Weapon Rebalancing

this thread shall only contain suggestions about the weapon rebalancing - ONLY weapons (no discussion about resistance calculation, modules e.g.)


in my opinion there should be a general weapon ranking which will dictate certain stats of a weapon without applying a certain value

  • Assault: all rounder weapon but beaten by the more speciallized weapons 
  • Rapid-fire: close combat, high rate of fire, short range
  • Heavy: lower rate of fire than the Assault model but more damage and range while overheating faster
  • Sniper: high damage, high range, slow firing weapons

for those how like formulas


Damage / Volley: Rapid-Fire < Assault < Heavy < Sniper

Damage / sec: Sniper < Heavy < Assault < Rapid-Fire


ROF (Rate of fire): Sniper < Heavy < Assault < Rapid-Fire


Range: Rapid-Fire < Assault < Heavy < Sniper


Heat / Shot: Rapid-Fire < Assault < Heavy < Sniper


Charge Speed: Heavy < Rapid-Fire, Assault < Sniper



also there should be an overall weapon kind balance similiar to the one stated above

the basic characteristics like inflicted damage type and the cartrigde stay the same (laser - beam, plasma and railgun - projectiles)

the heavy and the sniper plasma gun remain chargeable / are the only chargeable weapons: if charged they inflict comparable damage like the laser / railgun counterpart


Damage / Volley: Plasma < Railgun < Laser

Damage / sec: Laser < Railgun < Plasma


ROF (Rate of fire): Laser < Railgun < Plasma


Range: Plasma < Railgun < Laser


to end this summary of suggestions slow barrels and the aimbot should be completely removed

Sounds like something I could get behind, although I get the feeling that the removal of slow barrels+aimbot needs another consequence. Because they were put in to hinder the high damage output, right?

I was thinking nukes should have a longer cool-down time between use one that does not reset upon death and less payload. in-order to help control or discourage mad bombing tactics in missions like killing the enemy captain. 


Messages like this???  :Dwop

wow someone actually answered :smiley:

@ Floipd if we keep the slow barrels the aimbot should be removed and the rotation speed increased because right no one stands any sort of chance in a cqc engagement


@ Lunarwolf

    1. i don’t use nukes so i can’t judge them now… what is the current cooldown? maybe the current cooldown +3-5 sec.

        yet i wouldn’t penalise the use of nukes upon death…sometimes a desperate bomb run is the only option to lose a deadlock

    2. yes both of your answers are the ones i asked for :slight_smile: - i might been a little bit harsh when writing the intro but i want a constructive discussion which focuses at the balancing


No no, I meant: heavy weapons are the most powerful, so they were given the slow barrels to make sure they didn’t just exist out of advantages. If you remove the slow barrels their countermeasure disappears, so that would mean they would either be too strong or need stat adjusment, right?

Yes, that is correct. Personally i don’t like the slow barrel thing, It makes the game very, well slow pace feeling.


I much rather see the game have lower rates of damage in general, with variant rages, and range gaps to give them some value. For example


Note: Hits for is the damage you will typically see yourself doing on optimal sources (for example, you shooting a target shields with em will be this value)



Range:0-2 km

Hits For: 200-300



Range 2-3 km

Hits For: 350-450



Range: 3-4 km

Hits for: 750-850



Range: 6-8 km

Hits for: 550-650

This sounds awsome a ranking system would be great for the weapon types i mostly use heavies i would love to improve my ROF through ranking up. Stuff like this just just give the game a bit more flavor.


Range:0-2 km

Hits For: 200-300



Range 2-3 km

Hits For: 350-450



Range: 3-4 km

Hits for: 750-850



Range: 6-8 km

Hits for: 550-650


I like that.

So you not only do less/no damage when the target is too far away but also when it is too close! This would add a lot of strategical gameplay, really great idea.

@ Uhmari: this “Hits for” refers to damage / barrel / volley or is it the damage / barrel / sec?

It would be the damage you would see yourself doing on the target. would be about 25% of damage in impact. So if you hit for 500 damage, impact is around 150.

It would be the damage you would see yourself doing on the target. would be about 25% of damage in impact. So if you hit for 500 damage, impact is around 150.

How much damage is done on the target depends on your weapons/modules/buffs/skills and on the enemies resistances/modules/buffs/skills

Hail plasma


This weapon would need a bit more rate of FIRE or a bit more damage


I foud the whole system pretty well balanced atm :wink:

How much damage is done on the target depends on your weapons/modules/buffs/skills and on the enemies resistances/modules/buffs/skills

These are just general “conceptual” numbers that are like basically the assault In general should hit 400 damage (as an example) Which it does right now give or take the player with high resistance to that damage time (who should be ignored).


in general all weapons except heavy are fine with the exception of rails (OMG SO BAD!!!) and i feel lasers need 120 RPM To make them better. Other then that damage is great. its things like spread and especially range that need a fix.