Videos from GVOZD [ESB]



Translation of the disclaimer?


I loled when you killed that mauler in unkown space and all the loot dropped! :smiley: Poor guy…


Also is this video sped up, because those plasma guns are firing VERY fast if it isn’t (RF blaster speed…)

I hate it when gameplay videos change scenes. It makes me feel they are tryig to hide the bad parts and only show they good parts. Nothing against you tho.

I hate it when gameplay videos change scenes. It makes me feel they are tryig to hide the bad parts and only show they good parts. Nothing against you tho.


People totally want to see boring videos of the caster dying. The less pew pew the better  :01515:

Я плохо владею письменным английским, поэтому надеюсь кто то переведет это для Вас.


Translation of the disclaimer?

Видео про ганк, а не рыцарские дуэли. Чтобы сразу понимали это, вставил дисклеймер. (видео делалось для русскоговорящей аудитории)


Also is this video sped up

Конечно. Сделано специально, что бы видео получилось коротким. Разве интересно смотреть как я по 1.5 минуты уничтожаю прикрытие ?


It makes me feel they are tryig to hide the bad parts and only show they good parts.

Ваши чувства вас не обманывают. Было записано более 50 видео, из них потом отбирались самые удачные. Я так делаю всегда, что бы видео смотрелось более динамично. Но за отдельную плату могу сделать 20 минутное видео, где я убиваю прикрытие в 2-3 захода, или гоняюсь по 3-4 минуты за разведчиком с варпом  :01515:

Here the translation from google:


  1. Я плохо владею письменным английским, поэтому надеюсь кто то переведет это для Вас.


  1. Видео про ганк, а не рыцарские дуэли. Чтобы сразу понимали это, вставил дисклеймер. (видео делалось для русскоговорящей аудитории)


  1. Конечно. Сделано специально, что бы видео получилось коротким. Разве интересно смотреть как я по 1.5 минуты уничтожаю прикрытие ?


  1. Ваши чувства вас не обманывают. Было записано более 50 видео, из них потом отбирались самые удачные. Я так делаю всегда, что бы видео смотрелось более динамично.

  2. Но за отдельную плату могу сделать 20 минутное видео, где я убиваю прикрытие в 2-3 захода, или гоняюсь по 3-4 минуты за разведчиком с варпом  :01515:

1.My written English is very poor so I hope that someone will translate it.


2.He says that the video is about a gank, not a duel - and that it was intended for the Russian audience.


3.The video is sped up on purpose, to get a short video. Is it interesting to see how much I can destroy in 1,5 minutes?


  1. Your senses do not deceive you. I recorded more than 50 videos and selected the best ones. I always do that in order to make the videos look more dynamic.


  1. I didn’t quite understand that sentence in google translation. Something about him making a video on demand, for a small fee or so.
  1. I didn’t quite understand that sentence in google translation. Something about him making a video on demand, for a small fee or so.

Considering you moderated me for a donations link how can you leave that up? Selling services is quite a step up from a donations link, but here we have a mod even helping in the deed by translating it. ESB bias? :stuck_out_tongue:

Post reported.

9 ping…




and I have 6 ping on US server :fed015: !


On Topic: Very nice and awesome video thanks for sharing with us! Can learn a lot from ESB. My daily work includes 1 hour of ESB video now :00555:

Considering you moderated me for a donations link how can you leave that up? Selling services is quite a step up from a donations link, but here we have a mod even helping in the deed by translating it. ESB bias? :stuck_out_tongue:

Post reported.


I think he was writing that as a joke - that’s the way I understood it^^

Nice video  :fed001:

Are you still camping ?  :01515:


:005j:  :005j:  :005j:

I must use this!  I see too many spawn LRFs and they need to be punished!

I must use this!  I see too many spawn LRFs and they need to be punished!

This isn’t punishing. This is solution of their trouble with mobility. With this help they actually can use their weapons and skills to do a lot more in battle than they usually can.

Maybe the OWLs can help you with a few additional warpgates  :012j:

Haha brilliant  :005j:

I just see people trolling random gamers. Useless as they are while they camp in spawn, they are not breaking the rules, but you are.


But that is none of my bussiness…

I just see people trolling random gamers. Useless as they are while they camp in spawn, they are not breaking the rules, but you are.

But that is none of my bussiness…

How are they breaking rules? They are helping their teammates mobility in order to attain objectives. Nothing wrong with that