Where should the squads play?

Hello Pilots!

Where the hell are u playing?
The tournament is over and after the black friday the T3 4squad queue become empty.
The Spec Ops is over soon and I would like to discuss what Tech do we like to use?

T3? Most of us have a full fleet there, all the previous tournaments was there so until they decide to move it to T4 or T5 the best place to practice.
T4? The veterans like it, but some of us just like to skip it because of the T4/T5 merge and the low population, but we still can fill it with life.
T5? Just the hardcore veterans reached it fully, and not all of us has great ship there, but this should be most Noobless place (I know it is not…)

So please vote, discuss and start play because the game is death at the moment…

@Error / @Devs please also vote and comment, because It would be important to know what do u think about this.

The only good anwser to this is “wherever you want”


Wanna play T5 squads? Just ask people. Or just try after SQ times. We found yesterday that people keep playing with the same squads in T5 after SQ, and most of the time you find a game.

for the first time in a while yesterday we got some 3-4 man (2 different) squads in t4 but after a few games we scared both of them off…


sometimes in peak europe hours in t5 after sec con there are 3-4 man squads, but not always


tried a 3 man squad in t3 for first time in a few days yesterday, nothing lol

The only good anwser to this is “wherever you want”


Wanna play T5 squads? Just ask people. Or just try after SQ times. We found yesterday that people keep playing with the same squads in T5 after SQ, and most of the time you find a game.

This is not really help. we have a low playerbase, and seems we should organise our own games.

During the tournament time, the T3 was awesome, we get nice games in 2-5 minutes, and we played against strong enemies.

Yesterday before and after SQ, we didin’t get a game in T3, the T5 games was mostly 4v4 3v3. I get bored and started playing DayZ again…

I see the most of the players fighting with the specps now, I hope after that is over, we get back some players in T3 and T5.

I would like to suggest to dedicate a Tech for 4man squads, and start play.


for the first time in a while yesterday we got some 3-4 man (2 different) squads in t4 but after a few games we scared both of them off…


sometimes in peak europe hours in t5 after sec con there are 3-4 man squads, but not always

This is my problem. I would like to fight against u but since we don’t have any info where can I find your squad I can’t do it.

Also the loyalty is coming very slow for me, so I don’t have nice ships in T4 what makes the games a bit imba.

If we all agree we’ll organise the corp games in T4 I synergize them up and make them purple asap. just decide it

i like all tiers, but unfortunately, the game does not tell me, whats up in which tier, so i like this proposal, however i can also only say, i’d whish today’s squads would not give up so easily…

i voted for T4 for the reason, that more will come who had been in T3 for ages, or to get more in who are not visiting t3 anymore

however, i also love a good T3 match, and i know, a lot of people still struggle to get into T4 itself



but this topic still makes me bring up a rant i have.


if they would simply lift that stupid “corp cant fight against corp” restriction in the MM…


at least when there is no one else around


i mean i understand that it is there to make it less abusable, but lets face it, if i’d want that, i could still do that anyway

we know how to circumvent it (just have one squad with a leader not from the same corp), and still we try to make two even teams to face each other

i know there have been abuses in the past with similar systems like custom battles (albeit i cannot believe there has been much in public pvp itself)

and i feel like that restriction is too preemptive, too lazy, and also has a negative effect on squadding itself


corps would grow much more, not just in people but also in skill, if groups are also having inhouse squads in the tiers, after all, the most teaching games i always had in this game, were back in the day games like that. seeing two squads of similar strength counter each other, following them doing their stuff…

And as I recall, back then, there were corps vs. corps squads all over the place; this made some corps even grow bigger, because they could enjoy shooting each other.


it’s fine by me if foreign squads are more likely, but if there is really nobody else in the queue, why block a corp to send two squads against each other. after all it’s usually a good recipe for a good game, to rely on human instinct to balance each other out

it’s not like the first thing in mind is to create two unequal squads and force the less experienced ones to satisfy the old guards bloodlust

have we come that far in distrusting the general public, or just too comfortable to create proper ways of filtering out abuse?

I think someone can misunderstanding the OP poll. It’s not: “which tier do you like to play in squads?”.


But: Where is possible to find a squad to face vs? 

Give a higher reward for those playing in squads eg more synergy/credits → problem solved.

For the minute, I get online and think “I’ll fly solo, that way I’ll get a fairer match and quicker queue times”. The only incentive for me to play in a squad outside of sec con is if my friends are on TS, and I want to fly with them.

And to answer OP, I’d vote t3 since that’s where most of the playerbase is.

Give a higher reward for those playing in squads eg more synergy/credits → problem solved.

This is not the answer what I’m looking for. This is a great idea what the devs not gonna implement so pointless to wait for that.

In this topic the question is not, what can they do, the question is what can WE do. Because they already removed/break all the tools what we used to find a match.

I don’t need extra synergy or money, I need great matches. I need hard enemies.

We just have to decide, when we start the game, go to ts, create the squad, what Tier should we use.

If all of us do the same, each day will be like a mini tournament.

