Waz'Got "Gravi-Wave" Issue

12 hours ago, Koromac said:

…They made this module to be a press and kill module in close quarters.

They want money, so such broken module is probably intended.

But that sounds like conspiracy theory!

Lrf frigates have mine-layer, guards have damage auras, engineers now have a gravy wave…


The module is good as is! It is useful against circling interceptors. And it can push a foe away to have him in proper missile range…

Its just such a fine & fun and good tactical module. I dunno why all this complaing about it.

Its fair with its rather high energy costs, its small perimeter of activity (inside close range of 1500m) and its fair recharge time.

This thing is balanced and works fine - one of the greatest engineer modules on the UMC market.

On 24.09.2017 at 1:08 AM, IFreakinLoveBass said:

Wrong. If a ship is flying over  700ms for any reason it will instant crash, I am NOT talking about semi crashes into asteroids or low speed crash, this module forces you past 700ms thus making anything you hit kill you. No amount of resistance will help, crashing damage is neutral. I had full shields with said implant applied, still instant crashed. Explain that please…

Hmmm apparently not in all situations. Today I got myself between waz’got and an asteroid in an intie. I got ~1k kinetic damage from the module and almost no damage from the collision. Then killed the Waz’got. Seriously - if you know that ship has this module, just don’t fly into close quarters if you don’t have collision protection. Engies always had a problem with survivability, they now have at least an option to hide somewhere and maybe survive. In the open or semi open space, 2 gunships will shred any engie in seconds whatever it has onboard (unless it’s a styx, minotaur or naga of course). Now at least it puts you out of your comfort zone of “hey, it’s an engie! Free kill!” to “where should I position myself? Does he have a gravi wave or not?”  - which is basically the core of this game from the beginning - positioning, guessing enemy build, applying tactics. From my perspective - this module is useless and a waste of active slot, as it has it’s use on few maps and only if positioned correctly. 

1 hour ago, niripas said:

Hmmm apparently not in all situations. Today I got myself between waz’got and an asteroid in an intie. I got ~1k kinetic damage from the module and almost no damage from the collision. Then killed the Waz’got. Seriously - if you know that ship has this module, just don’t fly into close quarters if you don’t have collision protection. Engies always had a problem with survivability, they now have at least an option to hide somewhere and maybe survive. In the open or semi open space, 2 gunships will shred any engie in seconds whatever it has onboard (unless it’s a styx, minotaur or naga of course). Now at least it puts you out of your comfort zone of “hey, it’s an engie! Free kill!” to “where should I position myself? Does he have a gravi wave or not?”  - which is basically the core of this game from the beginning - positioning, guessing enemy build, applying tactics. From my perspective - this module is useless and a waste of active slot, as it has it’s use on few maps and only if positioned correctly. 

You fail to see the point. No other ship makes you do this! You don’t need collision protection fighting a normal engineer! That’s the post’s highlight! It’s so OP it forces us to do this! I don’t care if there are counters, by making me move a module in favor of collision compensator what’s next? A shield module that reduces pulsar damage by 80% for the elly guard sure to come? Come on Niripas your blinded. 

Destroyers have a push beam that does pretty much the same thing.


Just because other ships dont have it does not mean it is bad. It is a nice defencive module that takes consideration to use vs food players, some love for engies for once.



3 hours ago, IFreakinLoveBass said:

You fail to see the point. No other ship makes you do this! You don’t need collision protection fighting a normal engineer! That’s the post’s highlight! It’s so OP it forces us to do this! I don’t care if there are counters, by making me move a module in favor of collision compensator what’s next? A shield module that reduces pulsar damage by 80% for the elly guard sure to come? Come on Niripas your blinded. 

Nobody says you need to  equip certain modules, but you will need adjust your play style at least .

If a target stands still > Gravi Waved  > bounce several times > die  vs / moving  > Gravi Waved > bounce maybe once  > survive


Adapting is more important in that situation than changing Modules/implants.

