Waiting times for a squad are ridiculous

I have three friends and we are tier 2. We wait 20-30 minutes for pvp matches… when we get in. Other times we give up and play PvE. “Tier up” is not an answer - because I don’t want to tier up by myself in PvP. It’s ridiculous. Please change it.

Squad matchmaking always searches for an equal squad, otherwise the match would be pretty unbalanced for the enemy team.

As Error said if sistem will change it will be an unfair to fight random pilots against 4 pilots squad (ex.).


And I don’t know if you are so pleased when meet a squad like that .

That’s opinion.


I prefer faster queues, bigger games and be able to team up with 3 friends than having more “fair games”. We don’t only have fair games anyway.


That’s opinion.


I prefer faster queues, bigger games and be able to team up with 3 friends than having more “fair games”. We don’t only have fair games anyway.



Ofc you prefer it if you’re the one who’s going to get the unfair advantage. When you get a 4 man ESB squad in the enemy team vs you + random people you wont like it that much.

No. I prefer a fast queue, and the ability to play with friends (and even if it’s an advantage, some play for fun, not for rating, and are not that good) and risking an occasionnal loss to enemy kill squad. I won’t like facing ESB, but I prefer that to the current system that encourage solo play. Wich is a shame in an mmo.


And you can learn a lot by facing good pilots.

No. I prefer a fast queue, and the ability to play with friends (and even if it’s an advantage, some play for fun, not for rating, and are not that good) and risking an occasionnal loss to enemy kill squad. I won’t like facing ESB, but I prefer that to the current system that encourage solo play. Wich is a shame in an mmo.


And you can learn a lot by facing good pilots.

Although your opinion is respected, the majority of the players voted against the old squad MM, so it was reverted to the one we have now.

I know. it’s just that it’s always more fun to play with friends.

Squad matchmaking always searches for an equal squad, otherwise the match would be pretty unbalanced for the enemy team.


And the marmot was wrapping the chocolate in tinfoil…




This would be less of a problem with greater population, more squads in queue means a reduced chance of being the ones stuck up against 4man kill squads should the squad restrictions be laxed. Sure they’ll be there, but with enough people the problem is mitigated since you’ll only have to go up against them that one time.


The problem is that this game punishes you for playing with your friends, and that’s going to seriously damage any chance this game has to increase its population. So now the system is in a catch-22, because all the reviews coming in say that squadding in this game sucks, and most new players come to this game looking for something to play with their friends. That was what happened with me, I was lucky it was just me and one other friend. If I’d been in a group of 4 friends trying to play this, we may have only played a few games then quit out of frustration with the queue times.


I still think that it should be able to pair multiple squads against one high-rated squad, or two squads of two against one of three or four. And a squad of two should be able to get a game against a squad of three, period. None of this r8/premium bull.

I can’t believe I’m saying this but well. I kinda miss the old MM. Even if it put you up against a death squad the queue times weren’t so ridiculous and matches generally were easy to find. But as mentioned above, this is mearly my opinion.

“balancing” a squad with another squad doesn’t mean the game is fair. Most of the times a squad of top players would meet a squad of newbies and they get steamrolled.

Its less balanced than a squad vs good random players


Talking about squads, seems proper 4 man squads games are disabled in t3. We’ve tried, on multiple occasions, to arrange a 4man squad game with another corp. Both squads wait in the queue forever getting no game

Talking about squads, seems proper 4 man squads games are disabled in t3. We’ve tried, on multiple occasions, to arrange a 4man squad game with another corp. Both squads wait in the queue forever getting no game


Even using only premium ships or rank 8? 'Cause since not long ago it was working.

Even using only premium ships or rank 8? 'Cause since not long ago it was working.

Cant say for sure that enemy squad was r8-premium but we were


But even if that works, its broken. Its been long time and the system still counts premiums as (rank-1) … Why!

Cant say for sure that enemy squad was r8-premium but we were


But even if that works, its broken. Its been long time and the system still counts premiums as (rank-1) … Why!


If both the squads are r8 or premiums it should works (since a week ago it worked, didn’t tried so far).

And yes, it’s broken.

If you need to have premium or r8 to cheat the MM - and worse, if you can’t get into a game without those - yup, there’s definitly something broken!

I find myself in agreement. With a caveat.


Unrestricted matchmaking is better for the lower tiers, where squads are more likely to be just friends rather than competitive people. Higher tiers will suffer because the number of people who avoid them to escape “kill squads” will increase.


The important question is how it’ll impact Tier 3. If you lose Tier 3 to the kill squads, you’ll essentially kill all progress for newer players. If kill squads stay out, then the game should benefit.

Wow I was playing las night with 3 and then 2 WPK guys at 00:00-03:00 CEST and the queues were literally seconds long. The longest ones were when we were a 4 men squad, 3 to 5 minutes, when we were 3 and 2 men squad we had from 5 to 30 second queues. We spent the whole night facing r4ge, LuX, Arch, DNO, MIKA (or it was NIKA), GEN and HOWL squads. 


I was honestly surprised about how fast the thing was going.


I must add we were playing all R8+Premiums.

Wow I was playing las night with 3 and then 2 WPK guys at 00:00-03:00 CEST and the queues were literally seconds long. The longest ones were when we were a 4 men squad, 3 to 5 minutes, when we were 3 and 2 men squad we had from 5 to 30 second queues. We spent the whole night facing r4ge, LuX, Arch, DNO, MIKA (or it was NIKA), GEN and HOWL squads. 


I was honestly surprised about how fast the thing was going.


I must add we were playing all R8+Premiums.


Yep in eu “prime” time it’s a pleasure playing in squads (sometimes even in t5  you get squads) basically no que time, still this r8+premiums it’s a shame.

still this r8+premiums it’s a shame.


It is, I want to play the Kite and not the Hawk-M but that’s what we’ve got…


Anyway usually enemy team’s squads had R9 ships (DNO was frigballing with Anaconda-M + Blood Tormentor, the HOWLs were using Black Swarms and a Styx, etc)