Voice in 0.712

What’s up with the command voices which are heard during the gameplay in the latest release?  Sounds much less professional than the previous voices that were in the game…

What’s up with the command voices which are heard during the gameplay in the latest release?  Sounds much less professional than the previous voices that were in the game…

define less professional?


in terms of audio quality? or voice personality?

I wouldn’t call them less professional just yet, the problem is more that they are extremely quiet. You might wanna make them a little louder so we can form a proper opinion on them. :wink:

define less professional?


in terms of audio quality? or voice personality?

Both, actually.  I’m specifically talking about the voice on the T1 scenarios.  The quality doesn’t have the ambiance of the voice in the arcade and realistic modes.  It sounds more like it was recorded on someone’s desktop, as opposed to the arcade and realistic modes which sounds more like a “cockpit” recording.  Also, the personality seems a lot more flat.  Less emotion.

It feels like the guy is asleep.

I muted everythign except the voices for a while now to listen to it closely… and at some point I did the exact opposite.

The new voice sounds flat, boring, half-assed, nosy and cetainly not like a commander should sound. The old one was a lot better, the current one could have some potential, but the voice actor should try not to sound like a french person, or as if his nose was plugged, and maybe put a little more force into what he si saying.


If you had the picture of a calm and collected commander in mind that isn’t supposed to sound emotional, he should still talk a lot more clearly and forcefully.