What is happening - Official Request

I know people wanted sector control but at this stage of development it doesn’t seem to have much of a purpose to put it out there this soon. I mean there are other things about the game that could use a bit of work.


my point exactly

If the balance issues were to be rectified in the next update, I honestly don’t think I would have much to actually complain about in version 0.8. It’s just being unable to kill enemies in half the matches due to rapidly regenerating hull and shields out-repairing the combined focus-fire of 2-3 teammates and losing virtually every Detonation match to Covert Ops Interceptors exploiting Adaptive Camo that are completely killing my enjoyment of PvP lately.


I am fairly confident that the devs get the gist of what we complain about or request. Heck, several of my bug reports have been fixed in the very next update after I made them. Perhaps it’s just a coincidence and the Russian players simply made the same reports, but I don’t have a reason to feel like the devs are ignoring us.

Then why are queue times so different for arcade and sector conquest? 


*confused face*

Likely a combination of things…


Sector Conquest is now the first default option when hitting engage.

Many new players are going to go with the default.

If your going to do PVP why not just que for the simplest option (sector conquest).

One must intentionally seek out arcade.


That said, since arcade mode and sector conquest are virtually identical aside from bragging rights, that along with it being defaulted to, is enough to keep it’s que decently full over arcade.

I am confused about the fact that while you and a friend can both be on the same “side” you can find yourselves on opposite teams!?!

There’s a number of factors and problems with this patch that most of the community at least wants to see one of addressed.


Ship balance. - Atrocious. Adaptive Camo makes detonation more sad that it already was. Healing is overpowered and a stale game mechanic.

Ship roles - This stemmed from sector conquest. Everything got moved and messed up ship builds. Certain tiers don’t have ships you want, and less variety is available.

Sector conquest - Glorified sector conquest. Just getting the sector framework in place isn’t good enough, this needed to be a near-finished product before release. Instead we get a version that doesn’t really do anything for us gameplay-wise and doesn’t give us any bonuses or reasons to play it. It’s a poor introduction for new players as well.


To relieve a lot of the problems with ship roles I want to see us be able to refit a ship into a different role. That would help so much and allow us to have the diversity we want. (I want a covert ops ship with warp)


Everything boils down to that the patch was pushed onto live instead of taking a full month or two to develop it properly. The features that are being developed need plenty of time. Instead we’re seeing alpha-level content and balance.


Error, if there’s one thing I want to pass on, tell the development team to take as much time as they need to patch to make a playable game. We just want something that’s fun to play on this side, given reasonable (A month or two) development times.

I have Already Given these concerns to them, Along with evidence of community votes to support that patch content needs to be more in depth, and not so shallow.