[Video] Soldier's Monster Garage

Decided I’d update this with my more recent builds, since I’ll be going on a hiatus from the game. I have flown these ships regularly and can vouch for their combat potential.


First off, here are the set of implants I have active that are affecting these ships. I do not have multiple crews.



Blood Tormentor [Punisher Build]


This one is built entirely around the Heavy Blaster. By maximizing damage and reducing spread, more projectiles hit the target, making it deadly against large and small targets alike. I went with the cooling ammo because this weapon has a cycle-up time, and is much more deadly if the player doesn’t have to stop shooting to let it cool as often. I have taken out Tier 4 and 5 Guards with this build.


Sigurdr [Destroyer Build]


Another raw damage build. I tried to make the Sigurdr as tanky as possible without sacrificing damage. Collision Compensator gives the Sigurdr a much needed boost to Strafe and allow it to hug cover without taking damage. The Horizon modules counteract the Curved Reflector’s reduced range. This ship is very adept at hunting Guard Frigates. Swap out the Minelayers for Octopus missiles for even more potential against Guards.


Reaper [interdictor Build]


This one is a niche build. I use it almost exclusively in Detonation matches where I know the primary enemy will be Interceptors. The entire point is to get to the objective quickly, and keep enemy mobility down. This ship can easily run down a bomb carrier and destroy them. It is also very effective at following a friendly bomb carrier, and keeping enemies from being able to pursue. Whenever I bring this ship out, I expect to die. The main goal is to cause as much chaos as possible before that happens.


Sawtooth [brawler Build]


This one is focused on making the Ion Emitters as deadly as possible by boosting their Crit Chance and Refire Rate. Works fairly well, thought there are ships that do this much better. I went with Thermal Resistance because of the many special abilities that use this damage type.


Tiger [interceptor Build]


This one is a combination of damage and inhibitors. Designed to run down individual enemy Interceptors and Fighters and slow them until the main battle group can catch up. Target Painter helps make high-speed passes more effective.


Atlas [Missile Platform Build]


This one is more of a ‘because I can’ build. Can easily be countered by Missile Shield. Can be quite effective in Combat Recon to keep the enemy captain on the move, or in Team Battle, to help take out pesky frigates. EM Scattering is useful for keeping the enemy guessing where the missiles are coming from, while Reverse Thruster helps you get out if they do find you.


Lion [boxer Build]


This is the build I used to kill FLinT. Essentially, the goal was to make a ship that maximizes strafe to keep the enemy in it’s gunsights while still being able to dodge. The only weakness is it’s horrible rotation speed, due to the galvanized armor. The sentry drone helps cover this weakness.


Lion Mk2 [Ambush Build]


Entirely based around the idea of uncloaking behind an enemy and destroying them as quickly as possible. Went with Irridium Heatsinks instead of Pulse Dischargers because energy stability is so important to the Cruise Engine.

Are you gonna post your “flying coffin” build? Reaper with nothing but speed modules, i remember it exploded just by locking on it :00555:

I hope it is something to do with warp gates, shields, and reverse thrusters :stuck_out_tongue:

Since things here on the forums have been a little slow, I went ahead and posted several screenshots of my more bizarre builds. Incoming hate in 3, 2, 1…  :fed010:

Since things here on the forums have been a little slow, I went ahead and posted several screenshots of my more bizarre builds. Incoming hate in 3, 2, 1…  :fed010:

hate? lol more like a pity

The sawtooth does not have optimal criticals. Fill every CPU slot with purped up crit chance. Target tracking processor is useless IMO.

The sawtooth does not have optimal criticals. Fill every CPU slot with purped up crit chance. Target tracking processor is useless IMO.

heh so that is the only thing you think is wrong with these 

The sawtooth does not have optimal criticals. Fill every CPU slot with purped up crit chance. Target tracking processor is useless IMO.


Well, the difference in my use of the words maximum and optimal are the key. If I were going for maximum crit chance, your suggestion would have been the best. However, I was trying for a balance that wouldn’t take my range down below 3000.


