WHAT IS THIS?? Can Ion Emmiter Heal?

So a post said that Ion Emitter can heal somehow, is it true? Then why Ion Emitter?


Uhm wut? I have never seen Ion Emitter do anything but disable enemies?

A friend showed me a video where he got healed by an Ion Emitter.

Then show us that video as well?

He told me that he want it private, if i do it. I betray him, and do you think i want to?

No i don’t. If you want to see the video ask him, IGN: Hakknu or something i think, maybe he changed his name. Last time i saw him he still was Hakknu.

Possible exploits or bugs should be risen in the sunlight so they can be fixed.

There was likely something else going on that caused him to regain health at the time, but unless we see that video we can’t give a definite answer.

On the screen, there was NOT showed that hes being healed by an engineer.

If it’s a gamebreaking bug, dont tell here how to do it, just PM the mods/devs/whoever is in charge so they can fix it.

Either post the vid here or send it to Error. They NEED to know the bug exists.

Either post the vid here or send it to Error. They NEED to know the bug exists.

If there is a bug…

Please contact Error with proof - otherwise please refrain from discussing these matters on the forums.


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