9 hours ago, niripas said:

Hmmm apparently not in all situations. Today I got myself between waz’got and an asteroid in an intie. I got ~1k kinetic damage from the module and almost no damage from the collision. Then killed the Waz’got. Seriously - if you know that ship has this module, just don’t fly into close quarters if you don’t have collision protection. Engies always had a problem with survivability, they now have at least an option to hide somewhere and maybe survive. In the open or semi open space, 2 gunships will shred any engie in seconds whatever it has onboard (unless it’s a styx, minotaur or naga of course). Now at least it puts you out of your comfort zone of “hey, it’s an engie! Free kill!” to “where should I position myself? Does he have a gravi wave or not?”  - which is basically the core of this game from the beginning - positioning, guessing enemy build, applying tactics. From my perspective - this module is useless and a waste of active slot, as it has it’s use on few maps and only if positioned correctly. 

I can confirm all that Niri said,. And I almost completely fly the Waz’Got (or Engineer frigates for that matter in general) exclusively.

The Gravi’Wave is very far from being a win-guaratee module, nor is it a survive-guarantee module. Good interceptor and gunship pilots are still a very hard threat to your Waz’Got. You sometimes just buy seconds to hide or recharge for healing module or position right to kill them of with a missile, if you have one in the missile cassette left (but this will only kill the enemy if he is already injured on low shields/hulls).


All the Gravi’Wave does, really, is disturbing players and getting them out of their comfort zone, as this complain thread by [IFreakinLoveBass](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/257278-ifreakinlovebass/ “Go to IFreakinLoveBass’s profile”) proves. Very seldomly an enemy ship gets killed by the collision while more often an enemy ship very low on hull/shield is killed by the Gravi wave module’s

He fought against my Wazgot in T5 PvP on several 2 vs 2 encounters and he pm me and was in rage and threatened me to me abusing the Waz’Got modules. He also doesn’t like the special module of Wazgot Mk III ‘Green mist’ (3s invulnerability for allies in 2000m range). But positron cannon for example is a serious test for any Waz’Got pilot - so as always it depends on your skills, tactics


I’ve argued and am still arguing that Waz’Got lacks that 3rd passive shield module slot (from rank 9 on <> no use for that +30% shield regen node) to have

a proper build option to make it a Styx, Minotaur or Naga equivalent in the Ellydium line of new ships. And I hope there will come at least 1 patch with a buff for the Waz’Got (because this fine ship deserves a little love and we had several buffs as well as debuffs for the Tai’Kins/Thargas).


5 hours ago, xKostyan said:

…, some love for engies for once.

Exactly!!! Couldn’t have said it better.


5 hours ago, roxxen said:

Nobody says you need to  equip certain modules, but you will need adjust your play style at least .

If a target stands still > Gravi Waved  > bounce several times > die  vs / moving  > Gravi Waved > bounce maybe once  > survive


Adapting is more important in that situation than changing Modules/implants.

Yes, and more is coming, we will get reworked standard and premium ship models, soon after last phase of Wazgot (r15) is finisched. New playstyles are waiting for all pilots to be acustomed to.

Don’t you think that destroying a destroyer at full health by pressing “1” is a bit op?


I mean even if not everybody aims to crash enemies into asteroids, but there are some players who exclusively do that to kill others (probably because they are just using engineer for the drones cause their aim is complete xxxx). And onehitting people by using a module should not be a gameplan.

3 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

Don’t you think that destroying a destroyer at full health by pressing “1” is a bit op?


I mean even if not everybody aims to crash enemies into asteroids, but there are some players who exclusively do that to kill others (probably because they are just using engineer for the drones cause their aim is complete xxxx). And onehitting people by using a module should not be a gameplan.

