waz'got discussion

so, what are you people interested in about the upcoming ship? please post ideas for modules

i don’t want to give idea to dev’s about that xD

Aliens Aliens Alies… Waz’got’balence?

Don’t they already have modules?

12 hours ago, RennieAshII said:

Don’t they already have modules?

Right now only one and a weapon.

The whole “eating ships” thing seems interesting but I know the devs will ruin it and make it a copypasta matter absorber or whatever.


And this ship, just by what they’ve said so far, is a culmination of lots of my ideas that the devs ruined, made pay to use, and made not half as fun as my original ideas.

I legitimately wanted to have a discussion, please give suggestions

I’m legitimately not seeing any hate here man. One guy stated he didn’t want to give the devs any ideas which I can’t say that I blame him and honestly there isn’t much to say about it.


The rest would be just making things up like saying the Ellydium ECM Special Module will literally dc you from the game. And we are always reading up ideas about new modules and weapons so if you aren’t getting quite the response you were looking for well that’s the reason, or partly anyway.


I started a thread last week that I thought was good idea and not a single person replied to it. Sometime its just a bad idea man.

It seemed legit considering the way PvP was going so I came up with this ^^




I hope waz’goat will have

Alien mass shield generator
what will damage enemies around you.

Alien n** anodrone cloud**
what damage enemies hull directly around you.
Alien static barrier
what makes damage to player what shoot it.
Alien teleport gate
teleport the ships around you, and make damage to the enemies around you 
Alien Shield and Hull repair stations
shoot enemies and heal allies

I would expect something like this. Super bonus would be if similarly to Spiral the special module would detach a taikin ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”) 

2 hours ago, xXConflictionXx said:

I’m legitimately not seeing any hate here man. One guy stated he didn’t want to give the devs any ideas which I can’t say that I blame him and honestly there isn’t much to say about it.


The rest would be just making things up like saying the Ellydium ECM Special Module will literally dc you from the game. And we are always reading up ideas about new modules and weapons so if you aren’t getting quite the response you were looking for well that’s the reason, or partly anyway.


I started a thread last week that I thought was good idea and not a single person replied to it. Sometime its just a bad idea man.

It seemed legit considering the way PvP was going so I came up with this ^^




i agree  this  game  is going to be  a  troll fest till after the  last elly ship has had the  last nerf and there’s no more  money to be  squeezed from that faction … till then we are all fcked in pvp  and  from what i heard  the dev’s are planning a  whole  new  pve  like  the  new  one  that nobody likes  so … where does that leave  this  game  … Co-Op only

13 minutes ago, Original_Taz said:

i agree  this  game  is going to be  a  troll fest till after the  last elly ship has had the  last nerf and there’s no more  money to be  squeezed from that faction … till then we are all fcked in pvp  and  from what i heard  the dev’s are planning a  whole  new  pve  like  the  new  one  that nobody likes  so … where does that leave  this  game  … Co-Op only


I personally like Ariadnes Thread but the Guards need to be toned down a bit ffs 2 hits on a recon in t4 or 5 and you’re dead.

And those small ships that orbit you with 360 firing arc with shrapnel canon faster than mass driver. Those are fun.

24 minutes ago, TheDarkRedFox said:

And those small ships that orbit you with 360 firing arc with shrapnel canon faster than mass driver. Those are fun.

LOL that’s true and I only need 8 more +1’s and I am off to the races but until then, enjoy another post and don’t forget to +1 it for no reason at all ^^


BTW, waz’got you so upset about a thread anyway?




I would like a passive module taking capacitor, increasing drone numbers at cost of energy cap and regen. Making the ship a drone carrier/hive.

I’d like to have a new missile slot module: Drone Enhancer


Drone Enhancer will give upon activation:

+50% drones /or +3 drones

  • can switch/preload damage type (kinetic, beam, ecm)

They don’t need to create something new every time. The old school modules work well. Something like alien version of old engineering modules, maybe 50% more effective.

Waz’Got seems to be balanced, because i flying gunship with Ion Emitter :DDDDDDDDDD.

Wuz’Gut is the bigger, slower ship of all the Ellydium ships, but isn’t nearly as tanky as Tai’Kin or Thar’Ga  ![:secret:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/secret.gif “:secret:”)

Development/Reserach-Points distribution until rank 8 is a bit silly, because one doesn’t need any second capacitor active module slot at all… and other things like – you sum up development points too fast until rank 8.

Waz’Got doesn’t get you points for support ally ships in battles (you have to get kills yourself and try to capture beacons too) ![:ph34r:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/ph34r.gif “:ph34r:”)



*The only thing I really like   ![:wub:](< base_url >/uploads/emoticons/wub.gif “:wub:”) is the 4 drones (but not durable enough and is too weak in DPS)


*Waz’Got dies too fast… (unlike the nerfy Taikin and Thargas)

*Waz’Got is too slow to follow as a healer engineer frigate…

*drones are too weak and

* need special load for the missile bay, because drones already act as missiles.


In rank 8 the Phoenix frigate flys way more sexy and is way better (more tanky, only not so much healer, but healers are not in high demand any more (besides dessys) in servival and other chaotic battle-types)

The 3 Phoenix drones are better than the 2 (4) Waz’Gut ones…



i feel like waz’got and phoenix should get points for damage taken by the temporary shields that they give, what do you think?


Thats what we have in game (after the upgrade, was it end of 2016?).


Upper half of screenshot:

  • Kills
  • Kill-Assists
  • Captures
  • Effectiveness

making your rewards.


Lower half of srceenshot:

  • Enemy destroyed (kills)
  • Damage assist (kills xxxx.)
  • Buff assist
  • Object capture
  • Drone destruction

What can you learn from it in a Engineer frigate (healer)?


It leaves me curious if healing or shielding or missile take down or tanking fire of enemy and attracting fire to let mates run for beacon/target – ever gets a reward. In other words acting out the ship role gets too little reward. Thats why everyone loves TaiKin, now? : beacon hunter, mass-ship killer, destro-killer - who needs another ship for the game any longer ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)

I’d say:

  1. less points to kills would be a start,
  2. rewards for ships acting in regard to their role would be a second, and
  3. disable ships by fire on them (as an option to continue firing on them to make them explode ), which is quicker than  continue firing on them to make them explode plus their recycle-time, and then go fly head on for target or group support would be a third 

And what pisses me off is that Waz’Got got 4 even more fragile drones than Phoenix or Fred engies - they pop in battle like air balloons and op tai’kin tharga  get extra-reward for  taking down Wazgor drones besides killing me passing by … ![:facepalm:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/facepalm.png “:facepalm:”) if i not hide and sit duck.

Its curious in rank 5 WazGot is op in rank 8 against rank 12 and 15 Tharga and TaiKin my WazGot is like paper (2-3 shot boom).

Healers have no role any longer in the game - and we do not have squads any longer and rank 8s don’t stand ranks 12-15 ships… even with MatchMaker bonus system…

I build my WazGot as a tanky (hull centered) damage dealer to get some points…

And my beloved Vulcan kinetic rotary gun in rank 8 Co-Op against Taikin r15 is only useful in a bubble of players on one target…


So m8 I really dont know what to say to you - i ama bit tired