What do you think the flaws of Star Conflicts are?

Oooh. Is this a thread where we put all our complaints?


Low playerbase. I’m sure it’s growing, given all the people reassuring everybody that it is. But that doesn’t change the fact that I have to wait five, ten minutes to get a match. I’ve taken to doing small bits of homework while playing Star Conflict, because it’s pretty darn close to a 50/50 time split.


Unskilled (to the extreme) players everywhere. T5 is the worst. T4 is also the worst. T3 is slightly less bad, but still ridiculous in US primetime. I’m not about to drop down to T2/1. Sec Con is alright, but my experience has mostly been getting rolled by people who are better than me while I try to carry a horrid team, or rolling a terrible team without any encountering serious resistance. Don’t even talk about PvE. Invasion isn’t even really multiplayer, I swear.


Lack of teamwork. I don’t get the chance to squad very often. When I’m solo, there’s very little teamwork happening, in any mode.


Ridiculous grind. Self explanatory.


Ridiculous monetization. See: Invasion. “Pro Tools”. Bundles. DLC with prices to rival AAA titles. Tangentially related: Facebook integration. Ugh.


No real motivation to get better. If I can carry a team, then great. If the MM asks me to carry a team 20 matches in a row, then less great.


Perceived/real lack of punishment for afk botting and purposeful disconnects. Also self explanatory.


Repetitive. What’s T3 like? Some competition at times, overall a fun game. What’s T4 like? No competition at all, typically impossibly hard or impossibly easy games. What’s T5 like? Same as T4 but with the rank 13 implant.

How long have they been aware of these problems? Because I’ve not seen them mention it at all, or do anything about it yet. In fact, we got yet another mode recently, as you might recall… not as big a time waster as Invasion, but it’s still yet another mode to spread people’s focus over…

How long have they been aware of these problems? Because I’ve not seen them mention it at all, or do anything about it yet. In fact, we got yet another mode recently, as you might recall… not as big a time waster as Invasion, but it’s still yet another mode to spread people’s focus over…

If you are talking about spec ops, I don’t consider it “another mode” It is just another PvE scenario, but bigger and more complex.


Also, as it has been said several times, player counts are increasing slowly but firmly since the september release. We had several patches in order to fix (or try to do it at least) the server lags.


The devs don’t need to tell us all the small fixes and twitches they do server side, or even MM side. In fact not knowing that allow us to give better “non biased” feedback.

I was actually thinking of Frontier. Technically, Spec Ops applies, but between the limited time it’s available and the fact that pick-up games just don’t happen I doubt it’s a contributing factor. It’s basically Sector Conquest for PvE players.

I thought he was talking about forward fleet. I really hope that isn’t the only way you can get materials for dreadnoughts.

When the developers don’t tell us we don’t say anything because the difference isn’t that great enough to commend them. Only to denounce them.

Edit: what is frontier?

 better “non biased” feedback.

“non biased” feedback.



Wait … Isn’t the game “released” or we are still guinea pigs in a Beta game that have to test new features ? 

Isn’t released games supposed to have testers teams that play the new features weeks or even months before released, so when they finally go to public they will be close to flawless ?

If we were still in beta - sure, but the game “have been officially released” already.

P.S.: When we asked about advertisement and attracting fresh blood it was said huge  advertisement campaign will be in place “after release”. 

We did not get DreadNOTs on release as promised.

We did not get huge spike in population from advertisements.

I got War Thunder advertisement in my freaking torrent client and pretty much every other site that concerns gaming. No wonder they have 50,000+ online. And here in SCon we are happy if we reach 1,000 on peak hours.

I was actually thinking of Frontier. Technically, Spec Ops applies, but between the limited time it’s available and the fact that pick-up games just don’t happen I doubt it’s a contributing factor. It’s basically Sector Conquest for PvE players.

Frontier missions don’t need players actively playing them. So I don’t see what is the problem here. It is esentially free stuff for doing nothing.

  1. Ties up ships you might want for other modes.


But more importantly:


  1. Exclusive rewards not obtainable anywhere else.


Make what excuses you want on behalf of the Dev Team, but they haven’t given any explanations or evidence that this won’t be the main, if not ONLY way to get stuff for whatever their end-of-year surprise is.


You know what would have been a much better way to introduce exclusive material? An existing mode!


Also, like Mapoko says; it seems to me the people who support the Devs still talk about the game like it’s an open beta…

Also, like Mapoko says; it seems to me the people who support the Devs still talk about the game like it’s an open beta…

As Mapoko says, World of Warcraft has been in Open beta for 10 years, because they are always twitching, changing interfaces, adding content, changing mechanics and fixing balance issues.


I would like you two would be so good warriors in game as you are in the forums. Our corporation will appreciate having such great warriors in our ranks.


In game…that is.

I’m well aware ‘released’ games add new content over time. But released games are not the place to throw out half-finished, untested content “to see what happens”.

Many, Thousands of People play WoW. Only 2 thousand (if we even know for sure since developers ways of knowing) play scon

Many, Thousands of People play WoW. Only 2 thousand (if we even know for sure since developers ways of knowing) play scon

More than 10 million people play WoW (have paying accounts)


Scon has more than double the players you said concurrently in peak times. And the number of accounts playing at least once a week is much, much higher.


Gets your facts straight please.

Maybe if the devs stopped hiding the information he’s trying to quote he could.

As you say 10,000,000 vs 4,000.

You jus proved my point even more so. But where do you find the SCon numbers?

Maybe if the devs stopped hiding the information he’s trying to quote he could.

I knew WoW numbered in the millions but I didn’t want to look stupid if I was wrong but I’m still wrong so I’m still stupid. Xd

You jus proved my point even more so. But where do you find the SCon numbers?

It is not open for players to see them. But you can believe me that in case they were decreasing and were as low as you think they are, I would be the first to complain about that.


But they are not. And I’m confident they will keep increasing.


Also, the number of players is irrelevant for adding content or fixing stuff. 

So why are you so special that you have access? Should I take your word for it? No

The proof is in the pudding. Just because you are nature incarnate and Spanish macho means nothing.

So why are you so special that you have access?


Well, why is one of the two guys translating the whole game to Spanish special and what kind of relationship does he have with Gaijin?  :01515:

That’s why I asked. I didn’t know that.

B-but he has a forum title!