My point:
12 minutes ago, xKostyan said:
The 3rd on WazGot is below the 2nd in his TharGa despite the better stats healing contributions of the former etc. !!!
Yea the r10 waz’got is like a big tank
1 hour ago, avarshina said:
My point:
The 3rd on WazGot is below the 2nd in his TharGa despite the better stats healing contributions of the former etc. !!!
Your post specificaly said upper half and a lower half, not a top/bottom spot.
2 hours ago, avarshina said:
Upper half of screenshot:
- Kills
- Kill-Assists
- Captures
- Effectiveness
making your rewards.
Lower half of srceenshot:
- Enemy destroyed (kills)
- Damage assist (kills xxxx.)
- Buff assist
- Object capture
- Drone destruction
And here is another question, can YOU consistently score a top spot in a random PvP in any of those roles that are “so easy to be on top”?
52 minutes ago, xKostyan said:
Your post specificaly said upper half and a lower half, not a top/bottom spot.
And here is another question, can YOU consistently score a top spot in a random PvP in any of those roles that are “so easy to be on top”?
Off cause not! I did not criticise any roles nor did I say any role was superior over the other. Its harder to get the beacons with slow ship and its harder to evade fire and its harder to score if support for other ppl isn’t rewarded - logic, not!
26 minutes ago, avarshina said:
Off cause not! I did not criticise any roles nor did I say any role was superior over the other. Its harder to get the beacons with slow ship and its harder to evade fire and its harder to score if support for other ppl isn’t rewarded - logic, not!
Sorry but when i red this:
3 hours ago, avarshina said:
Thats what we have in game (after the upgrade, was it end of 2016?).
Upper half of screenshot:
- Kills
- Kill-Assists
- Captures
- Effectiveness
making your rewards.
Lower half of srceenshot:
- Enemy destroyed (kills)
- Damage assist (kills xxxx.)
- Buff assist
- Object capture
- Drone destruction
What can you learn from it in a Engineer frigate (healer)?
It leaves me curious if healing or shielding or missile take down or tanking fire of enemy and attracting fire to let mates run for beacon/target – ever gets a reward. In other words acting out the ship role gets too little reward. Thats why everyone loves TaiKin, now? : beacon hunter, mass-ship killer, destro-killer - who needs another ship for the game any longer ![:dntknw:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/dntknw.gif “:dntknw:”)
I’d say:
- less points to kills would be a start,
- rewards for ships acting in regard to their role would be a second, and
- disable ships by fire on them (as an option to continue firing on them to make them explode ), which is quicker than continue firing on them to make them explode plus their recycle-time, and then go fly head on for target or group support would be a third
And what pisses me off is that Waz’Got got 4 even more fragile drones than Phoenix or Fred engies - they pop in battle like air balloons and op tai’kin tharga get extra-reward for taking down Wazgor drones besides killing me passing by … ![:facepalm:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/facepalm.png “:facepalm:”) if i not hide and sit duck.
Its curious in rank 5 WazGot is op in rank 8 against rank 12 and 15 Tharga and TaiKin my WazGot is like paper (2-3 shot boom).
Healers have no role any longer in the game - and we do not have squads any longer and rank 8s don’t stand ranks 12-15 ships… even with MatchMaker bonus system…
I build my WazGot as a tanky (hull centered) damage dealer to get some points…
And my beloved Vulcan kinetic rotary gun in rank 8 Co-Op against Taikin r15 is only useful in a bubble of players on one target…
So m8 I really dont know what to say to you - i ama bit tired
I understood it as if you implied that you scored low on a board because you used an engineer and not something else
10 hours ago, xKostyan said:
I understood it as if you implied that you scored low on a board because you used an engineer and not something else
Its o.k. Probably you misunderstood?
I meant to discuss not to complain. I rather had critiques of reward mechanics in mind than critique of my ranking in that specific documented battle ![:)](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/001j.png “:)”)
Waz’Got more like a anti Tai’kin frigate.
EDIT: LOL I posted in wrong thread.
2 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:
Price range is supposed to be, and is in most cases, set on rarity of the item. Setting a price range based strictly on the rarity of the item would be ideal.
Sometimes I wonder where these people get these prices. I am trying to sell Unstable Crystal and most of the time people are selling for minimum price but then yesterday I saw it for 500. The only thing I could see is that its the weekend and 1 person decided to take advantage of that and everyone else followed. I however set it at 300 which is still 100 more than the minimum. I was lowest price and I STILL didn’t sell it. It’s still sitting in the warehouse.
