What's your oppinion on newbie farming

Residente is a girl? Oh no… No one told me! :stuck_out_tongue:

But seriously, always if i see his forum avatar i tend to say he is a girl.

please discuss your surprise about someone being a girl in another thread. Thx.

please discuss your surprise about someone being a girl in another thread. Thx.

He is not. But it is always fun to troll people thinking he is.  :006j:

please discuss your surprise about someone being a girl in another thread. Thx.

That’s right. I’m sorry.

But you got your answer…

This topic has alreade been discussed and then rejected.

Everyone should be able to play whereever he want, also as group.

That i see 4man ESB squads in T3 while i’m without squad and ours is… randomized i could start crying. But i don’t because it won’t change.

If i now take 3 ppl, and try to get T1/T2 match as 4 man squad i usually can wait forever. Solo is sometimes more exciting but boring in general.

I just say Deal with it.

If they dominate your team or spawnrape…

2 things you can do.

Take a little ship, escape and try to follow the objectives as good as you can. They probably try to stop you and your team is free. As long you survive.

Disconnect… Not recommended but works very well. Never did it intended.

Of course it’s not funny to get raped by ESB, WPK or SRS or whatever.

But if you say “newbie farming” then the tier says not much.

I’m serious. Some of those newbies also get into Sector Conquest and even don’t know how to use the engineer modules. Waaah…

They are everywhere, so take Vets out of low tiers won’t stop them farm newbies.

Just one thing and everything is solved. A SR MM balance.

SR is just a number, but if the SR is high then the player is not average. Every player i saw with more than 1400 played better than someone with 1000…

Example T2 - 8vs8, ESBx4 (SR ~ 6800) + 4 randoms (SR~4800)

They should get an equal enemy. If there are not enough high rating players against them avaible. They won’t get a match. Easy.

This system is meant for T1/T2 not in general.

  1. If they fly alone or at least in a twoman squad they can still fly T2, but not dominate the match like in a 4 man squad.

4 man squad still works if there are also superior / veteran players avaible.

The result of matchs would be way more balanced & fair…

Some matches are like 10:0 in football… They should be more like 6:4.

This is just my opinion + an idea to solve your problem…

thank you everyone for your detailed answers. Yes Omega, i’ve the feeling everything has been said. Nonetheless, i’ve got the concern, if left untouched, it won’t be optimal.

MM Change probably is the fairest option.


If there is no further discussion wanted, a mod can close this thread.

The problem with MM changes is they’ve been tried before and were not at all popular.

The issue we have is that the Devs won’t make big changes, only little bandaid patches, yet this has created a terrible progression system that is broken at the core.

Put simply, it’s better for players (veteran or otherwise) to farm in T3 than to move up. They get more games, better games and the reward is near identical.

The only way to fix this is to make T4 and T5 viable again. But that will never happen because that’s not how the Devs think. They would rather have T4 and T5 be abandoned than to admit their mistake and overhaul the whole system.

So blame the Devs, not the vets. Farming newbies is the only way they can get a half-decent game.

The problem with MM changes is they’ve been tried before and were not at all popular.

The issue we have is that the Devs won’t make big changes, only little bandaid patches, yet this has created a terrible progression system that is broken at the core.

Put simply, it’s better for players (veteran or otherwise) to farm in T3 than to move up. They get more games, better games and the reward is near identical.

The only way to fix this is to make T4 and T5 viable again. But that will never happen because that’s not how the Devs think. They would rather have T4 and T5 be abandoned than to admit their mistake and overhaul the whole system.

So blame the Devs, not the vets. Farming newbies is the only way they can get a half-decent game.


We’re talking about ESB in Tier 2, not in Tier 3. There is no excuse for them or any European/Russian player to go T2 because the T3 queues are fast and have big games. Problem with OP and others that have reported this case is that some veteran guys are playing in 4 men squad in T2.


So no, don’t blame the devs, blame the vets for going there to inflate their stats and farm DSR.

Well I may be one of those few so called “semi-perm residents” in T2.      


T2 is more viable for those that like flying solo and 2 man squads. It is a good tier for “Training” of various types of ships"  or horning your skills in Sniping or Torpedos before dealing with the "Big Boys sandbox "  T3+   


Even with above 1400+ rating… it is not a easy cake walk for about 90% of those your so called “veterans”. 


That being said there is always those on the extreme end of the HIGH skill level that will come in a rack everyone over the coals.   But as already been said… you just have to deal with it.


 T2 you just have to lower your expectation of it being "organized " as new players are coming in constantly and still have the mind set of SPACE Shoot em UP vice …going for objectives. 


  It may just me but I am not seeing a whole lot of “farming”  even though I am seeing alot more players with established “skills” playing. 


  Just like in T1 those with high SR no matter how “Skilled” all it takes is ONE death to drop you like a anchor if your dealt that blow by a very low SR.  


PS.  A good many of the players still do not have the full awarness of SR concept.