What all we know about Destroyers

Just for those that are curious, here’s a topic that will soon hold all the info that we currently have on Destroyers as a class! (No NDA violations here, as it has all been released publicly)

If you have something to add just add it to the comments.

1: They are extremely durable. Even more so than (most) Guard Frigates.

2: They are slow as glaciers.

3: They hold immense firepower and are true to their name as Destroyers.

4: They have (many) main-weapon turrets.

5: They will have special new modules including the following:

A: Repulsor; Pushes nearby enemies away while dealing damage to them.

B: Gravity Lens; Pulls in enemies from a set distance.

C: Wormhole Generator; Creates a wormhole for the user to travel through.

6: They will have portions of their ships able to be destroyed or deactivated.

Namely engines, capacitors, and main turrets.

7: They will have large turrets of indeterminate firepower mounted on them.

8: They are crafted much like Secret Projects.

9: They are big.

10: They will be at the middle-tier ranks of 8, 11, and 14.

11: It is undecided how much Neodium will be needed to craft each ship.

12: They are submarines.

13: They will be released somewhen close to January 8-13th.

14: They seem to work more effectively using a sort of “Broadsides” tactic.

15: They seem to have some sort of Phase-Shield like the Guards of the game.

16: Their shields are extremely wide and could easily protect some allies from attacks.

17: These wide shields also let enemies that dare to venture close be able to attack the hull and onboard structures very easily.

18: They may or may not have a giant death-beam.

19: They have what seems to be a rapid-fire missile battery.

This battery appears to fire and track enemies on its own.

This structure also appears to be destructible.

20: There are no recorded (public) instances of a Destroyer actually being completely destroyed. Only severely crippled.

21: There are firing “sections” of the main weapon where you can get more or less effective DPS, depending on where you fire from your ship.

There are forward turrets, broadside turrets, belly turrets, and rear turrets.

Sections work only one at a time.

Broadside combines all sections and seems to be the most effective. (I love this)

22: The minimap and class symbol for Destroyers is unique and really quite strange as it combines a feature from each of the other classes.

23: Federation Rank 8 Destroyer is named “Procyon”.

24: Purple.

25: They seem to have either set, or interchangeable main turrets that fire automatically at nearby targets.

Known possible types;

Beam thing

Rapid-fire missiles

Plasma turrets

26: They will require quite the sum of Neodium to craft the internal structures. Unknown other requirements as well.

How much Neodium is needed? Also are they submarines? 

How much Neodium is needed? Also are they submarines? 

A considerable amount.

Space submarines, yes. They dive in deep space.

Just saying, most of the info is true. But not all.

I’m not entirely sure of the turrets. I counted 8 on the Empire one but there may be more. Also haven’t counted on the other two.

Also this info is only what has been released by the devs and media crews. Also if you watch the Spanish/Russian “Age of Destroyers” video there is extra footage of the ships.

I’m not entirely sure of the turrets. I counted 8 on the Empire one but there may be more. Also haven’t counted on the other two.

Also this info is only what has been released by the devs and media crews. Also if you watch the Spanish/Russian “Age of Destroyers” video there is extra footage of the ships.

Well, I’ve flown them myself and I didn’t say that all is wrong, actually most of it is right, yes.

And the modules came from a news blog on Tumblr for SC. not sure how accurate it is but it seems to be semi-accurate. I only got involved in it bc they referenced me because of the commotion I made over Hunters. XD


In this video, Lesort describes mechanics (no dmg numbers though) of 3 destroyers modules, he talks about specifics of multi purpose modules as well. He mentions number of turrets on a broad side and talks a bit about “F” module and faction differences.

I sprekenze little Russian. What’s he sayin.

How about you give us a rundown of just how they work. For the benefit of the Empire, of course.

How about you give us a rundown of just how they work. For the benefit of the Empire, of course.

My year long reserves of kindness run out when i fixed your escalator.

I want info too :frowning:

Cmon lets get a translator up in here.

Or at least his original document so I can translate. The video comes through really badly so I can’t see characters…

Can you put where you get these information? If they’re from videos I totally wanna see the footage my self.

wanna know more!!!

Fox. Show me where you got the info about the death beam. Now. I must see this for myself.

Digging… Gimmie a sec.

Here is a link to the one that shows beams: http://youtu.be/ai9c3g_ptGU

I believe it is shown first at 1:11

Digging… Gimmie a sec.

Here is a link to the one that shows beams: http://youtu.be/ai9c3g_ptGU

I believe it is shown first at 1:11

Interesting how the link doesn’t show unless I quote you. I mean I tried highlighting and it doesn’t show. Maybe for me only.


EDIT: Oh… After I posted, the link is gone again and I have a very huge space instead of the link… I can only see the link if I edit/quote before posting. Whata.

Here’s the paste as text:

Digging… Gimmie a sec.

Here is a link to the one that shows beams: http://youtu.be/ai9c3g_ptGU

I believe it is shown first at 1:11

Holy… okay, so ship tree overhaul, THERE IS A GIANT F******** LASER, the shields is big enough to fit 2 tormentors next to each other inside of a destroyers shield, they seem to inherit the phase shield, and they use normal frigate guns(?)


Hype train. Engaged.
