Weapons For Federation Frigates


I have few ideas  for Federation Weapons for their Frigates since they have only one  upgradable cannon for vouchers ( not including ellipse which is restricted to engineer class )



Sequence Cannons  ( or Burst Cannons ) 

They in fact would be similar to Positron cannons only for mid range .

The shooting mechanics (animation) would look as follow . After pressing LMB to fire , turrets would Fire ONE by ONE in sequence  ( so one mouse click  = 4 shot burst ) . 


Gatling  ( or MiniGuns ) 

Similar to Heavy Blaster  only EM dmg , Smaller Projectiles and Spread , Faster Spin up  


I have few ideas  for Federation Weapons for their Frigates since they have only one  upgradable cannon for vouchers ( not including ellipse which is restricted to engineer class )



Sequence Cannons  ( or Burst Cannons ) 

They in fact would be similar to Positron cannons only for mid range .

The shooting mechanics (animation) would look as follow . After pressing LMB to fire , turrets would Fire ONE by ONE in sequence  ( so one mouse click  = 4 shot burst ) . 


Gatling  ( or MiniGuns ) 

Similar to Heavy Blaster  only EM dmg , Smaller Projectiles and Spread , Faster Spin up  

So basically, EM coil mortars and EM Heavy blasters which should really be kinetic because gatling guns don’t fire plasma.

So basically, EM coil mortars and EM Heavy blasters which should really be kinetic because gatling guns don’t fire plasma.


yeah but just imagine that …  ;p 


A10 ThunderBolt  Gatling  shooting  EM rounds … ;p 


and not just EM Coil Mortar … cause it shots  constant  ( auto but with very slow Rate of fire ) .


im  talking about   one Click = turret 1  bam  2-3s delay  turret 2 bam  2-3s delay  turret 3 bam 2-3s delay turret 4 bam  


with Coli Mortar u can hold down mouse button and they will shoot till overheat 


with my idea Sequence Cannons   u would have to Click to shoot 4 round salvo  and then click again 

Minigun cannot be introduced as you think, because the hard cap for rate of fire is 300 rounds per minute in this game. In fact Heavy blaster already hit that cap in most builds (standard with rank 11 implant is 297 rpm)


The sequence cannon is just a coil mortar with burst damage. While it can be interesting, it is more of the same at the end, and we already have alpha damage guns (positrons)

a heavy blaster on curved at 300 rpm would shred anything using that sequence cannon

Minigun cannot be introduced as you think, because the hard cap for rate of fire is 300 rounds per minute in this game. In fact Heavy blaster already hit that cap in most builds (standard with rank 11 implant is 297 rpm)


The sequence cannon is just a coil mortar with burst damage. While it can be interesting, it is more of the same at the end, and we already have alpha damage guns (positrons)


usually you can implement weapons like the minigun as hitscan weapons in such a scenario (see vulcan cannon in descent), also you can create an animation which seems to shoot faster / animate more shots on the client, and only balance it via damage calculation - like the laser, the minigun would fire a continuous burst, but only hit in periods.


technically you would have to balance it to the rof of other weapons anyway. All “limits” in the game engine usually correspond not only to limits in the simulation (more visual problems / continuity problems above certain values, like 700m/s, or 300 rpm in our case, rly depends on engine and scale), but also to limits in the balance.


however for me assault rails are pretty much the machinegun, i would rather see a gatling on a dread one day; after all to use a gun like that, you should also feel its power, the recoil, etc. so it has to be done right, if you want to use it in a space setting with death rays and force fields. I assume every weapon we use atm. is way more deadly, as our ships have also shields and highly complex armor, and we are accumulating the rarest and heaviest elements in our freetime.


so basicly i agree; however I think when we suggest stuff, we should not immediately think about limits too much. while i am not sure, what a minigun would add to the game, it would be certainly possible to implement it, to feel like a minigun, theoretically, all i’m sayin :slight_smile:


but it would certainly be weird as em weapon.

