What is happening - Official Request

Its simple really.


 I have complaints along with alot of vocal members of your game, the people bothered to try and make it better (beta)


But I have no idea what is happening and dont even know if our complaints are being registered.

   I personally would like an offical statement regarding the latest patch and the new flock of players leaving the game.

The last we had feedback from the devs was 23 Oct 2012 that was quite a long time ago.


on a side note do the russian devs even read the english forums, or are we just wasting our time ???



Members of the forums please make your voices heard.


*editing poll due to extra needs

Sure they read the forum, but most official statements are made through me.

For specific questions please use the Q&A post with questions for the devs.

I dont have specific questions as such but would like to get just some general feedback on what is happening at this point.


Many thanks for taking the time to reply though

I dont have specific questions as such but would like to get just some general feedback on what is happening at this point.


Many thanks for taking the time to reply though

Well we are going to improve the ship roles and the sector conquest and for the near future we are going to implement the mentioned changes in the development plan.



   complaints have been read and recognized, Changes are being made to rectify a lot of problems with in the game, You can look forward to the following additions/Upgrades


  • Corporate Hangers, Customization with access by Corporate Leader
  • Corporate Only Battles,
  • Sector Conquest Map which Displays Corporate Control (and the current Racial Overview)
  • A New mechanic to prevent Corporate Zerging to Sectors (Limiting a persons participation in a sector to a number of battle(s), For example Each person can fight in 1 sector battle, Once.
  • Benefits/Rewards for Sector Control



Above All else, Many other Important and Excellent changes are coming, So as always, Be Patient! The Development & GM staff is working as hard as they can to fix problems and make

this an enjoyable game for all.

I think the devs could spend less time on the sector conquest, as it is a big failure and nobody plays it, and concentrate on the problems players are complaining about.


My advice would be : stop listenning to corp leaders, and listen to the people.


Or you will have a game tailor fitted for a few players, and nobody in it.



The last evolutions have really taken the juice out of it, and i don’t play as much as i used to. This game is heading towards a world of tanks clone, and that’s a shame.

I think the devs could spend less time on the sector conquest, as it is a big failure and nobody plays it, and concentrate on the problems players are complaining about.


My advice would be : stop listenning to corp leaders, and listen to the people.


Or you will have a game tailor fitted for a few players, and nobody in it.



The last evolutions have really taken the juice out of it, and i don’t play as much as i used to. This game is heading towards a world of tanks clone, and that’s a shame.



Why is sector conquest a big fail?


*Stop listening to corp leaders* Bro, Uhmari is like the Einstein of Space Sims, I think the devs would do this game a great good if they listen to some of his feedback. As far as the other corp leaders, I do not know. And honestly 90 percent of the playerbase is here to play the game, not test or give feedback. Anyway its a beta and its unlikely the devs are going to diverge that much from the development plan, so this is all pointless. If you are dissapointed and cant adapt to change, quit now and wait for the release. 

Your poll is rather biased. I’d vote for an option entitled “I just want to know that the developers have aknowledged our FEEDBACK”, since I think more developer interaction with the player base would be good, but since you slanted the phrasing so much I voted for option 1. You’re tacitly ignoring that not all of the feedback has been complaining.

Sure they read the forum, but most official statements are made through me.

For specific questions please use the Q&A post with questions for the devs.


You are just one person though, maybe if there were a few more mods that can relay the messages and reply to suggestions, players, complaints, that might ease off the workload of having to speak to everyone yourself.

Why is sector conquest a big fail?


Because it’s merely a count of win / loose, with nothing to it. I was really disappointed when i first cliked the button and got in the same old battles. Nothing interesting there.


And you can see it by the number of corps playing this mode, bro.





I used to strongly defend the patches. I don’t anymore, I can’t. 


Take the only creative recent change : the ships functions. I think it’s a great idea. But when you look closely at the ship’s tree, you notice there’s no available tackler at level 6, so if you want to have the best T2 tackler, you need to buy it premium.


Here’s a small list of the last evolutions :


mail for looted items : useless and anoying

ship’s functions : not polished yet, but signs are not good (premium ships)

sector conquest : unimaginative and lacks strategy

allowing 4 users in a squad for non premium : a “bug” prevents it

contracts and loyalty : the “new system” is not ready, so we have only its bad sides for now (ok, it’s getting better, but why not reverting to the old one until it is ready ?)



The Development & GM staff is working as hard as they can 


I would hope so, but Error is alone so he can’t respond to our needs rapidly. I would very much like to continue my work on the wiki, but it’s been locked for over a month now. I don’t think the excellent team of wiki contributors will come back now. It seems it has been reactivated recently :wink:




I am a game master so i look at the chat a lot, and the chat is more relevant than the forum to understand the “crowd”. This is what the crowd thinks : the dev team is concentrated on making this game profitable in the future, not on making the game great now. Sector war is a failure. Corporate war is not urgent. The game audience  will suffer from it.