I think someone can misunderstanding the OP poll. It’s not: “which tier do you like to play in squads?”.


But: Where is possible to find a squad to face vs? 

The question is not, where is possible the question is where should we play.

An I’d like to ask it from the corps and and the Devs too. If the devs says we’ll be kicked from T3 because we scare the beginners, ok we should deal with that.

But since they organise the tournaments there I don’t think the can complain about it.


I would like to make an agreement between the corps , where we agree:

We use Tier X to play against each other as 4 squads with veteran pilots when we fight together.


The population is low, we need to organise the matches.

I agree with g4borg the corp vs corp fight would be nice, because at least with that we can play without an other corp member too.


Seem we already lost one generation of veterans and these days we are losing another one.

I prefer the T3 because the tournaments will be there probably in the future.

T4 is just fixed now, and we don’t have any guarantee they not gonna mix it again. +in T4 u already can craft too many extra items, whats can make the fights imba.

T5 is the same for me. Very hard to create useful ships for T5 and we’ll have less players on the same level.

squads should be allowed to play in any tier


High skilled player will prefer T5 for rating purpose

So I just supposed I should stop inviting friends and teaching them because my SR will be tanked.

Who cares about SR. Play where you are comfortable, either because it’s easy, because the queue times are low or because you don’t have anywhere else to go.


But don’t go T1 to spoil new players’ fun.

I miss the old days.
Currently I play T3 duo and T4 Solo. Otherwise times are terrible. Even in euro peak hours.

I am all for T4 congregation. T4 have pretty much every ship role.  (Empire Gunship, Fed Tackler) and not too dependant on R13 and 14 implant.

This is the sort of thing that that one MM version that chose 2 man squads as equal to single man queue would help resolve. I mean, I remember seeing a ridiculous number of squads in every match. But alas.


I’d say start doing T4, since that way all the (relatively) newbies can play against each other without feeling too bad about themselves. Of course, I also kind of want more people to join T4, since it gets lonely up there, so I might be biased.


I can’t vote in this as there is no “wherever the h*ll you want” option. I have noticed that if you want to fly in a 3 or 4-man squad, T3 is your best bet. It is rare to get a game in a 3 or 4-man squad in t4, and impossible in t5. The problem is the player base and the squad matchmaking. If more players were in this game, I doubt squads getting matches would be an issue, but that is beyond our control. The problem that can be fixed is how squads are queued. It is unfair for squads of 3 or 4 to wait endlessly to get a game in the queue they want to play. Squads shouldn’t be queued so differently from solo players. I’m not saying they should be queued the same, but not quite so different. A squad of 3 or 4 could easily be paired with 2 squads of 2 and the game would still be balanced. Forcing squads of 3 or 4 to face only other squads of 3 or 4 is a turn-off for most players. No one wants to do 3 or 4-man squads in t4/5 because they know they will never get a game. If the mm were to be changed so that they could be paired against 2-man squads, 3-4 man squads would become more prevalent. After all, isn’t the message the devs keep sending us in the tips to “work together”? Making squadding harder to do doesn’t promote teamwork.

I can’t vote in this as there is no “wherever the h*ll you want” option. I have noticed that if you want to fly in a 3 or 4-man squad, T3 is your best bet. It is rare to get a game in a 3 or 4-man squad in t4, and impossible in t5. The problem is the player base and the squad matchmaking. If more players were in this game, I doubt squads getting matches would be an issue, but that is beyond our control. The problem that can be fixed is how squads are queued. It is unfair for squads of 3 or 4 to wait endlessly to get a game in the queue they want to play. Squads shouldn’t be queued so differently from solo players. I’m not saying they should be queued the same, but not quite so different. A squad of 3 or 4 could easily be paired with 2 squads of 2 and the game would still be balanced. Forcing squads of 3 or 4 to face only other squads of 3 or 4 is a turn-off for most players. No one wants to do 3 or 4-man squads in t4/5 because they know they will never get a game. If the mm were to be changed so that they could be paired against 2-man squads, 3-4 man squads would become more prevalent. After all, isn’t the message the devs keep sending us in the tips to “work together”? Making squadding harder to do doesn’t promote teamwork.

In a small game (6v6 or less) a single 4 pilot squad vs a 2 pilot squad have a huge advantage. Current system is OK. The problem is most people don’t want to wait for a game in a 3 men 4 men squad, because they won’t ever know if there are more people in queue with a similar squad.


But as a reference, we got games in T5 with 3 and 4 men squads after SQ. Just talk with the people squadding in SQ and tell them you are going to keep playing afterwards. They usually join, and you will have a good time.


Same in the T4 queue. Most people won’t queue because they don’t want to wait. But if you make some effort in announcing in general chat that you are in queue with a 3-4 men squad, hell, if I see you and I’m not in game I will try to assemble a squad in my own just to play against you.


Isn’t that defeating the purpose of queue and borderlines custom game ?

I mean having to talk to other people, who are in squad and time your queue is basically set up for custom game in it’s spirit.

Queue should be “We party, 1 click, we wait 1-2 min, we play, repeat … profit”


I know I am dreaming here, but extensive info will help so much.

