waiting 60 minutes in matchmaking queue

Since Autobus said its needed to point the obvious here is a post [edit : Autobus is a famous player in another game i play . Sorry Antibus it was not on purpose :)]

Topic content:

  1. Describe the bug in a few words/sentences : people are waiting up to 60 minutes in sector conquest to find a match.

Yesterday pvp did never proc for a lot of people. Everyone was playing pve. Today it takes from 3 to 10 minutes


  1. Why do you think this is a bug: because its used to be something around 1 minute , and it has been multiplied by 60 which is huge


  1. How often does this bug occur. Always for everyone


  1. What was your last action/How to reproduce the bug. Try to get a match in SQ mode.


  1. Detailed explanation of the bug.: people says its due to the new automatic region affectation. Maybe…


  1. Your system specs + Operating system as DX Diag: not needed my whole corp is having this problem , and a lot of guys already reported it in the update discussion

[edit] average waiting time in russian region sq seems to be something like 10 minute. All other region are xxxx*ked

Confirmed, waiting queues up to 30 minutes (because I restart them after that stupid period of time)


Also Autobus  :lol:

Autobus is a famous player i another game i play . Sorry Antibus it was not on purpose :slight_smile:

We made some changes to the MM system.

You should be fine if you queue Any region, if not please report back.

We made some changes to the MM system.

You should be fine if you queue Any region, if not please report back.


Will wel be able to play 12v12 games again in sector conquest?


When playing with 1 mate, 2v2 all the time, when playing with 3, 4v4 all the tame.

We’re still getting outrageous queue times for sector conquest. Meanwhile, Russian players were are following are getting into and out of games over and over. As it stands, the Russian corporations are making huge progress in sector conquest while everyone else is gimped by the bad queue times.




Apparently the problem is not exclusive to North American pilots. European pilots are also complaining of high queue times.

6 minute in region any , and still nothing , i’m trying back russian (i’m with mate , and they dislike waitiing ) i’ll try back alone the region any , to see if there is any progression

We’re still getting outrageous queue times for sector conquest. Meanwhile, Russian players were are following are getting into and out of games over and over. As it stands, the Russian corporations are making huge progress in sector conquest while everyone else is gimped by the bad queue times.




Apparently the problem is not exclusive to North American pilots. European pilots are also complaining of high queue times.


this is not a direct attack on ESB but how have they already 5 sectors while other corps that are putting bids constantly have 0 or 1 with a lot of luck?

I just want normal PVP games…

waited 10 minutes in region any (SQ) to get matchmaked with Ironize that waited 30 minutes.

Second thing is it normal that a t2 and a t5 get matched with a t4 and a t5 ?

Third thing : PVP matchmaking is working with region any

this is not a direct attack on ESB but how have they already 5 sectors while other corps that are putting bids constantly have 0 or 1 with a lot of luck?


It’s not ESB’s fault. They’re just benefiting from a broken system right now. It’s broken in their favor, and hampers our efforts. Quite simply, they get tonnes of sector conquest games and we get very few. That is how they are able to generate so many influence points to bid on sectors. Now that the cycles only last 4 hours, their high activity and their ability to find games quickly allows them to pick up sectors almost constantly while other corporations struggle to gain influence points.


I can’t blame ESB for doing what comes naturally. If NA and EU players could find games just as easily, we’d be snatching up sectors left and right.  Can’t do that though b/c Sector Conquest is bugged.

It’s not ESB’s fault. They’re just benefiting from a broken system right now. It’s broken in their favor, and hampers our efforts. Quite simply, they get tonnes of sector conquest games and we get very few. That is how they are able to generate so many influence points to bid on sectors. Now that the cycles only last 4 hours, their high activity and their ability to find games quickly allows them to pick up sectors almost constantly while other corporations struggle to gain influence points.


I can’t blame ESB for doing what comes naturally. If NA and EU players could find games just as easily, we’d be snatching up sectors left and right.  Can’t do that though b/c Sector Conquest is bugged.


That’s why I’m not blaming directly ESB.


Today I was chatting with Raymaru and he had, like me, 2 games the whole hour, but he was surprised because some of his teammates were having games every few minutes.

The newest patch initially had an auto region feature that was broken and hotfixed.  I’m wondering if MM attempts to queue on a local server then falls back onto a larger server after enough time, i.e. Russian server.  The only user end way to test is to queue for the Russian server for sector conquest and see how many games you get to play.  We all know Russians dominate the game by playerbase, so you might have to use it to your advantage.

That’s why I’m not blaming directly ESB.

Today I was chatting with Raymaru and he had, like me, 2 games the whole hour, but he was surprised because some of his teammates were having games every few minutes.

I’m pretty sure Raymaru is German. Thus, since he isn’t Russian, he has the same problems as us non-communists.

Every one is waiting for the game, while in Soviet Russia game is waiting for you!

I’m pretty sure Raymaru is German. Thus, since he isn’t Russian, he has the same problems as us non-communists.

So thats why when playing with Zap and Drawl we had 1 game in 1 hour…

waiting time still tooo long in sq mode. Sometimes 6 minute , sometime 8 minutes , sometimes 15 and nothing…

Make fighting mode 3 hour , preparation mod 1 hour , and officer to be able to bid.

Ok, there will be some fixes to wait time this week, can’t say which for now, but it is supposed to improve the situation.


I can confirm, this unwanted feature is still existing.


I was able in 60 minutes time to get one game.


I am NASA corporation, Empire side, tried to battle in WX-21 (Jericho), 09-DEC-2013 ~18:00 GMT+2 (Finland time) from Finland. Was queued with some rank 11 ships (can list if relevant for the bug report), queue graph said “41”.


Got (1) one game during this time, which does not seem like enjoyable queuing time / playing ratio for a computer game.


