First thing im going to say is, dont buy the new r16s.
Why you may think, well lets just say they are utter piece of crap with nothing special to them more than some fancy looking stuff, did i mention the absurd cost of 60 electrum plates per ship? Seriously.
And i was the stupid one to buy both of them. They need to be buffed if they are going to cost this much, and i dont mean pre-tharga “OP-ness”. Just have some slight advantages over other ships and not be able to die like they are made of paper.
They dont even have access to all the fancy stuff other gunships do, and its far from being comparable with ellydium ships and the price range of both of them is pretty much the same just that the r16s are way shittier.
Not only that but the ships dont even get matched into pvp games nor pves because so few people have them and your brilliant idea was to put them in an entierly separate “tier” from the existing ones. Make them match with the existing r15s since they are weaker than them anyways.
Lets have a look at my Wolfhound for example;
This new so called weapon is not even worthy of the term “weapon” its so weak its insane??? Thats not the best part, it took me 3 hours in OS until a FRIEND found it for me.
And im not the first nor the last one to complain, and as such i hope u recieve many complaints.
Second of all, the new module looks are terribly confusing and needs to be reworked further.
If youre going to be able to jump around into other systems from OS directly and have “warp-jump activating…” pop up, you are D A M N right im going to demand an effect when u “warp” out of the system and into the other one, the loading screen is fine just as long as u see your actual ship warping into the system, i might suggest a simple thing like a “cutscene” where u see your ship warping in and all that.
Fourth; Make a search bar in the Atlas for the love of god.
Fifth; There arent just negatives about this update, i am impressed of the new OS star map rework and other locations, atlas and so on but… i would love more systems being remade in terms of look, just like ellydium theta system got.
Me and some other members of this community have been talking for months about this update, and we pretty much knew what was going to happen so this is basically what we think of you (Gajin) atm;
Feel free to discuss what should and shouldnt be done, im going to sleep ![:ph34r:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/ph34r.png “:ph34r:”)
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