[Video] Woflpack SQ

You guys like drama for sure, ill add some for you to troll at me… I like to play with every one in this game, NASA included. The only person in NASA I cannot stand is Muchachos whos ego is bigger than a Stix and who have no manner what so ever. Anyone who is willing to learn and improve by understanding their mistake deserve some respect. Posting our video like that on youtube is an open door to criticism and we know we will be getting ‘‘learn to play comment’’. I cant recall seeing any extraordinary video of your gameplay online Kostyan and what bother me in this tread is the lack of respect toward your own corp mate in this tread.


But what bother me the most is the fact that each time you have a chance to jump on WPK, you do it. Why ? Why are you acting like a jackass in each of our tread ?

And yet how many times did my aggresive playstyle create opportunities to get kills and pick the other team apart?   I thought you would’ve figured it out by now…one person has to go in to initiate, get their attention and then pull back while the rest of the team focuses a key target and kills them.    Look at how ESB plays with kill squads.   I’m not saying i’ve perfected it by any means, but if everybody plays super defensively and doesn’t attack then you’ve already lost.

Your so called aggressive play only worked against average randoms, every time we faced good coordinated squad you feed and we have to drag it 3v4. I know perfectly well how important aggression is, but aggression =/= reckless play and what you do most of the time is reckless play.

Your so called aggressive play only worked against average randoms, every time we faced good coordinated squad you feed and we have to drag it 3v4. I know perfectly well how important aggression is, but aggression =/= reckless play and what you do most of the time is reckless play.


Yes every time we lost to somebody it was all my fault right?  Never yours or anybody elses?   See there goes the blame game again.  If I fed as much as you say why was I almost always one of the last people alive in our losses?   I can recall only a few instances where I fed because I was pissed for reasons outside the game…not this “all the time” excuse.   If you want to point out other’s mistakes then at least own up to your own first.

boop. DOW here

You guys like drama for sure, ill add some for you to troll at me… I like to play with every one in this game, NASA included. The only person in NASA I cannot stand is Muchachos whos ego is bigger than a Stix and who have no manner what so ever. Anyone who is willing to learn and improve by understanding their mistake deserve some respect. Posting our video like that on youtube is an open door to criticism and we know we will be getting ‘‘learn to play comment’’. I cant recall seeing any extraordinary video of your gameplay online Kostyan and what bother me in this tread is the lack of respect toward your own corp mate in this tread.


But what bother me the most is the fact that each time you have a chance to jump on WPK, you do it. Why ? Why are you acting like a jackass in each of our tread ?

I welcome criticism, and of course I know we are not perfect, but what Kostyan is doing is not criticism, is just jumping on our neck everytime he can, and even if he can’t, he finds a way to do so.

You guys like drama for sure, ill add some for you to troll at me… I like to play with every one in this game, NASA included. The only person in NASA I cannot stand is Muchachos whos ego is bigger than a Stix and who have no manner what so ever. Anyone who is willing to learn and improve by understanding their mistake deserve some respect.

Drama =/=Flame =/= trash talk, I, personally, don’t like drama that is what most of you guys make out of it in response in my flame/trash talk

Whoever is willing to learn and improve and doing so, has EL’s respect.

Posting our video like that on youtube is an open door to criticism and we know we will be getting ‘‘learn to play comment’’. I cant recall seeing any extraordinary video of your gameplay online Kostyan and what bother me the most is your lack of respect toward your own corp mate in this tread.

I am hardly an amazing pilot skill wise, but i compensate in wide range of areas for that, personal piloting skill comes with repetitive muscle memory and reactions training, and just simply can not afford investing so much time into the game, and i have plenty of videos where we do very well as a team, they might look easy stomps, but that comes from coordination, plus i don’t like sharing all of our videos publicly.

Criticizing bad moves does not mean disrespect, not sure what you are talking about here.

But what bother me the most is the fact that each time you have a chance to jump on WPK, you do it. Why ? Why are you acting like a jackass in each of our tread ?

You were around for awhile seph and you should remember that i have been flaming a lot of these pilots way before they joined WPK for w/e reason back then, why would i stop just because they joined WPK?

Yes every time we lost to somebody it was all my fault right?  Never yours or anybody elses?   See there goes the blame game again.  If I fed as much as you say why was I almost always one of the last people alive in our losses?   I can recall only a few instances where I fed because I was pissed for reasons outside the game…not this “all the time” excuse.   If you want to point out other’s mistakes then at least own up to your own first.

This is exactly the point, you refuse to acknowledge that in majority of these games (at-least those that i saw recordings of or personally with me) you were first to go down, often not even mid game leaving us short handed. And I am not the only one with this opinion, that quote is not mine, there are at least 5 officers (including me) i talked to regarding your behavior, all of them agrees on the same thing that i summarized in that quote. Rather than been defensive, reflect upon it, you already have great personal skill.

he finds a way to do so.


I am hardly an amazing pilot skill wise, but i compensate in wide range of areas for that, personal piloting skill comes with repetitive muscle memory and reactions training, and just simply can not afford investing so much time into the game, and i have plenty of videos where we do very well as a team, they might look easy stomps, but that comes from coordination, plus i don’t like sharing all of our videos publicly.

Criticizing bad moves does not mean disrespect, not sure what you are talking about here.

You were around for awhile seph and you should remember that i have been flaming a lot of these pilots way before they joined WPK for w/e reason back then, why would i stop just because they joined WPK?

So you also have an excuse to being average? and still try to give lessons to the rest of us? If you think skill piloting comes from that, you are very wrong. Like in almost any other issue tbh.


But hey, here you have your cookie for winning the internetz.


Now be somewhere else.

So you also have an excuse to being average? and still try to give lessons to the rest of us? If you think skill piloting comes from that, you are very wrong. Like in almost any other issue tbh.

I think you should re-read what i said, meaning: “I might be average ship handling wise, and that is coming mainly from hands on practice”. I am not talking about game sense or team-play, or ability to asset the situation.

I want some Internet points too… 


About the “if they are better than you, you shouldn’t criticize them”. Tillo and Milf have more individual skill than me, but that doesn’t mean that I did not see their mistakes from miles away in that video: Milf being as agressive as he is with randoms against a squad is a mistake. Tillo using the Mauler like if he was 6o6 or DarkDragon is also a mistake. And that’s not ridiculizing anyone, it’s just criticism, they could have won if they played properly, period. 

So I think as long as you keep the respect, you can always criticize others…


About the rest of the thread… I’ll stay clean today.

Ok, I’m not posting any more videos. if you want to watch them, go to my youtube channel.


Now you can continue with the flame. Thanks all for nothing.

The sooner you start looking at your videos in a way “what did i do wrong and what we should have done differently/better” the sooner you become a real threat in sector conquest.


i’m a threat :frowning:


bit of a yolo threat but still


i agree with your point here, in DNO after a while I had experience with some players because of the large number of sec con games we have played together so we end up steam rolling most squads apart from the occasional 6o6 and friends. since I have moved to esb I think I have improved as a player but now I am playing with new guys (to me) so there is a learning curve involved when play sec con because everyone is not used to playing together etc (like how it was when i first joined DNO) but we will get there


every now and then you get lucky like this for solo play




but also super unlucky like this :frowning:



but also super unlucky like this :frowning:




That’s not bad luck, just standard CORP procedures. Rape the Aces and take screenshots and sit afk/quit against stronger enemies.

That’s not bad luck, just standard CORP procedures. Rape the Aces and take screenshots and sit afk/quit against stronger enemies.


amen to that haha

Got enough of xxxx.


If anyone wants to see the videos, they are in my youtube channel.

at-least leave us a link, so we know where to go though.

at-least leave us a link, so we know where to go though.

You are so clever, you will find it alone.





Kostyan you made it!

Good job man!

Well, can any GM just close the thread and clean all the mess? thank you. The troll has won. All rejoice.


I just hope next time you try to create some game content to increase the exposition of the game, you face the same xxxx “for the lulz”

It’s obvious he has no respect for anybody else and seeks to drag everybody else down to the same level as himself.  How can anybody respect others if they don’t even respect themselves?