Some of the destroyer parts rarity is WAY too low. The rarity needs to be adjusted not to mention drop rate of Neodium is too high. Balance it. I have 177 plates O.o
Well duh. This isn’t a buyer’s market. Nobody has the ships that parts sell for, and nobody wants standard blueprints because they are legitimately the worst waste of resources in the game right now.
Unless everyone suddenly gets all the ellydium ships and destroyers, the market will stay this way.
1 minute ago, TheDarkRedFox said:
Well duh. This isn’t a buyer’s market. Nobody has the ships that parts sell for, and nobody wants standard blueprints because they are legitimately the worst waste of resources in the game right now.
Unless everyone suddenly gets all the ellydium ships and destroyers, the market will stay this way.
LOL Relax man, I posted in the wrong thread. O.o
3 minutes ago, xXConflictionXx said:
LOL Relax man, I posted in the wrong thread. O.o
Regardless my point stands
1 minute ago, TheDarkRedFox said:
Regardless my point stands
I quoted it in a other topic.
On 28/07/2017 at 2:10 AM, xKostyan said:
beat u ![:004j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004j.png “:004j:”)
10 minutes ago, EndeavSTEEL said:
beat u ![:004j:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004j.png “:004j:”)
I don’t even have a wazgot ![:p](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/004.png “:p”)
Oh didn’t notice It wasn’t ur ship ^^ still 10
What’s the best exclusive weapon for Waz’Got?
6 minutes ago, aldermatias said:
What’s the best exclusive weapon for Waz’Got?
15 hours ago, TheDarkRedFox said:
i kinda think that th’ak’len is viable now that it replenishes shields,
15 hours ago, aldermatias said:
What’s the best exclusive weapon for Waz’Got?
do you prefer close range? or long range?
18 hours ago, aldermatias said:
What’s the best exclusive weapon for Waz’Got?
2 hours ago, evo888 said:
i kinda think that th’ak’len is viable now that it replenishes shields,
do you prefer close range? or long range?
Synopsis / Comparison of actual weaponry:
Name Eclipse launcher 12 (white)
DPS (EM) 411 dmg/s
Damage (EM) 616 dmg
Rate of fire 40 rounds/min
Crit. dmg chance 5 %
Cit. dmg bonus 50 %
Projectile speed 5500 m/s
Firing range (max) 3700 m
Overheating/cooling 6/3.3 s
Description Deals EM damage. Projectiles impact releases nanodrones that attack enemies. Drones restore hull to all allies in a certain radius.
Name Th’ak’Len 12 (white)
DPS (kinetic) 533 dmg/s
Damage (kinetic) 913 dmg
Rate of fire 35 rounds/min
Crit. dmg chance 5 %
Cit. dmg bonus 50 %
Projectile speed 3500 m/s
Firing range (max) 4650 m
Spread 0-1 deg
Overheating/cooling 7/1.5 s
Description Kinetic weapon with charges attracting scrap parts. Parts are collected if a charge explodes in 100m from the part. Projectile explosion produces nanoparticles, regenerating shields of nearby allies.
However, I would like to see some weapon like this (see [my proposal](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/34500-weapon-vulcan-el-13/)):
Name Vulcan-EL 13 (white)
DPS ( EM ) 417 dmg/s
Damage (EM) 50 dmg
Rate of fire 500 rounds/min
Crit. dmg chance 10-50 %
Cit. dmg bonus 50 %
Projectile speed 5500 m/s
Firing range (max) 3700 m
Spread 0.1-0.5 deg
Overheating/cooling 12/3.3 s
Description Deals EM damage. A modern modification by the Ellydium scientists of the unique resurrected weapon Vulcan . A rotatory weapon with critical hit chance that increases with weapon temperature. Projectiles impact releases nanodrones that attack enemies and restore hull to all allies in a certain radius.
FYI, the classic kinetic Vulcan specs for comparison:
Name Vulcan 13 (white)
DPS ( kinetic ) 470 dmg/s
Damage (kinetic) 66 dmg
Rate of fire 430 rounds/min
Crit. dmg chance 10-50 %
Cit. dmg bonus 50 %
Projectile speed 5060 m/s
Firing range (max) 2950 m
Spread 0.9-2 deg
Overheating/cooling 12/2 s
Description A unique weapon with outstanding parameters. Critical hit chance increases with weapon temperature.