Warning: Missile Incoming

Jericho has finally arrived and with them the guided Torpedo. With it, also a proximity missile income warning. Its nice to have one but the current one needs some refinement. You know when a missile, torpedo or whatever is close to you but you dont know the distance or if it is heading towards you or an ally or simply ignoring you. A very good income warn is in X3. I would really like to have some similar for Star Conflict.

How it sould work:

  • The causal beep also indicates the distance by its frequency

  • Upon coming closer, the frequency increases

  • Shortly for impact the beeps becomes a constant sound

Im not sure at which distances we can take this idea but the current warn starts somewhere around 5km distance or a direct lock. We only need to decide at which distances the beep changes its frequency. I can imagine this row very good. 5km -> 1.5km ->500m. This way i would know when to hide between an asteroid, wreck or even behind an ally or if there is still some time to change position. I can also use defence modules much more efficient.

Now the big question: how do we implement this without making it, omg my ears are bleeding, annoying? I guess we can take the current beep but we need to change its frequency. Maybe to something like 1 beep each 2 sec for 5km and less. 1 beep each sec for 1.5km and the constant for 500m and less.

Or if we go the hardcore way, a fluid change from 5km until hit.

Good idea!

To improve the idea, the beep could be in the same frequency like is, but a signal on HUD could be flashing with some frequency according the distance.

I would say make it simple and go by the thousands, also instead of making it a beep make it a type of mechanical clicking sound so:

5000m ~ Mechanical Incoming Projectile Warning Sound x1

4000m ~ Mechanical Incoming Projectile Warning Sound x2

3000m ~ Mechanical Incoming Projectile Warning Sound x3

2000m ~ Mechanical Incoming Projectile Warning Sound x4

1000m ~ Mechanical Incoming Projectile Warning Sound x5

Base it upon range to pilot/ship, instead of range to projectile ~ if possible.

With this method it can be applied to all projectiles that are incoming, without having to vary the speed or the audio as it will be based on range and performed automatically, so the projectiles speed will control the sound instead of the other way around.

Faster the projectile = faster warning sounds ~ without having to mess with anything except setting the projectile speed.

Thought of something else to go with it, it would be nice if there were laser range pointers on the missile defense system’s it would be interesting to see, for example, you could reuse the int laser pointer and simply add it as an effect of the projectile defense system targeting the incoming missiles. Even though I realize there are probably better scanning systems in this “era” of the game but I just had the idea that ~ that would be a cool effect.

I would say make it simple and go by the thousands, also instead of making it a beep make it a type of mechanical clicking sound so:

5000m ~ Mechanical Incoming Projectile Warning Sound x1

4000m ~ Mechanical Incoming Projectile Warning Sound x2

3000m ~ Mechanical Incoming Projectile Warning Sound x3

2000m ~ Mechanical Incoming Projectile Warning Sound x4

1000m ~ Mechanical Incoming Projectile Warning Sound x5

Base it upon range to pilot/ship, instead of range to projectile ~ if possible.

With this method it can be applied to all projectiles that are incoming, without having to vary the speed or the audio as it will be based on range and performed automatically, so the projectiles speed will control the sound instead of the other way around.

Faster the projectile = faster warning sounds ~ without having to mess with anything except setting the projectile speed.

Thought of something else to go with it, it would be nice if there were laser range pointers on the missile defense system’s it would be interesting to see, for example, you could reuse the int laser pointer and simply add it as an effect of the projectile defense system targeting the incoming missiles. Even though I realize there are probably better scanning systems in this “era” of the game but I just had the idea that ~ that would be a cool effect.

I like the idea (even though I would like a visual reference of any kind to understand where is the missile), I do not agree just with this one part:

With a 4000-5000 m range of the missile sensor, in some games the alarm just will not stop from playing endlessly, driving pilots mad (no pun intended ahah)

I like the idea (even though I would like a visual reference of any kind to understand where is the missile), I do not agree just with this one part:

With a 4000-5000 m range of the missile sensor, in some games the alarm just will not stop from playing endlessly, driving pilots mad (no pun intended ahah)

I don’t think you understand what I meant, I literally mean to only play the incoming warning sound once at 5000m. It wouldn’t loop. I am assuming it would only play once for multiple missiles, otherwise like you said it would play too often and it would become irritating but that is easily solved like I just mentioned.

The sound needs to be a sort of grinding mechanical sound that people can get attune to so they KNOW that it means an incoming missile, maybe a sound like the Stinger Missile Launchers Lock on sound.

Also, there should be an associated graphic with it saying “Incoming Missile” in “Red Alert” Red coloring. :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah yeah, then I support you.

And yes the Alert message should be nice but at the side of the “health bar”, not at the center of the screen, not up, not down. To the side and not of big size.

Big flashing red words may sometimes disorient people (like when you get the effect of ION beam, practically it isn’t a big deal but in a first moment you are disoriented) eheh

Ah yeah, then I support you.

And yes the Alert message should be nice but at the side of the “health bar”, not at the center of the screen, not up, not down. To the side and not of big size.

Big flashing red words may sometimes disorient people (like when you get the effect of ION beam, practically it isn’t a big deal but in a first moment you are disoriented) eheh

janes combat simulator had a very nice way to track missiles, it represent them as small dots in the radar.