Where's the 3D??

I have a 3D ready rig, and i’ve been looking forward to playing this game in 3D, only to find out that it’s not rednering for 3D.


Is there something i’m missing?

I might be mistaken, but…

Half a year ago I heard someone using some external software to let the game *somehow* render in 3D, but it have it had some issues. As far as I remember any collision of your ship caused game to crash.

The game by it self AFAIK don’t support 3D.

EDIT: found the old topic: [http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/17825-tridef-3d-star-conflict/?hl=collision](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/17825-tridef-3d-star-conflict/?hl=collision)

You could try it again now. It might have been fixed by now, but i have my doubts about it. It’s still not in officialy supported game list: http://www.tridef.com/user-guide/supported-games

3D in this game would be, uh, interesting. 


Support for the Oculus Rift would be better.

3D in this game would be, uh, interesting. 


Support for the Oculus Rift would be better.

i don’t see why we can’t have both!!

i don’t see why we can’t have both!!



i don’t see why we can’t have both!!

In any case you can have EVE Valkyrie next year:


In any case you can have EVE Valkyrie next year:



I’ll take it!

still want mah 3D

3D is still not for everyone. Most people who are not attuned for it, get migraines or experience dizziness. 

But it diminish over time the more you get used to it.

But it diminish over time the more you get used to it.


Of course. Imagine my scenario. I have triple monitors and fly an interceptor at near 700M/s. Now imagine throwing 3D into the mix. A grown man will throw up if presented that.