What do you think the flaws of Star Conflicts are?

Alright, i don’t mean this thread to bash the devs or anything like that. What i want is to know, what you players, think this game lack or what you feel is wrong with it. Things you think may make veteran players leave or make new players not stay around.


Well, i’m aware that lag/packet loss and long wait time are big problems, but i’m sure it’s not all there is. 

PLAYER BASE… Most of the problems with this game are directly, if not, indirectly tied to the low player base. Problems with matchmaking, constantly getting foreign servers (mainly RU servers, which sucks for US and EU players), or game size issues can all be tied back to the player base. Much more needs to be done about increasing the player base for this game.


More players=more players who will pay for GS=more income for the devs to improve the game (anyone else think the devs missed this logic somewhere along the line?).


Aside from that, I would have to say the only flaws that aren’t tied to player base that I can think of are:

1.) TOO MANY SPEED-TACKLERS WITH DRONES… but that is only partially a problem with the game. Most of that problem stems from pilots not knowing better tactics or being stupid.

2.) Servers (mainly RU) having high packet loss. Pilots all around the world report high packet loss on RU servers, even RU players.

yes i agree on the playerbase is in need to be fixed most of the problems that are basic on the game directly what also is needed are more staff to the developer team because they dam depression, Plus they should have started on with advertisement long ago.


but NO  ** gaijin entertainment  and  Star Gem Inc, **  have other plans thats a fact, end of my story.



PLAYER BASE… Most of the problems with this game are directly, if not, indirectly tied to the low player base. Problems with matchmaking, constantly getting foreign servers (mainly RU servers, which sucks for US and EU players), or game size issues can all be tied back to the player base. Much more needs to be done about increasing the player base for this game.



Yeah but if players thought this game was worth it, they would stick around and increase that player base over time. Other games out there like WOT or EVE are plagued with problems players are screaming about in their forums yet their servers population keep growing (or at least remain stable). I think there are issues with the game content/gameplay here.


Well, i have one player (friend of mine) i know why he didn’t stay around; the spaceflight model didn’t please him at all. The lack of Newtonian-like physics was a big let down for him. Of course the long wait time for matches was also a problem but not the main reason he didn’t like the game.

*Prepares to insert huge list*

*list blows up the forums*

BACON! we need more!

Focusing more on the “RPG” content, thus increasing grind for no reason with lack of back story and lore (they totally threw away the 3 factions 2 sub-factions each lore). No more variety in special modules, except 1 ship on end tier that you have to heavy grind for month(s).

Having spend time on widgets like sending your ships on mission for 6 days with 50% success rate instead of improving the core of the game - PvP. Sure, we had few new maps, but still. 
I am veteran player and I remember when there was only PvP que (there was PvE, but not many played). It was fun back then. And we had 6-7000 people.

-Destroying balance introducing grindable powerfull versions of existing modules and OP craftable ships. I heard that they will introduce even next upgrade from orange, I cant even…

-Strongly dedicate to RU playerbase, ignoring the rest (go to russian forums with google translator and see yourself)

-Some servers are unstable, US and SA are barely playable for EU players.

-Aggresive monetization (red and black color in past, crews, spatial scanner. Dont lie to me that you can find mk4 blueprints without it alone, someone need to tell you position and you almost need to bump with it for it to appear, madness)

-Very grindable new content.

-Stealth changes in patches

-Allowing supertesters to play on normal server with testing modules(everybody knows that, nothing was done with it)

Alright, i don’t mean this thread to bash the devs or anything like that. What i want is to know, what you players, think this game lack or what you feel is wrong with it. Things you think may make veteran players leave or make new players not stay around.


Well, i’m aware that lag/packet loss and long wait time are big problems, but i’m sure it’s not all there is. 


For me the main problem is the horrible lag I have in the game (still don’t know if it’s my fault or game’s fault), and the not that small but still small playerbase.

Even though the playerbase increased, with Invasion PvP is still suffering a little bit.


-Destroying balance introducing grindable powerfull versions of existing modules and OP craftable ships. I heard that they will introduce even next upgrade from orange, I cant even…


Those “OP craftable ships” are pretty average actually. And someone should stop believing everything he hears out there. Orange is actually worthless the effort, there wont be higher versions. 


-Allowing supertesters to play on normal server with testing modules(everybody knows that, nothing was done with it)


Do you have a solid proof of that and not just rumors? 

Lack of focus.


Devs keep throwing in new content that serves only to spread people out and turn the game into a Facebook product. There are too many modes that are not connected; too many currencies; too much faffing about.


When I started, the game was simplicity itself. You had PvP, Realistic and PvE, and the bulk of the game focused on PvP mode. That’s where the game was strongest, and so that’s where all the attention went. You flew PvP, you ranked up factions, you PERMANENTLY unlocked better gear, and you moved up tiers by being able to jump past the crap ships and crap gear to the top equipment.


Now, the game wants you to fly PvP to level up your ships, but it also wants you to fly Invasion Mode to gather crafting resources, and send ships to the Frontier, and get T5 ships to take to SecCon every 3 hours, and to SpecOps every 3 days, and you’re also meant to find time for a PvE mission at least once per day.


