[Video] Woflpack SQ

Got enough of xxxx.


If anyone wants to see the videos, they are in my youtube channel.

B-but WolfPack don’t play T5 or SQ, we’re T3 farmers? How did you photoshop that?

B-but WolfPack don’t play T5 or SQ, we’re T3 farmers? How did you photoshop that?

awww, let me see… Sector Conquest was introduced in form close to what we have now around October - November_2013, and it is June_2014 here… 

There is a Corporation Leaderboard-Influence rating, which is an indication of game hours Corporation holds sectors, even though rating itself is just as bad as PvP rating, because it does not distinguish difference in sector worth (credit and gold are treated equally, so “zergs” rule that rating with worthless sectors), still it is a good indication of Corporation activity (and to much less extend it’s success, unfortunately) in Sector Conquest.

 And we all remember here my long whiny post about how wpk is T3 farmers and doesn’t do Sec Con, and then almost right away WPK goes all mighty into Sec Con and get stomped by [CORP].


And now when majority of veterans kinda tired on Sec Con and on semi afk status and very low activity in SC, here is WPK, stomping some random kids.


 If anything, your SC video should’ve started with some relatively close game or vs opponents with brainz, this is just :lol:


but, hey, welcome, it is about time

awww, let me see… Sector Conquest was introduced in form close to what we have now around October - November_2013, and it is June_2014 here… 

There is a Corporation Leaderboard-Influence rating, which is an indication of game hours Corporation holds sectors, even though rating itself is just as bad as PvP rating, because it does not distinguish difference in sector worth (credit and gold are treated equally, so “zergs” rule that rating with worthless sectors), still it is a good indication of Corporation activity (and to much less extend it’s success, unfortunately) in Sector Conquest.

 And we all remember here my long whiny post about how wpk is T3 farmers and doesn’t do Sec Con, and then almost right away WPK goes all mighty into Sec Con and get stomped by [CORP].


And now when majority of veterans kinda tired on Sec Con and on semi afk status and very low activity in SC, here is WPK, stomping some random kids.


 If anything, your SC video should’ve started with some relatively close game or vs opponents with brainz, this is just :lol:


but, hey, welcome, it is about time


Well, if we had NASA time zones we could have gone Sec Con since December and stomp some random kids 'till this date  :what:

I mean, nights where I can’t sleep I go solo there and it’s glorious the kind of people you can find. 



but, hey, welcome, it is about time


And we’ve been playing for a decent time  :learn:  :learn:


Well, if we had NASA time zones we could have gone Sec Con since December and stomp some random kids 'till this date  :what:

I mean, nights where I can’t sleep I go solo there and it’s glorious the kind of people you can find. 




And we’ve been playing for a decent time  :learn:  :learn:



Till is from Europe and he do sc with me together fighting Nova SRS squads. I get off work at 4pm and rush home to do sc :lol:

Well, if we had NASA time zones we could have gone Sec Con since December and stomp some random kids 'till this date  :what:

I mean, nights where I can’t sleep I go solo there and it’s glorious the kind of people you can find.

We use to have plenty of competition, SRS NOVA and SYN, even ocasioannly tops from DNO (Kaneto, valkir, Y-sub), use to have at least 1 squad in our time zone pretty much every night, and with the lack of population in our time zone you hardly figth anyone else, you saw some of those videos yourself, so shush it.

And we’ve been playing for a decent time  :learn:  :learn:

You do, i know, recently. But when everyone did it, you were making excuses, and jumping factions.

You do, i know, recently. But when everyone did it, you were making excuses, and jumping factions.


My excuse was “I don’t have ships yet”. I’ve been playing Sec Con (not regularly) since I got my first set of available ships.



rush home to do sc  :lol:


Don’t drive hope like you drive your ships or we will have a disgrace.

Progression through PvP in RU/EU time zones is non existent, it is laughably short (with license) and throw in all these synergy gain promotions on weekends on top of “high” population, the only bottleneck is loyalty, which, according to all of us here is not crucial to one’s performance, all you need is MK2.

I had one day where i was able to play on a weekend with 2x synergy gains per game during prime time, i got r11 synergy 3 to r15 within 3 or 4 hours (granted i had credits, but that is another 1 hour if needed)

Till is from Europe and he do sc with me together fighting Nova SRS squads. I get off work at 4pm and rush home to do sc :lol:

I remember being with you and Tillo once, and we just fighted randoms in the USA server…

I remember being with you and Tillo once, and we just fighted randoms in the USA server…



P.S. Kaiju runs at the beginning of the match.

Yesterday I tried to do Sec Con with JP, Kryll (sorry if not spelled properly) and Zee. After 5 minutes or queue they gave up and went to T2 :sad:  


And I just went afk and play osu!

And I just went afk and play osu!

Next time with me!

By the way, i don’t know a corp which is called “Woflpack”. xD

By the way, i don’t know a corp which is called “Woflpack”. xD

It’s not new though, I’ve had fun with that in the past already:

Second sign, recruitment spam in global:


The plot thickens.    :lol:

Well, he wasn’t really recruiting for you guys but for the Wo fl pack Corporation anyway (someone tell him it’s written The Wafflepack ), so I guess that’s ok.   :yes_yes:


oh god

The Wafflepack


Next time with me!

By the way, i don’t know a corp which is called “Woflpack”. xD


It was like 4 am for you, only american players online. 



oh god

The Wafflepack



The WafflePack

It was like 4 am for you, only american players online. 





The WafflePack

blueberry are the best ones, goes extremely well with greek yogurt or sweet cottage chees



P.S. Kaiju runs at the beginning of the match.


i remember that match :smiley:


was so fun. and kaiju pls just quit

800 players online, 1hour of Sec Con, 1 game 


soooooooooo good

800 players online, 1hour of Sec Con, 1 game 


soooooooooo good


Thats on a good day too.