Voice coms

why do so many corps require voice chat? my computer is a family one and i am not the admin and thus cannot install such programs. i would like to be in one of the more organized corps but they require voice chat.

Voice chat is important mostly for squad coordination during a match: You need to stay alert and in constant movement, you can’t “let go” of the ship to write a line command to issue a quick change of plans, or because you need help/backup or focus fire in a specific target. Maybe pre-match or during respawn waiting time, but in the middle of the heat, is next to impossible.

“You’re all alone. You need to bug out.”


“I got an ECM on me.”


“Come down here, I’ll give you a repair station.”


“Stasis that ship and I’ll destroy it with the Disintegrator.”


All of these are examples of things which are commonly said in voice chat. Teams that use voice communication are considerably more effective at dealing with threats and planning their next moves. Strategy is the great equalizer, especially when you are gun-fighting. Star Conflict, being a 3D action/shooter, allows for much freedom of movement. You can deploy your ships however you feel best suited. Since we, as a species, are not accomplished mind-readers, voice communication becomes all too important when we need to convey a message in a short amount of time. Try it, if you can. Once you do, you’ll never go back to silently flying around and shooting at random targets. You don’t necessarily need a microphone. So long as you can hear what other people are saying, you will still be more effective in battle.


Please, give it a try: teamspeak.star-conflict.co.uk


“You’re all alone. You need to bug out.”


“I got an ECM on me.”


“Come down here, I’ll give you a repair station.”


“Stasis that ship and I’ll destroy it with the Disintegrator.”




I’ve never heard any of them lines being said in our TS … :lol:

why do so many corps require voice chat? my computer is a family one and i am not the admin and thus cannot install such programs. i would like to be in one of the more organized corps but they require voice chat.

Because it is by far the most powerful tool in regards to team coordination. Bar none.

I’ve never heard any of them lines being said in our TS … :lol:


Very true. Its mostly: 


“Get that Derp!”


“Beep beep beep…BOOOM”


“Die Mothafuuukkrrr!”

In yo face !!! seems to be a common voice command over NASA TS :lol:

In yo face !!! seems to be a common voice command over NASA TS :lol:


Torpedo Nawbs? Or what does it mean?  :taunt:

“Punch them in the FACE!” 


“No, you cannot take my sweet rolls!”




“No, you can go take on the inty that TRYING TO KILL ME.”


“Wait, was that a nuke…*BOOM*…Yep it was a nuke. THANKS FOR THE WARNING JP!”


“Wait, nobody told me there was mines HERE!”


“Okay, go take the left, then flank from the right, 20 seconds, go ahead and kill there early birds!”


“OMG THE CEO IS ON THE OPPOSITE TEAM!..Lets totally mess with him…”


“JP can you stop being so good…you made the same guy rage quit 3 times.” “not my fault he likes LRFs”


“Please for the LOVE OF JESUS, stop SPAWN CAMPING!”


“The emp bomb is a bomb that looks like a pumpkin during the month of holloween,”

Gah, i wish i could do that, but am unable to run voice chat programs

Me: We have a recon on the right…




Me: We can focus fire that guard…




Me: Dammit Kipps, I HAD that kill!!


Kipps: What?? *Read in a British accent*


Or at least, that how a number of my games have gone, lol.

Gah, i wish i could do that, but am unable to run voice chat programs

Not that hard to get one installed? Just ask whomever has admin permissions on the pc to install Teamspeak. It’s a rather common program after all and pretty mandatory for any serious multiplayer gaming.

Not that hard to get one installed? Just ask whomever has admin permissions on the pc to install Teamspeak. It’s a rather common program after all and pretty mandatory for any serious multiplayer gaming.

my dad is a d***, he would never let me

my dad is a d***, he would never let me


…uh, how old are you, if you dont mind me asking? There is plenty of ways to make TS work even on a non administrative account.

We as corp never had the issue with people who were only reachable by chat, but even then, staying on teamspeak was still better, so even the players who have families stay on Ts, even if they possibly only listen, or are just reachable by chat. It’s often a sign of “I am ready to play”.


We live in the 21st century now, and gaming becomes a social activity, which actually makes it more healthy. In terms of numbers and statistics, 80% of online players are socializers, and for this game those rate those, who will not outperform others (killer type), or unlock everything (achiever type) or identify lacking fits and play them (explorer type), but simply play the game to play with others. Of course we all mix together (these are just “basic classifications” and everybody can be mulitple things, it’s also dependant on the day you play, or your experience), but basicly, having comms increases the rate you will learn, makes defeats a shared experience (shared wins are a multiplicator, shared losses are a division), and even random comments about the game you are in can already make you more effective.


I know, it can be a hard step, sometimes even weird, like entering a new world, and especially with a family, you should chose wisely who you are on comms with (language). But there are hardly any downsides, so I suggest to enter a new world bravely.

  1. However, all programs need the admin password to be installed, and besides steam apps, even updated. As for language, normally the person whos language is complained about is me.

that’s a very interesting security concept, your dad is driving there. I do understand separating admin and user account, to have security / control over the software (while the users usually on a desktop still do “know” the admin password), but in this case, that seems to be more a question of control of you, not just security. Well, as long as you have to play by your dads rules, you have to go through the “official channels” and simply ask him nicely.


i am sure, you can at least try to ask, it is after all quite an official program, and you do not need to autostart it with windows or similar; a cheap 5 bucks headset to be used as microphone is also easy to get by.


Otherwise, the TS installer should be a simple archive, at least, according to this howto, which describes, how to install ts as a portable app (which means, also installable by user, or on an usb stick). I would not put my hopes up tho, since it might miss some dependencies, and might not work, so i would first ask, then fiddle, then give up, and ask again.

Since this howto requires an archive program, like 7zip, the good news is, at least that is available in a portable version on portableapps

Computer has a mic, thanks for small mercies i guess

my dad is a d***, he would never let me

It cannot hurt to ask.