Waz'Got - Th'ak'Len R11-15 is still missing!




Why is the Waz’Got’s weapon - Th’ak’Len R11-15 still missing?


[Clip: Th’ak’Len R11-15]



[Barrel: Th’ak’Len R11-15]



[‘Th’ak’Len’ blueprint R11-15]



Workshop: This blueprint is still locked.




Did they forget about it?

i think so, which sucks because if how amazing of a multipurpose weapon it is

I laugh at the players who actually payed for the ship … remember the hanger bonuses over a year ago ??? federation got a 8% crit chance   and the other 2 hangers were soon to follow ??? STILL WAITING …

they say it’ll be implemented later on, don’t know when tho

Empire has 7% weapon dmg buff from even before 8% crit on feds, so it is only Jerry

17 minutes ago, xKostyan said:

Empire has 7% weapon dmg buff from even before 8% crit on feds, so it is only Jerry

Jerry got a shield res buff of cca 15pts on all damage types a while ago iirc .


As for the weapon it would be nice to see more of the vulcan kind of grind lol (that was easy at least)

Indeed. We’re planing to add these later, but for now we’re focused on new update, which will coming up soon ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

8 hours ago, ORCA1911 said:

Jerry got a shield res buff of cca 15pts on all damage types a while ago


Shield buff was not done to make a racial perk, it was done to make the ships more competitive against other factions.

Empire has 7% damage boost, but this is not meant to be a racial perk.


Jericho is more technologically advanced race, in the field of Cybernetics.

I would give them a passive bonus which reduces the spread of the weapons by 20%. (precision perk)


Empire is the military faction. I would give them an extra 15% critical damage boost.

3 hours ago, CinnamonFake said:

Indeed. We’re planing to add these later, but for now we’re focused on new update, which will coming up soon ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

Do you also plan to add the ability to craft Ellydium parts? In short, an alternative will be provided to make things easier, but not necessarily more affordable.

I will make one more suggestion on that.

3 hours ago, Koromac said:

Shield buff was not done to make a racial perk, it was done to make the ships more competitive against other factions.

Empire has 7% damage boost, but this is not meant to be a racial perk.


It is a racial perk and was always meant that way


3 hours ago, Koromac said:

Shield buff was not done to make a racial perk, it was done to make the ships more competitive against other factions.


Which can easily be called racial perk since it’s unique to Jericho

On 12/13/2017 at 12:56 AM, CinnamonFake said:

Indeed. We’re planing to add these later, but for now we’re focused on new update, which will coming up soon ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

While I’m sure these new updates are important to YOU, none of us gives a flying xxxx, give us our th’ak’len 15, we’ve waited long enough, and before long, someone is going to get tired of waiting and push the red button, and then all of Gaiden will be turned to dust in the far reaches of space!!!
personally, I would love to bring my waz’got to r15, but I am waiting at 12, because the weapon is still rank 12

I understand, new content is important… but teasing us for months on end does not make for a healthy lifestyle!!! if you had no intention of adding it to the game, you shouldn’t have made it so we can look at it and stare at it with no hope of obtaining it… ENOUGH IS ENOUGH

I would not say Wazzi was not of interest in rank15 without the Th’ak’Len 17.

But its true, for some Wazzi build I’d like to have the Th’ak’Len 17 and overall I must say that the Waz’Got has some weapons I do not use, because they lack damage and I do not find proper use cases for them:

  • WL13_EL Emitter 17 [thermal] (because aiming is really difficult, so I end with low effectiveness after battles)
  • Waz’Gul 17 [EM] (its interesting and sound and mechanic all super but too low damage - won’t be useful against Aliens. Remove spread give it range maybe then it could compete )
  • Vulcan 17 [kinetic] (can’t deliver proper damage to targets in r15 pvp etc, great weapon though, lower max spread a bit more crit chance and more range a bit -most builds do not have the necessary 3 CPU modifiers and you maybe want other modules in CPU section)
  • Dag’tnith Laucher 17 [EM] (good interesting design, but way too slow projectile speed, what scenario would I have use for it - slow dessies? And what then? How to defend against swift interceptors come in for killing me?
  • Eclipse Launcher 17 [EM] (ideal weapon for Engineers, + range and dps and make a version of it that brings in scrap parts that would be fantastic, and make it an EM version of the Th’ak’Len this way, great option because we need EMs against Aliens, mostly, and now the meta is changing to thermal long range fighter builds ;))
  • all other weapons show too low dps, basically, and lack in range





On 12/13/2017 at 7:56 AM, CinnamonFake said:

Indeed. We’re planing to add these later, but for now we’re focused on new update, which will coming up soon ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)

[@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/)


It’s time to get this upgrade!

[@CinnamonFake](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257821-cinnamonfake/)


When do we get this event?

I would be really glad if we could get (any) official response here.

I suppose we will get it all this week?

Please - take responsibility for the swift Federation Engineers-- not only the Empire ones-- and give us real stuff – mustnm’t be that OP like in certain fighter or inty section - because we are less number of Engy lovers – but still have a heart (as Koro implied!!)

11 hours ago, avarshina said:

Please - take responsibility for the swift Federation Engineers-- not only the Empire ones-- and give us real stuff – mustnm’t be that OP like in certain fighter or inty section - because we are less number of Engy lovers – but still have a heart (as Koro implied!!)

It looks like it’s all over. Even the Super-Testers gave up, Russians themselves! It’s hopeless!