When all three ships are KO'd, allow the player to leave and start another battle

As is, even if all three of your ships are totalled in regular or combat games, you can’t enter another battle until the current one is done. Which is a little irritating, as it forces you to either gawp at your hangar or watch your teammates jerk around (Literally, as when spectating they seem to suddenly lurch their aim and speed around).


Would rather like to re-enter another battle whilst the current one goes on if all three of my ships are busted. Ah, with getting the credits and rep from my last match of course. But I suppose then you miss out on loot, but I guess you could say that’s a price for leaving early even if your team wins.

Three games in a row with combat reconnisence. (spelling!) Each time, captain gets wiped at the very start, I die then I can’t even play for about ten minutes whilst my team begins to turtle. :L



The same thing keeps happening, captain gets wiped then I’m forced to sit and watch my team turtle for the next few minutes. Would very much like to be able to start a new battle once I’m unable to spawn, perhaps at the cost of potential loot?

I’m surprised that they don’t do that. The way this game currently starts up seems to be like the WoT model. You think you could leave when dead and just go start up a new one.

I’m surprised that they don’t do that. The way this game currently starts up seems to be like the WoT model. You think you could leave when dead and just go start up a new one.

I suspect it’s because your ships work in a loadout instead of individually like WoT, but as said it can get annoying when you can’t start another match because your team is turtling. :stuck_out_tongue:

It’s to stop rage quitters if your always starring at the map your dying too fast and maybe lay off the zerg tactics. If your in a captains match and your captain dies it no longer becomes a turtle match and now the other team won’t take long to wipe you out.


Like I said say you could just leave a match it would allow people to troll teams and just leave when the match starts and screw over their team.

  1. In place to stop ragequitters that die fast. You’re supposed to learn how to play the game before doing regular. In case of Combat Recon give your Captain advice on how to hide or defend him properly. A properly defended Captain is hard to kill no matter how bad he is (well unless he uses micro-warp engine to fly into a rock)

  2. You can and should spectate team mates, check out ship setups on both teams and get yourself some tips on how to fly

  3. If you have died prematurely start supporting your team by using the tactical overview and telling them where to go and when. Coordination leads to victory.

Or you can hit Esc and click “Leave battle”…



Or you can hit Esc and click “Leave battle”…




That isn’t the issue, when you leave a battle in progress you can’t enter a new one as all three ships are ‘in battle’



Like I said say you could just leave a match it would allow people to troll teams and just leave when the match starts and screw over their team.


When all three ships are KO’d/When the captain is down I mean. If you leave when you can still respawn or change ships, yeah, a lockout like what we have now would prevent trolls just insta-quitting (You CAN actually leave a match early mid-battle right now, your ship just sits in the middle of everything whilst you return to the hangar).



  1. In place to stop ragequitters that die fast. You’re supposed to learn how to play the game before doing regular. In case of Combat Recon give your Captain advice on how to hide or defend him properly. A properly defended Captain is hard to kill no matter how bad he is (well unless he uses micro-warp engine to fly into a rock)

  2. You can and should spectate team mates, check out ship setups on both teams and get yourself some tips on how to fly

  3. If you have died prematurely start supporting your team by using the tactical overview and telling them where to go and when. Coordination leads to victory.



  1. The game defaults to arcade mode, and people who want fast paced action are unlikely to pick regular anyway. I understand it’s to help you improve, but as I just said why would someone who is after fast paced action choose a mode (Unless they have no idea what it is) where you can’t respawn? (For captain details, see 3)


  1. Good advice, but in Tier 1 not many people have flight abilities above mine or display skills that I have not seen or used before. For the most part it’s common sense or the basics of any aerial combat game. (Line of sight, banking, slowing down and letting chasers zip past you, etc.) But perhaps in the upper tiers where there are more modules, ship types and weapons to consider.


  1. In regards to co-ordinating with your captain and team, it’s VERY difficult. All you have is a LITTLE text box in the lower left with barely visible blue writing. It’s not uncommon to only be able to talk or read when you’re dead. You can’t type mid-fight easily without being a sitting duck for the enemy. If the game had in-game voice chat, voice command keybinds, map pinging or enemy pinging like World of Tanks or something, sure, but it doesn’t. Thus communicating and co-ordinating are very difficult unless you have friends on the same team whom are using Skype or another voice chat program. Which would negate the issues with co-ordinating, but what about the rest of your team? When you don’t have a license your squad size is limited vastly as well. So even with friends there is still a massive issue in terms of communication. If the game had features similar or even the same as World of tanks then I’d be all for it, as is hardly anyone makes use of the mid-battle chat and I think even fewer can even read it with ease during combat.