usually you can implement weapons like the minigun as hitscan weapons in such a scenario (see vulcan cannon in descent), also you can create an animation which seems to shoot faster / animate more shots on the client, and only balance it via damage calculation - like the laser, the minigun would fire a continuous burst, but only hit in periods.


technically you would have to balance it to the rof of other weapons anyway. All “limits” in the game engine usually correspond not only to limits in the simulation (more visual problems / continuity problems above certain values, like 700m/s, or 300 rpm in our case, rly depends on engine and scale), but also to limits in the balance.


however for me assault rails are pretty much the machinegun, i would rather see a gatling on a dread one day; after all to use a gun like that, you should also feel its power, the recoil, etc. so it has to be done right, if you want to use it in a space setting with death rays and force fields. I assume every weapon we use atm. is way more deadly, as our ships have also shields and highly complex armor, and we are accumulating the rarest and heaviest elements in our freetime.


so basicly i agree; however I think when we suggest stuff, we should not immediately think about limits too much. while i am not sure, what a minigun would add to the game, it would be certainly possible to implement it, to feel like a minigun, theoretically, all i’m sayin :slight_smile:


but it would certainly be weird as em weapon.


EXACTLY  VULCAN CANNON … thanks for reminding me of that …  Black Prophecy … only for Frigates . 


I have few ideas  for Federation Weapons for their Frigates since they have only one  upgradable cannon for vouchers ( not including ellipse which is restricted to engineer class )



Sequence Cannons  ( or Burst Cannons ) 

They in fact would be similar to Positron cannons only for mid range .

The shooting mechanics (animation) would look as follow . After pressing LMB to fire , turrets would Fire ONE by ONE in sequence  ( so one mouse click  = 4 shot burst ) . 


Gatling  ( or MiniGuns ) 

Similar to Heavy Blaster  only EM dmg , Smaller Projectiles and Spread , Faster Spin up  

Well, see, there’s this really neat little symmetry in all the weapon types. There’s 18 main weapons total - 4 for each general weight class, and 6 that are role-specific to ECM, tackler, engi, recon, command, and guard. For the 12 weight-class specific weapons, there’s 4 of each damage type. Frigs get two thermal, fighters get two kinetic, and inties get two EM. For the 6 role-specific, there’s probably going to be a further 3 added next Christmas such that there’s 3 of each damage type.


As a side note, it annoys me somewhat that the most recent weapons don’t follow the rule of em > fed and thermal > empire.


Anyhow, adding more weapons to frigs would not only be a balance nightmare (because, believe it or not, you still have to balance weapons in PvE), but would also ruin the symmetry. And that would just be upsetting.

Everything statue said is accurate. All weapons in the game are (excluding the most recent ones), have voucher upgrades equally distributed to all the sub-factions.


Refer to this chart: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NApdGvwWbw3a0UnNKsn4qgvyLrFf31AKKBbyFX60wgI/edit#gid=1825015055


The new weapons are the exception, as they don’t follow the EM=fed, therm=emp, and kin=jer setup that the other 15 weapons follow.

Everything statue said is accurate. All weapons in the game are (excluding the most recent ones), have voucher upgrades equally distributed to all the sub-factions.


Refer to this chart: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1NApdGvwWbw3a0UnNKsn4qgvyLrFf31AKKBbyFX60wgI/edit#gid=1825015055


The new weapons are the exception, as they don’t follow the EM=fed, therm=emp, and kin=jer setup that the other 15 weapons follow.

I was mostly kidding about the symmetry part, but yes, balance nightmare.


I say “mostly kidding” because as it is, most vouchers are spread relatively evenly, such that most players are likely to spend equal amounts of time in each hangar. However, if you add two god-tier weapons to Fed, it seems quite likely that the hangar populations would be a little less, uh, even.

Upon reading your post more thoroughly, it seems you don’t understand how the weapons and voucher upgrades work. Just because a weapon requires federation vouchers for upgrades doesn’t mean you can only run those weapons on fed ships. You can use any frigate weapon on any faction’s frigates you want.