Why are there so few that play realisic mode?

As the title says i cant understand why when you get more XP,Credits and Reputation then playing arcade mode. I even get full reputation when i do T2/T1 matches witch only give me like 200 reputation in arcade.

I like the gamemode tho but is it so offputting for the rest ? Is that it ? Now i know the wait is way to long just now i gave up after a 15 min wait but if more people do it it would not be that long of a wait.

For me it’s definitely the wait. If I spend more time waiting for a battle than playing a battle, it can be discouraging.

For me it’s definitely the wait. If I spend more time waiting for a battle than playing a battle, it can be discouraging.

2nd screen: internet! Waiting time is up before you know it :stuck_out_tongue:

When I’ve got a big chunk of time to wait, this is exactly what I do. But often, I only have an hour (or less) to get in a few games before returning to dreaded “Real Life”. I don’t want to spend the majority of that time not playing.

When I’ve got a big chunk of time to wait, this is exactly what I do. But often, I only have an hour (or less) to get in a few games before returning to dreaded “Real Life”. I don’t want to spend the majority of that time not playing.

ah right, fair enough. I usually have quite a bit of time to use(Seeing as I’m still in school) so the wait isnt to big a deal for me.

Ship balance in realistic mode is even more skewed from my experience. as an interceptor pilot I have to be far more careful than a frigate pilot. 


Someone who brings 3 frigates to a team can do a lot more good than someone who brings 3 interceptors. simply because the frigate will last longer against any number of targets. 


IE: ship balance needs to be fixed before this mode can really take off. otherwise it’s really just ‘frigate mode’ with some scattered fighters. I’ve only seen 2 or 3 interceptors pilots do even marginally well in this mode. 

Ship balance is more than fine atm, every single ship has use in Realistic even more so than in Arcade where one gametype decides what ships people fly.


Saying “I don’t que for realistic because of long que” is so stupid, let me think what would happen if everyone queued for it who say that? Oh right, we would get ques!


Not that it matters much because no one is propably playing the game with how things are right now.

I won’t play Realistic as long as there are mixed tiers; it’d just be a total waste of my time. That said, the entire game is a waste of my time at the moment, so meh.

I won’t play Realistic as long as there are mixed tiers; it’d just be a total waste of my time. That said, the entire game is a waste of my time at the moment, so meh.

I play nothing but realistic, in T2. And rarely encounter T3(Usually only 1 bot has full T3 and rest is T2) and have personally never encountered full T1 yet.

eh. played against the clan owl in t2 and they had all t3. beat them badly. i think its more or less based on skill than tier. though i have to say mixed tiers is really just not a good idea

As the title says i cant understand why when you get more XP,Credits and Reputation then playing arcade mode. I even get full reputation when i do T2/T1 matches witch only give me like 200 reputation in arcade.

I like the gamemode tho but is it so offputting for the rest ? Is that it ? Now i know the wait is way to long just now i gave up after a 15 min wait but if more people do it it would not be that long of a wait.


-I don’t have 4 shipslots

-Playerbase to smal for decent waiting queue atm

-I don’t have 4 shipslots

-Playerbase to smal for decent waiting queue atm


You don’t need more than 3 properly fitted ships, or even one is sufficient if you are godly at survival (Like all of us in 8D who lose ships very rarely at all).

You don’t need more than 3 properly fitted ships, or even one is sufficient if you are godly at survival (Like all of us in 8D who lose ships very rarely at all).

sure you dont, maybe you should try solo’ing tho instead of squads :3 In T2 I have had a few battles with 8D when they were in squads they were doing good but ocne they went solo I was capable of rolling them without any losses. Fun times :slight_smile:

I think players stay away from realistic because players stay away from realistic. 


I.E. queue times are long so people give up. Because they have given up queue times are long. 


Also, with drones not regenerating, i think that torp frigates can abuse the game mechanics in the opening stages of the game. 

For me it’s definitely the wait. If I spend more time waiting for a battle than playing a battle, it can be discouraging.

Thats why we need more players to play this mode. And that would solve this. 