Like Table :

Tier 3 :

2 men squads - 4

3 men squads - 1

4 men squads - 2

Tier 4 :

2 men squads - 6

3 men squads - 0

4 men squads - 1


etc etc.

That way we are let’s say 4 people. We see there are 2x4 men squads in T3, so we rather play with the T4 guys who are waiting. Or split into 2 and play either tier. If somebody have to go and we end up 3 - we will not wait 10 minutes with no result on T4, but will go T3 instead and play with those people.

I know it is basically flawed, because “players attract players” rule, but I see it as solution for low population + that population being separated into tiny bits.

Isn’t that defeating the purpose of queue and borderlines custom game ?

I mean having to talk to other people, who are in squad and time your queue is basically set up for custom game in it’s spirit.

Queue should be “We party, 1 click, we wait 1-2 min, we play, repeat … profit”


I know I am dreaming here, but extensive info will help so much.

Like Table :

Tier 3 :

2 men squads - 4

3 men squads - 1

4 men squads - 2

Tier 4 :

2 men squads - 6

3 men squads - 0

4 men squads - 1


etc etc.

That way we are let’s say 4 people. We see there are 2x4 men squads in T3, so we rather play with the T4 guys who are waiting. Or split into 2 and play either tier. If somebody have to go and we end up 3 - we will not wait 10 minutes with no result on T4, but will go T3 instead and play with those people.

I know it is basically flawed, because “players attract players” rule, but I see it as solution for low population + that population being separated into tiny bits.

The main problem is that most people don’t want to wait for squads. But in fact we have enough people playing to have a healthy squad MM.


Talking with people and telling them “we are here, you won’t wait” is a good way to make people join squads.


After a few time, people will stop complaining about huge squad waiting times, and they will be confident enough to play in squad all the time, knowing that somebody is doing the same.


But yes, with the current special Ops, Invasion, PvE and PvP distribution, even if we have more than double of the people we had in open beta, it is so distributed that it looks like there are less players.


Also, MM tries to launch a game faster than before, so smaller games are more common.

I can’t vote in this as there is no “wherever the h*ll you want” option. I have noticed that if you want to fly in a 3 or 4-man squad, T3 is your best bet. It is rare to get a game in a 3 or 4-man squad in t4, and impossible in t5. The problem is the player base and the squad matchmaking. If more players were in this game, I doubt squads getting matches would be an issue, but that is beyond our control. The problem that can be fixed is how squads are queued. It is unfair for squads of 3 or 4 to wait endlessly to get a game in the queue they want to play. Squads shouldn’t be queued so differently from solo players. I’m not saying they should be queued the same, but not quite so different. A squad of 3 or 4 could easily be paired with 2 squads of 2 and the game would still be balanced. Forcing squads of 3 or 4 to face only other squads of 3 or 4 is a turn-off for most players. No one wants to do 3 or 4-man squads in t4/5 because they know they will never get a game. If the mm were to be changed so that they could be paired against 2-man squads, 3-4 man squads would become more prevalent. After all, isn’t the message the devs keep sending us in the tips to “work together”? Making squadding harder to do doesn’t promote teamwork.

The wherever the h*ll you want is the current state, and it is not working well. Somehow most of the corps stopped playing in T3 4 squad, the last squads was the: LUX, R4GE, WPK, and there was a surprise the MEK.

The MM is working when at least 2 squad waiting in the queue. The goal is, internally dedicate a Tier where we try to play with 4squad.  Seems the winning will be T3 or T5.

After we"ll have enough votes, we’ll see where is the most popular queue and I’ll try to play there every night a 4 squad game wait at least 10 min in queue . And If we all do the same, we’ll get games, otherwise we won’t.

We have to forget the devs, they won’t help. 


Isn’t that defeating the purpose of queue and borderlines custom game ?

I mean having to talk to other people, who are in squad and time your queue is basically set up for custom game in it’s spirit.

Queue should be “We party, 1 click, we wait 1-2 min, we play, repeat … profit”


I know I am dreaming here, but extensive info will help so much.

Like Table :

Tier 3 :

2 men squads - 4

3 men squads - 1

4 men squads - 2

Tier 4 :

2 men squads - 6

3 men squads - 0

4 men squads - 1


etc etc.

That way we are let’s say 4 people. We see there are 2x4 men squads in T3, so we rather play with the T4 guys who are waiting. Or split into 2 and play either tier. If somebody have to go and we end up 3 - we will not wait 10 minutes with no result on T4, but will go T3 instead and play with those people.

I know it is basically flawed, because “players attract players” rule, but I see it as solution for low population + that population being separated into tiny bits.

I created a topic with a queue activity monitor, I hope one day they’ll make it. Until that we can organise our own games. We could make custom games too, but with that u can’t earn synergy so I prefer to do it in normal pvp mode. 

My Goal is, intercorp dedicate a Tier where we all queue at the evening every day. If we can reach this, we can organise games… But now I have a better idea… I’ll open a topic for that :slight_smile: