what is the point of a tackler?

out of the three types of fighter, the tackler has me stumped. I mean i see the abilities and i see it gets a slow missile so i’m thinking anti interceptor but… i guess it could be useful in detonation.

Role of Tackler can be described in one word: Denial.


Good for slowing the bomb carrier or attacking interceptor and getting it thus killed. Some coordination is preferred, e.g. pinging the slowed target so someone else also focuses fire at it if your own firepower isn’t enough.


Tackler dies easily, especially if spy droned, so fly safe. My personal play style is such, that for me Tacker is actually one of the easiest ships to stay alive with as often there aren’t enough Recons on opposing side.


So many fly interceptors and fighters, so Tacklers are nice to fly, lot of targets. Different story if the battle is frigate heavy. In such match, Tackler becomes boring (but, slowing engineers has some uses sometimes).


Also, beware Covert Ops as Tackler. Slowed CO can easily turn around and activate Arc if too close. It hurts.

With nowadays recon spam all over the place, tackler gets countered too easily. It’s a good thing they balanced filthy microlocator and spy drones a bit, but your cloak is still very situational. 


You can do amazing things with a tackler, I love it, but it’s really risky and things can go quickly very wrong if there is a recon on the enemy team. I would not put in in a serious game, cloak is too niche and too easy to counter, and there is always a recon around in a serious game, so it really does not have much point at the moment. Cloak should be not completely denied by a spy drone you can just keep spamming all over the place, it does not make sense. You completely and very easily perma disable tackler’s main module, his source of healing for hit&run and completely deny his purpose with TWO of your utility modules. Yes, microlocators can be destroyed but you can just save it and place it after he cloaks, and that is enough to ruin his day. You cannot run, you cannot hide in a tackler once recon is upon you, you are dead meat. The counter is too easy, and just stupid.

I always saw tacklers as gankers…

They are. But you cannot gank and survive if you are droned. I gank with my command instead, it is way more efficient, and you can just laugh at recons.

Crit-fit Ion Emitter. You can literally just dump the Target Painter for something else and give out quite a decent anti-frig dps. Slowing Field is a given, DO NOT xxxx FIELD SLOWING MISSILES. If I catch you doing that on my battlefield, I will push your xxxx in, myself, those missiles are just the most useless things in this entire game as they hurt friendly targets, as well.

I like Gauss Tackler as a ceptor killing machine, slow them and blow them up fast.



Agree on slowing field missiles.


Slowing field missiles should be removed from the game. Maybe only allow them for (future) corporation content, so a corporation can use it for some well coordinated strategy if they really wish. Those missiles have no purpose in random game, at least in their current form. Unless you’re an ***hole and want to harass your own team mates.


Or fix them so, that they only affect the one they exploded on.

Or fix them so, that they only affect the one they exploded on.

Like Recon missiles. Kinda defeats the purpose.

The SLow missile is used many times in combat recon  … against the Capt when attacking and the defender against the attacker …

Tackler: Your typical MMORPG Debuffer.

The SLow missile is used many times in combat recon  … against the Capt when attacking and the defender against the attacker …

Yeah? How are you enjoying nuking your team’s ability to kill in those 2 CRITICAL situations?

Yeah? How are you enjoying nuking your team’s ability to kill in those 2 CRITICAL situations?


I don’t fly anything that carries Slow missiles.   I detest them…  ( whoops… let me rephrase…  I don’t carry or advicate the use of slow missiles)


I was stating I seen it used…  twice in fact last night !    in the first one there were two attackers… that charged in but one of them shot off with a slow missile…   I guess they wanted to slow the Capt down…  …well needless to say… it made it easier for the defenders as well.   



The second time i during the night … the frigging Capt shot off one… I was like What the BLANK…  maybe it was the same idiot that was a attacker in the previous game…

Tackler as long range fighter is awesome.

Gauss and slow beam = death to intie

Tacklers are as good as tactical play goes, and they are quite exceptional at that (given you know what you’re actually doing - planning is key). Anything out of that box is highly dependable and can quickly become the victim of a slaughterfest.

If you plan to be rambo in a tackler you’re doing it wrong.


And generally speaking of tacklers, probably only a quarter of them are useful. The rest have horrid bonuses, stats and / or slot layouts.

Crit-fit Ion Emitter. You can literally just dump the Target Painter for something else and give out quite a decent anti-frig dps.



Slowing Field is a given, DO NOT xxxx FIELD SLOWING MISSILES. If I catch you doing that on my battlefield, I will push your xxxx in, myself, those missiles are just the most useless things in this entire game as they hurt friendly targets, as well.

And regarding the slow field missile, after nerf on slow immune implant most players swapped to energy immune or cd reduction meaning you get full use of the slow field, the only thing people shall realise is that you are giving up missiles for another Active slot, you can’t use them to pew-pew but you gain so much utility in return.

Crit-fit Ion Emitter. You can literally just dump the Target Painter for something else and give out quite a decent anti-frig dps. Slowing Field is a given, DO NOT xxxx FIELD SLOWING MISSILES. If I catch you doing that on my battlefield, I will push your xxxx in, myself, those missiles are just the most useless things in this entire game as they hurt friendly targets, as well.


Ion tacklers are perfectly viable anti-frig ships. Plus, as point-and-shoot weapons, ions are much easier to use as compared to the gauss. Let’s face it: not all of us have the skill (or sometimes the ping) to pull off gauss sniping.



I like Gauss Tackler as a ceptor killing machine, slow them and blow them up fast.


But the Gauss Wolf comes along, and tacklers go out of business ><




[many many things about slow field missiles]


Slowing field missiles are good for farming assists, if you’re irresponsible enough to launch one of those things at a beacon and fly far, far away.


On a more serious note… while these missiles have their use, I’m against them simply because they affect my own teammates. 


But the Gauss Wolf comes along, and tacklers go out of business ><



Well, Wolf has no EB, and they’re different ships anyway, Wolf can’t slow or cloak.

If you want to build your tackler as anti frig, don’t take off target painter, period or better go GunShip and be more useful and one shot intys with PP meanwhile

Slow missile have a potential to singlehandedly win your team a game, but it is up to a player to realise that potential, it is a shame people have zero game sense or tactical vision of a battlefield these days.

Energy drain rockets( ECM role rocket) use to be on the same level, but now with the raise of Energy emitter usage it has fallen in usability.