Don’t forget there are other games in this market segment. Take Star Citizen. Here’s their business model :

  • Not a subscription but not free-to-play; rather a hybrid of these two business models. Much like ArenaNet’s Guild Wars 2, you will purchase the PC game and pay no recurring subscription charges. Your purchase of the game will allow you to play in the universe for free, forever! The game will offer a variety of virtual items for purchase with in-game credits allowing you to spend money on items that offer more ways to express yourself, provide convenience, and customize your experience. But the cardinal rule regarding “in-game purchases” is: Players who spend money purchasing in-game credits will have no advantage over players who spend time!


devs should take that into consideration.

Because it’s merely a count of win / loose, with nothing to it. I was really disappointed when i first cliked the button and got in the same old battles. Nothing interesting there.


And you can see it by the number of corps playing this mode, bro.





I used to strongly defend the patches. I don’t anymore, I can’t. 


Take the only creative recent change : the ships functions. I think it’s a great idea. But when you look closely at the ship’s tree, you notice there’s no available tackler at level 6, so if you want to have the best T2 tackler, you need to buy it premium.


Here’s a small list of the last evolutions :


mail for looted items : useless and anoying

ship’s functions : not polished yet, but signs are not good (premium ships)

sector conquest : unimaginative and lacks strategy

allowing 4 users in a squad for non premium : a “bug” prevents it

contracts and loyalty : the “new system” is not ready, so we have only its bad sides for now (ok, it’s getting better, but why not reverting to the old one until it is ready ?)



Well Sector Conquest is not what everyone wanted. I understand we were anticipating an open universe, but Sector Conquest is NOT open universe. Open universe will probably come later. I agree the ship roles and ranking system need polishing, but IMO its not so bad that I would quit. 

Sector Conquest Needs a few upgrades to make it Extremely Good. I strongly believe it can simulate a mini-universe, This is a step in the right direction, In fact its a large one

when things are done right.



  • Corporate Only Battles (Only Racial / Racial-Corp Leaders)

  • Faction Only Battles (only faction Members)


The Problem with the above is how to integrate them, 


  • Mechanic to show corporate space (This is coming soon)

  • Mechanic to Allow New sectors to be attacked by corporate leaders, For a Price (2.5 Million Credits)

  • Mechanic to Prevent Zergging (Which is why Dyn and Affliates are doing now) (This is coming soon)

  • Benefits to Sector Conquest (This is coming soon)

Well Sector Conquest is not what everyone wanted. I understand we were anticipating an open universe, but Sector Conquest is NOT open universe. Open universe will probably come later. I agree the ship roles and ranking system need polishing, but IMO its not so bad that I would quit. 



Of course you wouldn’t. Neither would i. i am merely stating a general opinion.


In the chat, NOBODY complains about sector conquest, I take it nobody cares about sector conquest…


But it’s the only thing we hear about for the future evolutions.





Please understand me : i’m trying to put this thread in the direction of the question asked “What are the devs planning ? Have they heard our complaints ?”


I understood from uhmari the devs are concentrated only on sector conquest.

That’s why i’m arguing about its interest.

Your poll is rather biased. I’d vote for an option entitled “I just want to know that the developers have aknowledged our FEEDBACK”, since I think more developer interaction with the player base would be good, but since you slanted the phrasing so much I voted for option 1. You’re tacitly ignoring that not all of the feedback has been complaining.

Would you mind rewording it for me please.


i did try not to make it biased

I think we should take the “how do we take into account the request of the players” topic in the GameMaster’s Arena. Uhmari, you have access to it right ?

Actually Conquest and Arcade use the same queue in order to collect data.

Actually Conquest and Arcade use the same queue in order to collect data.




Then why are queue times so different for arcade and sector conquest? 


*confused face*

I liked this game, until the role changes. there are just no real diversities anymore between factions…but the biggest thing is that they RAPED my progress.


they made all my ships T3 with my T2 mk3 to T3 mk3 mods… which meant i no logner had the loyalty to use em, and ahad to sell…i wasnt even able to mk2 fit a T3 ship…I basicly lost 20-40m creditsi n this patch, and have no more credits to speak of, and i really dont want to spend another 250+ hours to regrind that…


So i have quit since game support won’t help me either…

Actually Conquest and Arcade use the same queue in order to collect data.


I think they use the same matches too. I’ve often been in arcade games with players saying they were in sector conquest. Can you confirm that ?

 If you use this chat command: /set cl_showMmQueueInfo 2 (im sure you know),



(I wrote the chat command page of the wiki http://wiki.star-conflict.com/index.php?title=Chat_commands)



AND i strongly advise everyone to use it !!!