what ship suits best for a captain

in a recon battle what ship do you think is the best for a captain to stay alive, not to fight but to stay alive and keep out of trouble enough for the rest of the team to continue spawning  

Depends on rank actually and your lineup and other things.


But main answer would be:


ECM most times, and close second is Gunship.


Modules need to be build for the “captain role” in mind also, but it is easiest with ECM.


Usually bad ones: LRF,  Tacker (weak survivability, cloacking doesnt help).

Doable: Guard, Command, with excellent build.

Engineer, is special case, only certain ones are doable. Usually Engineers are slow and easy targets so not good as captain, but that can be fixed with correct build or help from team.


Recon and CovOp as captain are risks, and doable only by good players. Warping only takes you far from help.


When I was farming LRFses in low tiers, they were FUN as captain, as they are a bit better in low ranks (other ships don’t have that much mass damage to kill LRF fast). So the answer does vary a bit on different rank/tier.

Imperial ECM. You have the best tanking ceptor, with all the disabling gadgets of an ECM, and also the bubble field.


But anything except maybe for tackler or Fed engineers will do if you know how to.

Depends on rank actually and your lineup and other things.



Recon and CovOp as captain are risks, and doable only by good players. Warping only takes you far from help.




Lol, with the captains bonus of 75% more damage bonus, you can practically one shot a frigate if your a decent pilot in a CO. 

Lol, with the captains bonus of 75% more damage bonus, you can practically one shot a frigate if your a decent pilot in a CO. 


When I was farming LRFses in low tiers, they were FUN as captain, as they are a bit better in low ranks (other ships don’t have that much mass damage to kill LRF fast). So the answer does vary a bit on different rank/tier.


Low tier LRF capt + disintegrator + generally slower speeds of lower tier ships = fun. 


My Kris-AE is my capt ship, on the rare occasions when I’m capt. 

Lol, with the captains bonus of 75% more damage bonus, you can practically one shot a frigate if your a decent pilot in a CO. 


Yep, cannot disagree with that damage bonus helping CovOp (and Gunship) more than for some others.


But to stay on topic: it takes a good player to stay alive in CovOp, if the game becomes long and equal => so CovOp is riskier selection (than some other) as a captain for a random player, even if he feels he is a decent player.


Captain should always help his team with his damage bonus by doing a lot of damage, but still the main focus is in surviving: if you die, the game ends.

I agree, 


So we should make a list for the interceptor captains viability. 


Covert Ops - Only for experience pilots 

ECM - Standard

Recon - Semi - Experienced

I fly my engineer frigate as capitain.

I fly my engineer frigate as capitain.

You almost always fly engie :taunt:

which reminds me, positron lrf as captain can be ridiculous

Empire: ECM, Command, Gunship, LRF (yes, a smart player can have a good time with a LRF as captain, unless you don’t have engineers in the team), Engineer

Fed: Cov Ops, Gunship. (Both of them if you’re experienced you will survive because of their mobility)

Jericho: ECM. Pretty much it, Jericho ships are easy to kill, at least ECM can survive longer.


I fly my engineer frigate as capitain.


You fly your engineer frigate all the time! 

ecm’s and gunships are the only ships that can withstand being rushed by 5 ships at once

I have seen a RARE instance were a LRF captian was actually decimating the other team. But he had support and was part of a squad that knew how to tank and defend

Empire: ECM, Command, Gunship, LRF (yes, a smart player can have a good time with a LRF as captain, unless you don’t have engineers in the team), Engineer


That’s basically saying almost anything from Empire works. 

That’s basically saying almost anything from Empire works. 


As always… 

I have seen a RARE instance were a LRF captian was actually decimating the other team. But he had support and was part of a squad that knew how to tank and defend


Well, decimating means that killing 1 of every 10 (not _that_ much in this game), but yeah, i get what you wanted to say. Like when Tillo got to be capt with his emp LRF, and like 3 Styx and an Anaconda blowing drones and repair/charge stations and trying to block constantly so he could do his (almost) suicidal shooting. Fun times.

Well, decimating means that killing 1 of every 10 (not _that_ much in this game), but yeah, i get what you wanted to say. Like when Tillo got to be capt with his emp LRF, and like 3 Styx and an Anaconda blowing drones and repair/charge stations and trying to block constantly so he could do his (almost) suicidal shooting. Fun times.


Suicidal? Thats my middle name. Yeah hes nuts with a LRF. I can never do that. 


But when Im captian, I move up FAR ahead from spawn and go to a good defensive position. 

Ecm and speedtanked gunship with Combat reboot in my opinion. Combat reboot even if It duration is only 2seconds, allow you to survive close octopus or torp to the face. Shakes off those pesky recons too.

I fly my engineer frigate as capitain.



You almost always fly engie :taunt:

which reminds me, positron lrf as captain can be ridiculous



There was an actually sighting of [LudwigHR](< base_url >/index.php?/user/242362-ludwighr/) flying something smaller than an engineer frigate recently and it sent everyone into momentary SHOCK  :what:  

There was an actually sighting of [LudwigHR](< base_url >/index.php?/user/242362-ludwighr/) flying something smaller than an engineer frigate recently and it sent everyone into momentary SHOCK  :what:  


It was probably an ambulance/technician boat than.

It was probably an ambulance/technician boat than.

It was an engineers drone :lol: