Videos from GVOZD [ESB]

1) Solo battle on T2.


  1. Sniper


  1. PvE:Pirate Base ( with crazy russian comments. ignore them  :01515: )


  1. Mad Torpedo


  1. Guard


… and a lot of interesting and funny videos on


Thanks for watching. :00999:

Nice vids, specially the first one, I love sharpnels, too bad I can’t aim well flying at max speed.

Thanks for watching.  :00999:


Thanks for sharing! 

I hate your guard.  :taunt:

I definitely learned a lot from watching these videos.

Grim reaper  s0607.gif


10 pings only… i hate you. kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk XD

A pixel hunter plasma arc?!?!

10 ping seriously… The russian server is actually in your basement right ?

Maximum997 was getting 11ms and 12ms, yet could still hit lag and disconnects in the middle of battle.


I wonder how many ESB players live in St. Petersburg.

Blocked in Canada :frowning:

Battle Torpedo. Created by Maximum997.


9 ping…

9 ping…

He was playing from the server room.

He was playing from the server room.

He is a server room


He is a server room


Excellent videos. We can learn a lot from them