So essentially I was attempting for a build that would deal massive criticals once every 3 shots, and then cranking rate of fire to make the most of the limited time fast-movers would be in my sights.


The only thing I’m not yet happy with are the shields. I went off of yeahalex’s formula for ‘rolling’ combat, but the Sawtooth just doesn’t have the speed or maneuverability to make it viable for that chassis. I had the upgrade kits for Mk 2, so I figured, why not give it a try just to see if it works?

heh so that is the only thing you think is wrong with these

Not wrong just different. I wouldn’t build my own ships like this but soldier is free to do what he wants as long as he doesn’t encroach on others.

Edit: btw xKostyan, while I was making an idea for a module, I thought about the concept and didn’t like it. So I trashed the idea. It was like a healer drone could be placed on a ship. So when the ship left heal radius of engi it could still be healed. It was яетаяDed

Well, the difference in my use of the words maximum and optimal are the key. If I were going for maximum crit chance, your suggestion would have been the best. However, I was trying for a balance that wouldn’t take my range down below 3000.

So essentially I was attempting for a build that would deal massive criticals once every 3 shots, and then cranking rate of fire to make the most of the limited time fast-movers would be in my sights.

The only thing I’m not yet happy with are the shields. I went off of yeahalex’s formula for ‘rolling’ combat, but the Sawtooth just doesn’t have the speed or maneuverability to make it viable for that chassis. I had the upgrade kits for Mk 2, so I figured, why not give it a try just to see if it works?

Optimal crit doesn’t need TTC. If you want range add the HM. Then it would be optimal for what you want to have. 2 IR + 1 HM = optimal

Not wrong just different. I wouldn’t build my own ships like this but soldier is free to do what he wants as long as he doesn’t encroach on others.

following this logic, there are no wrong or bad builds only different, so even a completely naked ship is perfectly fine just because, well it is different?

Are you gonna post your “flying coffin” build? Reaper with nothing but speed modules, i remember it exploded just by locking on it :00555:


“Reaver” Build: Maximum Speed

Optimal crit doesn’t need TTC. If you want range add the HM. Then it would be optimal for what you want to have. 2 IR + 1 HM = optimal



Problem was, when I was running 2 IR, my criticals still only came once every 3 shots. The marginal increase in frequency didn’t seem to merit sacrificing the additional damage. Not to mention I was already running the +10% critical chance implant, and +10% critical chance ammo.


These builds are not meant as guides, btw. I’m just throwing science modules at the wall and seeing what sticks.

what is the top speed of the reaper speed build?

what is the top speed of the reaper speed build?


353 without AB. 424 with AB. AB energy consumption is 191/second. Energy regeneration is 187/second.


R5 implant set to 3% speed increase. R9 afterburner implant does not affect ship.


I edited my original post with the stat pages for most of the ships.

Hey. So I’m not sure what version of overwolf you’re using so that it doesn’t support star conflict, because the version I have installed supports it (any steam game as far as I know; somone will correct me) and allows me to record.

Whats the point of the Reaper build if you cant tank with adaptatvies and you have less regeneration than afterburner energy use。。。

Whats the point of the Reaper build if you cant tank with adaptatvies and you have less regeneration than afterburner energy use。。。


It was designed to get in the fray quick and severely reduce enemy movement.


It’s also not bad at chasing down solitary interceptors. Provided the adaptive shield is set to their damage type, it can do a reasonable job of protection, and most of the time, the idea was to use hit and run tactics.

Hey. So I’m not sure what version of overwolf you’re using so that it doesn’t support star conflict, because the version I have installed supports it (any steam game as far as I know; somone will correct me) and allows me to record.

Maybe its just my version or my PC, not sure. I go to their support page, and it says Star Conflict is supported. But then when I try to activate the video recorder via hotkey or manually, I get the message “Recording is enabled in game only”. So I’ve got no idea what is wrong. I changed the game settings from fullscreen windowed to regular fullscreen, and that didn’t help. I tried using the hotkey for recording from inside the game, and that didn’t work.

Whats the point of the Reaper build if you cant tank with adaptatvies and you have less regeneration than afterburner energy use。。。


for troll purposes