Think. Do you really think that getting to less than a kilometer to a destroyer by a ship doing 235m/s is a viable tactics? Gravi-Wave has a range of 1250 meters, to throw someone onto the obstacle it needs to be at 1km or less. Which is wayy in the destroyer danger zone, where even a cruise missile is doing 30k dmg and coil mortar will constantly hit the dessie for 6k/shot. So what just happened? Is the player with the destroyer blind? Or maybe did what OP did in the video (took the destroyer to fight in confined space - which is a total misuse of the ship). Heck, if the destroyer would have repelling beam equipped it would just do exactly the same - throw a ship against an obstacle with 3k range.

This module is completely useless if attacker knows what he is doing.TBH I have to check if collision remedies work against this module.



53 minutes ago, Flash0914 said:

Don’t you think that destroying a destroyer at full health by pressing “1” is a bit op?

 Don’t you think that destroying a ship at full health by no strategy is a bit op?


 I go doghtfight with a destroyer when I have mobility, and when you have a mobility you can sometime crash you… so I taken a implant for collisions.

 OK the gravi wave is a bit OP for the oneshots, but for oneshot you need a obstacle…and tis module take a place of other modul of engine for the team.


I personally love the fact that destroyer pilots are being killed by this ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)

You outdamage, outrange and outtank the engi… just avoid standing near walls. Not really hard, there’s lots of open space in most maps

Haven’t died to gravi wave since the first few days people first started using it

This module sucks. It is a testimony to the state of the game.


41 minutes ago, Oregyen said:

This module sucks.


I agree. It actually doesn’t do too much to inties and gunships. Buff needed!



On 8.11.2017 at 5:27 PM, Flash0914 said:

Don’t you think that destroying a destroyer at full health by pressing “1” is a bit op?


I mean even if not everybody aims to crash enemies into asteroids, but there are some players who exclusively do that to kill others (probably because they are just using engineer for the drones cause their aim is complete xxxx). And onehitting people by using a module should not be a gameplan.

Mostly overconfident pilot come right up for you – and if they are unlucky I can push them away, because my gravi wave module is charged and ready. Only seldomly does it happen that a ship crashes against an obstacle and is destroyed, but sometime one gets one shoted by … so many things in SC.

As attacker, the module pushes me away but after a bit wobbling I right attack again as if nothing happened, so what…

On 11/8/2017 at 10:58 PM, niripas said:

I agree. It actually doesn’t do too much to inties and gunships. Buff needed!

It can do, IMO the biggest problem is not the module but certain maps (especially the small abandoned complex) where everythhn that is ‘indoors’ is a suicide zone if the enemy has gravity wave. But yes on most other maps it can be easily evaded.

On 11/10/2017 at 6:49 AM, John161 said:

It can do, IMO the biggest problem is not the module but certain maps (especially the small abandoned complex) where everythhn that is ‘indoors’ is a suicide zone if the enemy has gravity wave. But yes on most other maps it can be easily evaded.

The best way to use this module is that it can never exceed 700 m/s when used.

That way one hit kills won’t be a problem anymore. Should be 690m./s max.

Another way is that it could just teleport enemy targets instead of pushing them.

They could also increase the speed limit

30 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

They could also increase the speed limit

That’s not possible due to extremely poor game’s engine. HammerEngine is obsolete and limited technology now, 2008 is really showing up now.

29 minutes ago, Koromac said:

That’s not possible due to extremely poor game’s engine. HammerEngine is obsolete and limited technology now, 2008 is really showing up now.

i don’t see why the game engine prevent from putting the speed limit higher, ships have no trouble going up to 750m/s with a blackhole

50 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:

i don’t see why the game engine prevent from putting the speed limit higher, ships have no trouble going up to 750m/s with a blackhole

Afaik there was once a statement (from a Dev or so) that the insta death of collision with over 700m/s is a Engine Limitation.

42 minutes ago, John161 said:

Afaik there was once a statement (from a Dev or so) that the insta death of collision with over 700m/s is a Engine Limitation.

Oh okay that explain why thanks ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)