What happens when you run out of Manufactured munitions

I wanted to add this question in Kormac’s thread but since it was a suggestion thread and not clutter it …



  In the case of munitions…  like iridum shells or explosive shells  or actually any of the manufactured munitons what happens when you run out what exactly takes its place ?


 As you will not recieve a message\indication that you have used up what you crafted… unless you look specifically in the slot and see the red X. 


I know you not shooting blanks… but lets say for weapon that use Kinetics … what shell am I firing ?   


Or what is the ammunition for Thermal ?


Ammunition for EM  ?






Blacked out image, red X, works as if no ammo was to be inserted. No notif/craft window appears

I wanted to add this question in Kormac’s thread but since it was a suggestion thread and not clutter it …



  In the case of munitions…  like iridum shells or explosive shells  or actually any of the manufactured munitons what happens when you run out what exactly takes its place ?


 As you will not recieve a message\indication that you have used up what you crafted… unless you look specifically in the slot and see the red X. 


I know you not shooting blanks… but lets say for weapon that use Kinetics … what shell am I firing ?   


Or what is the ammunition for Thermal ?


Ammunition for EM  ?


I also thought of that. You get a notification window. If you got no more materials to craft, because you can’t auto-refill, you will have to use standard ammunition instead.

When you don’t equip any ammunition, you don’t lose anything. You just don’t get to gain anything. So you get default gun stats, no dps, range, rate of fire, heat-up, crit, or spread bonuses.

pretty sure said answers are rite, it’s the same as no ammo…


i whish the red x would disappear if you craft new ones tho :slight_smile:

after tediously telling the replicator to create a pair of ammo 20 times, i really have to go down to the hangar, and manually refill the empty ammo boxes. makes me sad kittieh.

It is quite annoying when your crafted ammo runs out. There needs to be a notification when it runs out and the red ‘X’ needs to disappear when you make more ammo.

The only thing i find annoying about crafted ammunition is that some type of ammo are easy to craft while others needs lots of efforts to find the components. Kinetic ammos are plentiful, but thermal and EMs are a pain to keep supplied, the parts needed are to few and far between and often needed to craft other things.