Warp-Gate >>> Tactical Warp

Organized GunShip based lineup, i gave you this argument, it is not my fault you guys can’t comprehend what that means gameplay wise (i have seen people with high stats but being terrible at the game, but i have yet to meet someone with uber terrible stats like Fox’s that was good at understanding how game works. so far you guys are not proving me any wrong).

 it is not my fault you guys can’t comprehend what that means…

To the contrary. Though your English is admirable as a second language, it is still difficult to understand.


Continually resorting to below-the-belt attacks of people’s intelligence does nothing to help your communication either.

A) it is not a 2d language, well lately i guess it does tied for 2d

B) deal with that.

Most of the time someone deploys a warp gate is underused. Only organized teams use it efficiently. I like the proposed tactical warp with his limitations. Is there some additional limitation to prevent organized gunship from abusing it?

Ezpz fix: “Gunships can’t use it.”

That better?

So regardless of a scenario under which a single ship in an organised team can somehow abuse this module which already has its limitations, I think that this module change still comes out on top. Unless valid evidence to the contrary can be shown, (which it can’t, because the module change has not been implemented yet,) then any arguments against this module are invalid.

Also, Lib and really anyone else that isn’t Kato:

I’ve not seen a single positive comment from Kato on any of mine or any other “suggestion” posts that didn’t have some sort of belittling or completely offtopic remark thrown in. Just play along until he goes away, and if he doesn’t, it’s probably okay to ignore him.

Ezpz fix: “Gunships can’t use it.”

That better?

So regardless of a scenario under which a single ship in an organised team can somehow abuse this module which already has its limitations, I think that this module change still comes out on top. Unless valid evidence to the contrary can be shown, (which it can’t, because the module change has not been implemented yet,) then any arguments against this module are invalid.

Following this logic, lets implement “i win button”, only awailable to me, i press a button and i instantly win the game, it will not influence a balance at all and will be a very nice addition, no valid evidence to counter this can be presented, because it is not implemented yet any arguments against this I win button are invalid.

Also, Lib and really anyone else that isn’t Kato:

I’ve not seen a single positive comment from Kato on any of mine or any other “suggestion” posts that didn’t have some sort of belittling or completely offtopic remark thrown in. Just play along until he goes away, and if he doesn’t, it’s probably okay to ignore him.

Considering I am far from only one leaving negative feedback on majority of your proposals, you might want to reevaluate your capability to come up with something good.

So far you’re the first one here tho. Less I simply overlooked someone else.

And I see your point about the not implemented thing though.

But given that I have only actually been in battle with you something around two to three times, that addition would not effect me. If anything, it might help given that you are on my team. So in essence, your suggestion of an “I win button” solely for you would help 50% of the community, or more correctly, it would help 100% of who you battle with, 50% of the time.


Just sayin.

Your proposal is useful 50% of the time in any given scenario (in PvP) and 100% benefit to everyone involved in PvE.

Though mine is far more realistic and would actually fit in to the game.

Comparing my ideas to a “win button” isn’t a very effective argument.

It’s more red herring than anything else.

It is not usefull 50% of the times

It is ruining games 100% of the times

For anyone that isn’t on your team*

But yeah.

*is still waiting for your next long-winded and completely pointless comment*

For EVERYBODY in the match

See. Pointless. *fwoosh*

(That’s the sound of the last xxxx I gave flying away at the speed of light)

And yet you will be the one complaing next time i criticize w/e idiocity you come up with

I think next time I’ll just ignore the comment, actually.

Good for you