-I don’t have 4 shipslots

-Playerbase to smal for decent waiting queue atm

The developers should only alow 3 ships in to battle until tier 4 because thats when you get the 4th slot.


Ship balance in realistic mode is even more skewed from my experience. as an interceptor pilot I have to be far more careful than a frigate pilot. 


Someone who brings 3 frigates to a team can do a lot more good than someone who brings 3 interceptors. simply because the frigate will last longer against any number of targets. 


IE: ship balance needs to be fixed before this mode can really take off. otherwise it’s really just ‘frigate mode’ with some scattered fighters. I’ve only seen 2 or 3 interceptors pilots do even marginally well in this mode. 

I agree with you that as it is now with usually you and 3 bots vs another player and 3 bots a interceptor pilot has a hard time. It will however have its place when we get bigger battles with more players. Witch also where this mode becomes more fun overall as well. I atleast hope this mode will become more popular later on and more people find this out i am not that big fan of arcade battles where dying is no issue at all except higer repair bill 

I enjoy this mode more than Arcade. Hopefully there will come a point when the game segues out of beta and we get a large player base flooding in. More players will likely reduce wait times and bots.


Looking forward to it!

sure you dont, maybe you should try solo’ing tho instead of squads :3 In T2 I have had a few battles with 8D when they were in squads they were doing good but ocne they went solo I was capable of rolling them without any losses. Fun times :slight_smile:


Can’t remember the last time any of us who fly in a squad flew solo (Sleek being an exception), so it is very unlikely you have met any but our newer players.

would increased rewards for playing realistic help?  almost certainly.


will the devs try it?  no, the only thing they will increase is the grind times. 

As the title says i cant understand why when you get more XP,Credits and Reputation then playing arcade mode. I even get full reputation when i do T2/T1 matches witch only give me like 200 reputation in arcade.

No you don’t. I’ve played Realistic mode twice, and both times I got the exact same amount of XP, credits and rep as in Arcade mode, which is to say about ~2500 XP, ~30k credits and ~500 rep at T2. The difference being that it takes a bare minimum of 5 minutes to find a Realistic match whereas I can find Arcade matches in less than 15 seconds, and the games themselves are mind-numbingly boring. Every time I’ve played Realistic mode, even after waiting 5+ minutes for the match, I end up with only one other human player and the rest of our respective teams are made up of bots which are dumb as dirt and don’t help or contribute in any way. Which basically means that it turns into a camp fest in which Empire and Jericho frigates reign supreme, and the multitude of ways to cheaply and easily disable and destroy an enemy ship go from annoying in Arcade to game-losing in Realistic.

Sorry, but Realistic mode didn’t take off for a reason.

Ship balance is more than fine atm, every single ship has use in Realistic even more so than in Arcade where one gametype decides what ships people fly.


Saying “I don’t que for realistic because of long que” is so stupid, let me think what would happen if everyone queued for it who say that? Oh right, we would get ques!


Not that it matters much because no one is propably playing the game with how things are right now.


I firmly disagree with this. 


The few times i’ve played realistic, and wasn’t against a squad of bots, frigates are CLEARLY Superior to any other ship type. Frigate blobs RULE realistic mode. if you have a group of balanced frigates that know how to maintain a formation, you are literally unstoppable. they have the highest DPS, and highest survivibility. you can easily make up for lack of mobility with a good formation and warpgates. 


enemy splitting up interceptors to take your points? torps, deathrays, and disentegtrator from long range. or you can have a fed frigate warpgate in and destory them with drones and pulsar. even if you dont’ kill teh ceptor, they will back off the point. he can then warpgate back, or if the enemy sends in a bigger force, multiple frigates can warp in, and then warp back once they’ve secured the point. 


you can snipe out enemy ships with disentegrator and torps. well equpied frigates can take out fighters that get close, and the AoE buffs will mitigate enough damage for your team to focus down any fighter. 


Ship balancing seriously needs work, and realistic mode is the very proof of that. Arcade mode is more popular for the pure reason of other ships are actually useful.