Why are there so few that play realisic mode?

the loop of realistic mode:

people wait a long time

people get sick of waiting and go play arcade

waiting time becomes even longer

more people play arcade





and so it will stay if no one actually plays realistic…

I barely, if ever, play arcade(only for some contracts that are quicker to do in arcade) 


I like the fact that dieing actually has meaning instead of just waiting 30 secs and being back.


@Keiichi81 it will surprise you how good the AI are once you learn how they operate. I usually like them more than human teammates due to their predictability and less derpy-ness.

Less derpy-ness? You mean like sitting stock still while an enemy shoots them in the rear until their shields are gone and they have 1/4th armor remaining before even attempting to turn and taking a single shot at their attacker before blowing up? Less derpy-ness like flying straight at a sniper frigate attacking them from 5500m away rather than seeking cover?

Well, realistic mode should be for conquest imo. Each player having 1 ceptor, 1 fighter, 1 frig slot. And players with 4th slot take whatever they like for that. Would be balanced and fun and people would actually play it.

Actually s0mething might be on to something here.  Make Sector Conquest realistic instead of an arcade clone.  This will make Sector Conquest more of a unique game mode while reviving interest in the normal Realistic mode as a practice mode of sorts.  

i have to agree with something on this, the realistic mode owuld be perfect for conquest mode, also the AI in relaistic mode is pants on head xxxx it needs to be vastly improved, when you see a friagate just waltz into the enemy becon and not fire a single shot while getting shot by 3 guys that are directly infront of it you know something is horribly wrong with it, especuly when its just AI left you pretty much know its all over  but the AI just sits there idle and does nothing for about 5 mins beofre moving somewhere  or gets shot at and then still sits there next to a rock.

I love Sector Conflict for how tense it feels compared to Arcade; something about having no enemies on screen and then all of a sudden two are bearing down on you, and you know that if you die you’ve lost that ship for good…