to play destroyers.

1 hour ago, Flash0914 said:

And people who actually do that end up with nothing but 8 assists, 600 effi points and knowing that you probably f*cked up the game for your whole team, so no, this is not how to play destroyers.


no that’s not how to play , but its how most players do play destroyers … or am I somehow blind every time I play PVP ? Its kinda hard to play a destroyer how its supposed to be played when a rank 1 Hercules can kill a rank 14 destroyer in a few shots . maybe that’s why players now use rank 14 destroyers as a LRF …  just a thought .

4 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

“Attila” Targeting complex doesn’t exist now? (Pro tip: it does)


Uhh, I’m talking about primary weapons, not special abilities. You do know the difference right?

6 hours ago, Original_Taz said:

Its kinda hard to play a destroyer how its supposed to be played when a rank 1 Hercules can kill a rank 14 destroyer in a few shots . maybe that’s why players now use rank 14 destroyers as a LRF …  just a thought .

If that is what happenes to you you are probably the worst pilot this game has to offer.


3 hours ago, Aetrion said:

Uhh, I’m talking about primary weapons, not special abilities. You do know the difference right?

G’thar’du cannon… Sirius is the only destroyer, where this weapon is valid…

1 hour ago, Flash0914 said:

G’thar’du cannon… Sirius is the only destroyer, where this weapon is valid…


Still not a unique weapon, and just because a standard weapon is better on some ships than others doesn’t mean you can declare them to be weapons specifically for that ship. Besides, Meson Cannons aren’t exactly great on a Sirius, so you can declare it’s down a viable weapon just as easily as you can declare it’s up one. 

17 minutes ago, Aetrion said:

Besides, Meson Cannons aren’t exactly great on a Sirius

Meson is viable (3rd most common tactic)

3 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

Meson is viable (3rd most common tactic)


Ah, the 3rd most common tactic on the 3rd most common R14 destroyer, it surely must be very viable. 

Tyrant is the best of the 3 in my opinion. I agree sirius got screwed. It used to be faster than the others by a lot, now very little difference. 


None of these special modules mean much since they locked everything behind crates that never drop described items. Add expensive repair cost and buffs to other ships damage output, your destro dies as fast as a frig and heals 10 times slower. 


I dont bother with destros anymore unless its for spec ops. 400k repair to 225k received per battle. loot drops are always junk these days.

I love this kind of discussion (?!). Destabilising field useless. EM guns bonuses useless. Sirius useless. And you guys wonder why this forum is so “active”. No one wants to join the whining circle. If you find destabilising field and EM bonuses for Sirius meh and throw in Atilla for a good measure then you simply have no idea how to fly this ship. Period. End of topic. Thank you. 

Oh, I forgot. 

NASA ruleZ!

16 hours ago, Flash0914 said:

If that is what happenes to you you are probably the worst pilot this game has to offer.


your an A$$ you know that … you know what the FVCK I’m talking about