Vulpanium Pulsar [Missile]

Name: Vulpanium Charged Pulsar

Type: Vulpanium Missile-slot ammunition


Ranks: 5-15

Damage: 3,250 Thermal

Range: 2,750m

Projectile: Beam (instant)

Projectile lifetime: 1 (instant)

Auto-allignment radius: 10 degrees from crosshairs

Charges in cartridge: 1

Cartridge reload time: 3 seconds

Usage energy: 175pts

Tooltip: A polished Vulpanium crystal is charged, then sends out a single beam of compressed thermal energy to impact the target under the crosshairs. Beam deals +20% damage to crystal technology and also burns their hull for 150 damage per second for 5 seconds while the Vulpanium reacts with their Iridium.



This Missile slot weapon is designed for use on all non-crystal ships in order to counter the ellydium faction. If the user aims correctly, this beam will not miss the target, and deal sizeable damage, but only in a relatively small radius.

On 2017-07-21 at 9:16 AM, TheDarkRedFox said:

Name: Vulpanium Charged Pulsar

Type: Vulpanium Missile-slot ammunition


Ranks: 5-15

Damage: 3,250 Thermal

Range: 2,750m

Projectile: Beam (instant)

Projectile lifetime: 1 (instant)

Auto-allignment radius: 10 degrees from crosshairs

Charges in cartridge: 1

Cartridge reload time: 3 seconds

Usage energy: 175pts

Tooltip: A polished Vulpanium crystal is charged, then sends out a single beam of compressed thermal energy to impact the target under the crosshairs. Beam deals +20% damage to crystal technology and also burns their hull for 150 damage per second for 5 seconds while the Vulpanium reacts with their Iridium.



This Missile slot weapon is designed for use on all non-crystal ships in order to counter the ellydium faction. If the user aims correctly, this beam will not miss the target, and deal sizeable damage, but only in a relatively small radius.

probably should change the name, how about “reactive iridium shell” or something like that,

Foxes in latin are vulpes  (genus) its a play on words : Vulpes vulpes is the latin name for “Red fox” ![:):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/).png “:):”)


Name: “Vulpanium Charged Pulsar” would translate as: “drfoxy charged pulsar”


I think red foxes in general do not like crystall shystall stuff ![:fed_lol:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/fed_lol.png “:fed_lol:”)

Nah y’all have just missed the lore behind Vulpanium. It is a new element that violently reacts with Iridium and stores an incredible amount of energy. I’ll try to dig up the topic again.

[@TheDarkRedFox](< base_url >/index.php?/profile/242418-thedarkredfox/) Why Red? It’s orange fox lol.

Orange fox is called red fox

Orange juice is from TheDarkRedOrange?


p.s.: Are you resentfull or what?

9 hours ago, avarshina said:

Foxes in latin are vulpes  (genus) its a play on words : Vulpes vulpes is the latin name for “Red fox” ![:):](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/).png “:):”)


Name: “Vulpanium Charged Pulsar” would translate as: “drfoxy charged pulsar”


I think red foxes in general do not like crystall shystall stuff ![:fed_lol:](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/fed_lol.png “:fed_lol:”)

i know, i have a bit of a latin obsession when it comes to my DND characters, to be honest.

i just feel like this element isn’t canon and the devs might prefer a name that is better built for their lore