What I would love to see.

#1: Bigger server, waiting to join a game looks bad.


#2: selling ships. If i spend credits on it … i would like to sell it


#3: Only special role ships should be able to mount special gear appropriate for that class/ship


#4 More different maps please. Maps for all factions, maps where u can hide .


#5 More voice overs please, more sounds, 


#6 Module damage on the ship


#7 I want to see smoke on the ship that is badly damaged and burning.




Good job guys! now it is time to keep it up.

Smoke on a badly damaged ship. I will give +1 to that.


Bigger server +1

#1: Bigger server, waiting to join a game looks bad. +1


#2: selling ships. If i spend credits on it … i would like to sell it +1


#3: Only special role ships should be able to mount special gear appropriate for that class/ship +1


#4 More different maps please. Maps for all factions, maps where u can hide . +1

All +1 your so right dude


Lets have some more game modes too, like Capture Base type of stuff. One huge space station with tough npc’s guarding it, 2 separate teams racing to the core of the station to capture it meanwhile battling each other and npc’s.


Also you could have 2 teams battling out who can harvest most resources, objective is not to let other teams harvester bring back to the mothership more ore than own team.  


Also… I would love to see some gas clouds , and would love to see battles in/over huge cities, that could be on the asteroids or on the planet surface .  

#1: Bigger server, waiting to join a game looks bad.  +1 


#2: selling ships. If i spend credits on it … i would like to sell it  +1 


#3: Only special role ships should be able to mount special gear appropriate for that class/ship  ??? 


#4 More different maps please. Maps for all factions, maps where u can hide  +1 


#5 More voice overs please, more sounds  whatever 


#6 Module damage on the ship  -99  99999999999999


#7 I want to see smoke on the ship that is badly damaged and burning whatever

Just thinking here that if your ship gets damaged,  technically there should be some sort of critical damage  right? like engine fire, or the integrity of the ship is compromised , or the lifesupport damaged… something … along these lines. 



If you have Electronic warfare ship… you should be able to mount EWAR modules on it… and you can not mount them on anything else, if you have a suppressor than maybe you could mount modules giving you + in rate of fire…    


If you have fighter maybe you dont get any crazy bonuses but you get small bonuses all over the board… you know stuff like that

#1: Bigger server, waiting to join a game looks bad. - Has nothing to do with server, thats simply player numbers, of which all games of this type have.


#2: selling ships. If i spend credits on it … i would like to sell it - I can see why this would be nice, then again, its nice to always have a ship to be able to play with beginners as well, or friends who just started, even if I have a tier 3. Having a high tier 1 always ready to go is nice.


#3: Only special role ships should be able to mount special gear appropriate for that class/ship- Isn’t this how it is already? my Interceptor cannot install all modules my ECM can. However there are still universal modules that can fit on all ships. While the ship that is classified as that, gives additional buffs to it…


#4 More different maps please. Maps for all factions, maps where u can hide .- You can already hide easy enough, but more maps is always a plus.


#5 More voice overs please, more sounds, -  Some female ones as well <3


#6 Module damage on the ship-  Definetly no…


#7 I want to see smoke on the ship that is badly damaged and burning. - ehh… not really liking it, having a big plume of smoke behind you #1 ensures that you wont ever get away because every enemy on the other team will be turning their guns on you. This will ensure interceptors and fighters are nearly worthless as soon as they lose some hull. While its an ok idea, you need to remember balance. You dont want a “ok everyone target this ship its badly damaged” neon sign.

"#1: Bigger server, waiting to join a game looks bad. -  Has nothing to do with server, thats simply player numbers, of which all games of this type have."



I disagree,  player numbers? in what sense? There were 5k players yesterday and I waited for 10 min to log in and than I waited for 12 to wait for the game to start. 


Meanwhile …world of tanks, 15k logged in with no problem, no stupid please wait ur in the Q message,  Eve - online , cant compare … over 20 k at all times no Q message there… 


This just shows that the server can not handle more than certain number of connections.



Of which all games of this type have? >> not true.

Before i start, thanks for the suggestions


#1: Bigger server, waiting to join a game looks bad.

Cannot comment on this, at present.


#2: selling ships. If i spend credits on it … i would like to sell it

This was an option in the recent past, and was removed to help stabilize the economy.


#3: Only special role ships should be able to mount special gear appropriate for that class/ship

Support this idea, and maybe in time it may happen.


#4 More different maps please. Maps for all factions, maps where u can hide .

Each patch typically brings a new map.


#5 More voice overs please, more sounds, 

Also always being improved patch by patch.


#6 Module damage on the ship

This is an idea i have suggested and support, however we would need a way to repair this. Further technically speaking there is issues that arise from this.


#7 I want to see smoke on the ship that is badly damaged and burning.

Its a enjoyable feature, but i feel its not needed, when the sizes of the maps increase, you will have massive amounts of layer effects, this will badly lag games; although we could make an on off feature, its still something the server will get stressed on.