What's your oppinion on newbie farming



i’m still leveling tier 2 and very often i come across pilots with very high skill rating, 15000 pvp battles and Rank 15 unlocked through the board. Especially those ESB boys are worth mentioning, because they’re very good and a challenge.


Now, i’ve got a rating between 1400-1600 and think, it’s tuff sometimes, but doable.

Nonetheless, aren’t tier 1+2 “training or newbie” tiers? players with higher Rank ships unlocked and a skillrating above a certain amount shouldn’t be allowed in those tiers in my oppinion.

For example, a friend of mine stopped playing, because he was an average player 1000-1100 skill rating and was just getting farmed on in t2. Maybe he had bad luck to come across the esb squad to often. :001j:


So, let me here your oppinion guys, i think Star Conflict would be better for new players, if you keep the pro’s out of tier 1 + 2.

We’ve had this discussion already and pretty much everyone agreed that everyone should be free to play wherever they want. 

By the way you can’t play T1 if your skill rating is above 1300, you will be put in T2 even if you’re using T1 ships. 

We, being NASA, tend not to go below t3 unless they are actually newer to the game, want to squad together and leveling up to get into higher tiers to join the rest of the corp.


It is disappointing that you can’t stop it from happening, and the stories I hear from pilots coming up through the tiers really makes me not want to tell my friends about the game. It does not sound like much fun, and really contrasts with how much fun I had as a new pilot.


Anyways… I agree. I find it as lame to do as spawn camping, and both of those “strategies” I don’t see as being beneficial to keeping players playing the game, and is not healthy nor respectful towards a gaming community.

Lately there were issues with getting games in T3, people in some time zones ended up waiting up to 5 minutes for 3v3 games.

The matchmaker(MM) in this game seems like it had a total of 3 minutes put into it over the entire game life and that includes several tweaks they did on it. It either takes forever because it tries to make games on the same server and ends up failing because it didnt realize it had 5 people to choose from or it gives you insta Que 3v3 when there is 2000 people online. It ends up putting 2 great squads on the same side against fresh out of flight school squads or it puts 3 squads on one side and none on the other. No matter what they do to it it pretty much sucks. 

So, back to what I first said, issues with the matchmaker lately have been driving people away from the game or towards lower tiers where it seems they are able to find games in their time zones.

Also, you may see good players in T2 when they are helping out their friends or just having some fun as Mustacho stated out before me.

As for ESB, they are competitive in any tier, even tier 1 which they proven when they won the T1 tournament. They are a big corporation so it is not strange they are seen everywhere you look every now and then.

Look at it like this, a good player kills you but by doing so, he teaches you a new trick every time, when he can’t teach you anymore, you are either equal or you are teaching him. Learning is sometimes very hard and annoying.

My suggestion would be Follow the person you don’t want to battle against, and wait for them to get in battle then queue. Since elite pilots are rare in T1-T2 , this way you would never fighting against them. You can also try single queue as the probability of getting a specific person in your team is 50%.

Generally, I don’t queue down to avoid chasing players away from the game. Occasionally, I will try a low match simply to refresh my understanding of the game in its simplest form or to fully synergize a low-level ship.


Now in Invasion, all bets are off. If you are flying in a PvP zone or without Station Protection active, and you are in a low-level ship, I will shoot you and not feel bad about it. If I’m feeling nice, I might let a Tier 2 pilot go about his business. Maybe.

Generally, I don’t queue down to avoid chasing players away from the game. Occasionally, I will try a low match simply to refresh my understanding of the game in its simplest form or to fully synergize a low-level ship.


Now in Invasion, all bets are off. If you are flying in a PvP zone or without Station Protection active, and you are in a low-level ship, I will shoot you and not feel bad about it. If I’m feeling nice, I might let a Tier 2 pilot go about his business. Maybe.


Don’t worry, people aren’t running to the forums to complain about your Ace farming, soldier…haha, I can’t even finish that sentence without laughing

Generally, I don’t queue down to avoid chasing players away from the game. Occasionally, I will try a low match simply to refresh my understanding of the game in its simplest form or to fully synergize a low-level ship.


Now in Invasion, all bets are off. If you are flying in a PvP zone or without Station Protection active, and you are in a low-level ship, I will shoot you and not feel bad about it. If I’m feeling nice, I might let a Tier 2 pilot go about his business. Maybe.


Invasion is another game. There you can choose not to face the Pro’s by just keeping station protection active and avoiding dangerous sectors.

Following the elite pilots in a squad, might be an idea, if getting farmed starts annoying you too much.


Maybe it would be an idea to not allow pilots with over 1500 in t2. Even 1500 is still very high for that tier in my oppinion. In Tier 3 and beyond, free for all.

That would solve nothing.

I also like to fly T2 from time to time, with 1800 it would be impossible then.

Otherwise everyone could just crush his rating to get into T1 / T2, so it wouldn’t really help.