Top that off with turning Loyalty into six different currencies, rather than six xp bars that could only go up, and you have the unfocused mess we’ve got today.

90% people. The remain 10% are some wrong choices from devs. 

For me the main problems are :


_ No friendly fire

_ The low tier become unplayable. The game is too focus on balance. This mean I would like incentive to keep playing my lower tier ship.

_ Most ship are exactly the same in appearance (it just feel like a levelling in a bad RPG). The technical background is not deep enough.

_ The lack of link between the back ground and the game mechanism. Part of the fun with RPG element is to actually live it. I have still to feel linked to the story. May be this is not the object of the game but then why have open world element then? I would like to take part in the war from the start not waiting to be rang 15 with a corporation.


That say, the game engine is very fun to play.

Human players.


Since I returned to play single player space sims, my life is better, my blood pressure is back to avg ranges and I’m just enjoying the game.

Human players.


Since I returned to play single player space sims, my life is better, my blood pressure is back to avg ranges and I’m just enjoying the game.


What are you playing? Are they free to play?  I have not found any space sim I can play for free yet :frowning:

What are you playing? Are they free to play?  I have not found any space sim I can play for free yet :frowning:

X3. It is not free to play, but you can buy the X superbox in steam sales for about 10 €. 


Just don’t bother with X rebirth. Stick to X3 terran conflict or albion prelude. The plot in X3 reunion is good also, but the UI is even worse than in the other two games.

>> invasion

>> little adds

>> lack of focus on PvP

Lack of focus.


Devs keep throwing in new content that serves only to spread people out and turn the game into a Facebook product. There are too many modes that are not connected; too many currencies; too much faffing about.


When I started, the game was simplicity itself. You had PvP, Realistic and PvE, and the bulk of the game focused on PvP mode. That’s where the game was strongest, and so that’s where all the attention went. You flew PvP, you ranked up factions, you PERMANENTLY unlocked better gear, and you moved up tiers by being able to jump past the crap ships and crap gear to the top equipment.


Now, the game wants you to fly PvP to level up your ships, but it also wants you to fly Invasion Mode to gather crafting resources, and send ships to the Frontier, and get T5 ships to take to SecCon every 3 hours, and to SpecOps every 3 days, and you’re also meant to find time for a PvE mission at least once per day.


Top that off with turning Loyalty into six different currencies, rather than six xp bars that could only go up, and you have the unfocused mess we’ve got today.


Yeah, i see what you mean. No wonder so many left.

To summarize :
On top of everything said the biggest problem we have is that we have too low playerbase that is spread too thin and continues to spread.

Before Invasion (will not talk about grind here) we had only 2 options. PvP and PvE.  They were split in roughly 5 each.

So we had about 70% PvP and 30% PvE players.
I know it was not 5 que in PvP, but still the point is valid.

Now we have lower player base, spread into more stuff.

Oh, I forgot Sector Conquest que as well.

If we are working with 5000 players we will not have problems. Also Match maker balance problems. But we are working with how many ? They did hide it, but seems 500 in US times and 1000 in EU ? Not EU Prime, which is for 2 hours.

What Jason (and others) said.


1.The game really is great. Lot’s of details, fits, tactics etc, to learn. (that’s good)

   What’s lacking, probably due to the multiple direction shifts of the game, is a good first experience. Something to explain WTH you should be trying to do.

   I know it’s all there if you know where and how to look, but that’s us, not the person who found the game by accident (because there is no advertising).

   It should not take 500-1000 PVP games before you have the basics. (My opinion)


  1. That and all the grind and so many multiple ways to play with so many different currencies for upgrades probably would not be as much of an issue if people could

    log in and be in a match within a minute every time they click engage (more population) More matches in less time =less grind.


  1. One more. Make it easier to talk, find where people are playing, and make it easier to squad and actually get a match. (More population)

A couple of things wrong IMO, and should be noted that this reflects the personal opinion of my self and in no way reflects the opinions of Gaijin or Star Conflict 

  • Low player base 
  • Too much currency’s to keep track of
  • boring matches due to a low player base and game modes that are better suited for large amounts of players on each side 
  • There is no real end goal anymore or that it is really hard to reach as of now
  • Seriously, if the devs want people to sink money in this game, it has to be made a lot cheaper. We still have pre-release prices. DLC should NOT cost more than a stinking 60 dollar peasant game. 
  • Grind factor drives many new players away
  • There is a lack of engaging content that makes you want to come back over and over.
  • The lack of devs who are committed to talk to the community for the English side is practically non existent. There is no active discussions with them, nor do we have engaging events) 
  • Apparently, the game does not like those that do well and actually does not reward skill, its more randomized now
  • Breaking the balance to fight uneven squads basically KILLED team play
  • There is no true corporation alliances or anything engaging that makes the community involved in the in game economy
  • Its seriously feeling more like a Facebook game than anything else. 
  • The prospect of playing with friends is broken when the game does not allow you to get into a game within a reasonable amount of time
  • Corporations have literally nothing to strive for in open space. 
  • Where is the promised dreadnoughts that we were promised nearly 2 years ago!? 

Okay I could go on, but that’s enough sweet rolls for today…