Which Faction To Upgrade Module ?

There is no easy way to see which faction vouchers I need to upgrade my different modules. It is frustrating to waste my time moving ships and modules around fitting and refitting just to find out what faction certain modules belong to.


For example:


I am currently grinding Armada because I remember needing it. But I cannot remember which module I wanted it for.


  1. You have to click each of your modules one by one and hover over ‘upgrade’ to see which ones happen to belong to Armada
  2. If none of the modules on any of my installed ships need Armada I would have to install all my other ships one by one
  3. Forgetting which ships I have checked already along the way so sometimes I check a ship twice
  4. Going to Armoury > Shop and right clicking each module in each category shows only buy and no upgrade information
  5. Armoury > My Items and right clicking modules will not show the complete upgrade list only the next upgrade
  6. Filter to show mk.2 items only is even worse as it gives NO details at all just a ‘Top Up’ Gold Standards button if you dont have enough vouchers WITHOUT telling which voucher is needed
  7. If the module I intended on upgrading is still mk.I … filtering to mk.2 won’t even help.


With almost 100 ships and 1,500 items in armoury to sift through … finding out which voucher is needed or even why the hell am I grinding Armada for is frustrating work.


SUGGESTION —> Please SHOW FACTION in Armoury > Shop





Great suggestion.

As much as it would be convenient for me to say “READ A DAMN GUIDE,” this would be much better. Seriously.

+1 as well. I keep needing to hit Cmd + Tab to switch over to another app to check my loyalty requirements, and such information should be easily available in-game. Something as simple as adding a subfaction logo would be immensely useful already.


In the meantime, [this](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21874-mkiii-modules-loyalty-vouchers-costs/?hl=modules) will help.

Of course, its hidden in options.





  1. You have to click each of your modules one by one and hover over ‘upgrade’ to see which ones happen to belong to Armada

If none of the modules on any of my installed ships need Armada I would have to install all my other ships one by one

Forgetting which ships I have checked already along the way so sometimes I check a ship twice

Of course, its hidden in options.


No, it’s not. That’s a different feature that is on by default.

+1, great idea, been thinking of it for a while to lazy to suggest