MM can also screw you up in T3 and up. If i have 3man average squad in my team, and the enemy 4x ESB, Combat Recon. And i’m captain with 30% pack loss cuz of RU servers is also not funny. I survived but my team got spawncamped.

Just improve servers & MM. That would help a lot.

If it comes to making the choice of waiting 20 mins for a t3 game to be put on a RU server with 300 ping and 12% PAC loss or a 2 min wait for a US server with 30 ping… Guess who’s flying t2. Just saying, don’t hate the playa hate the game!

We’ve had this discussion already and pretty much everyone agreed that everyone should be free to play wherever they want.


O RLY? Have we now?


Recoil makes a good point. If the player population continues to be low, you are going to see veteran pilots in lower tiers simply because they want a game.


BUT, I am all for preventing GROUPS of veteran players turning up in T2. This shouldn’t be a difficult thing to enable.


By all means come to T2 and let me kill you, but come alone if your stats have reached a certain level or your group breaks some kind of skill/rating/death/kill/etc threshold.


Residente can come to T2 whenever she likes.

Residente can come to T2 whenever she likes.

She is too n00b even for T2  :005j:

We’ve had this discussion already and pretty much everyone agreed that everyone should be free to play wherever they want. 

By the way you can’t play T1 if your skill rating is above 1300, you will be put in T2 even if you’re using T1 ships. 

I just checked, you can have a DSR over 1300 and play T1.  I used a Dvergr with Mk.I items.  What’s with all the bots in T1 anyway?  Four bots and four players on each side!


Anyway, MM fails when it allows “pro players” go down to fight against people who don’t know what they’re doing.  It turns people away from the game.  Yes, people need to grind, but if you’re that great of a player you can handle a weaker ship.

O RLY? Have we now?


Recoil makes a good point. If the player population continues to be low, you are going to see veteran pilots in lower tiers simply because they want a game.


BUT, I am all for preventing GROUPS of veteran players turning up in T2. This shouldn’t be a difficult thing to enable.


I am against vets farming lower tiers and you wont see me in T2 ever. I just said that we had already this discussion and most of people said that everyone should play wherever they want. In fact, my sister made a [thread](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/22740-remove-all-stats-from-t1/#entry258383) when she started the game complaining about corps farming in T1 with 4 man squads and she got almost lynched.


By all means come to T2 and let me kill you, but come alone if your stats have reached a certain level or your group breaks some kind of skill/rating/death/kill/etc threshold.


Residente can come to T2 whenever she likes.


My, my, how scary  :00555: stop attacking me and stay on topic.


I just checked, you can have a DSR over 1300 and play T1.  I used a Dvergr with Mk.I items.  What’s with all the bots in T1 anyway?  Four bots and four players on each side!


Anyway, MM fails when it allows “pro players” go down to fight against people who don’t know what they’re doing.  It turns people away from the game.  Yes, people need to grind, but if you’re that great of a player you can handle a weaker ship.


Then excuse me, I was told that MM put people over 1300 dsr in T2 even with T1 ships. Maybe that was changed when they added the mentoring system.

I have to admit something. I do not like waiting a long time for a match. Regardless of tiers. If I know that this Tier or that tier at this time of day has less time waiting, I will fly it. That’s my personal rule.


Another thing to look at is the fact that Higher tiers take a long time and are usually one sided. Its not the players fault but the games design that needs to be tweaked. 

as long as vets stay out of tier 1 i think it is ok (i like t3 + t5)

Residente is a girl? When did this happen?

Residente is a girl? When did this happen?




Holy crap… I thought you were a man. Although you were quite sassy at times.

don’t get me wrong, i’m not complaining about the players them selves. Maybe it sounded like that. Apologies.

I know, everyone has days now and then, when they want easy wins, then go down to tier 1 + 2 004j.png . Some guys you see more often in lower tiers than others.


And yes, i agree to you guys, that something on the mm then should be changed, because top players farming in t1 + t2 should be a rare case, because it does drive players away. I realised, my original post, not allowing Pro’s in tier 1 + 2 would be a bad idea. (Paid content and playing with new buddies)


Sadly, most buddies i know, don’t stand up to the challenge of top players in tier 1 + 2. They either disconnect or just quit. I would think, there might be a great deal of people who get discouraged by a too high obstacle to overcome in tier 1+2.

Had it often enough in chat, wenn there was a pro squad on the other side in skirmish in t2: “what are they doing here, are they too bad for t3?” and a whole lot of other inappropriate stuff.


Yeah, they had to allow people over 1300 fly in t1 because of mentoring system. What would be the sense of taking pupils, if you can’t fly with them in t1? I suppose most Mentors have over 1300 Rating.


Another Idea would be to cut the Rewards of Veterans in Tier 1 + 2. No Vouchers, no Synergy, no credits and no stats affection. (might need tweeking, maybe not a total cut for t2)


This way, everyone can still play those games for the lolz, but won’t get rewarded for terminating players low tiers. (Veterans probably won’t need the rewards any way)