Vote Map

Change it to something like call of duty has. You get put in a loby and it puts teams together. You can vote to skip a map too. 


There are some maps i truly hate and this would solve my problem. 

how about focusing on server of choice first?

coz I rly prefer to choose server to play on than map

People with the same server preference get put in the same lobby. Simple as that. When the lobby reaches a certain amount randomly preset by the game then a countdown appears with the option to keep or kick out the map. Also give a vote or veto option for allowing bots.

So for example - US server preference; Preset 4v4; A game mode is set and unchangeable yet you have the option to veto the map within 10 seconds; You only have a second choice because once you veto a map you aren’t allowed to veto again; No bot

how about focusing on server of choice first?

coz I rly prefer to choose server to play on than map

You can integrate server regions into it too. 


I have no clue why both aren’t out yet, but maybe it’ll happen in the new year’s update. I have big hopes this winter. 

This could be done in sector conquest style.

When you queue in pvp you get to pick a sector to fight over. When a match launches the map chosen is the majority choice from all players in the match.

Good idea.


I’m falling back to old faithfull though.


This would cause more work for already inefficient servers…


Alas I sad face.

this have already been proposed