[Video] Soldier's Monster Garage

for troll purposes


Trolling yourself I guess

The sawtooth does not have optimal criticals. Fill every CPU slot with purped up crit chance. Target tracking processor is useless IMO.

[http://forum.star-conflict.com/index.php?/topic/21774-critical-chance-vs-critical-damage/](< base_url >/index.php?/topic/21774-critical-chance-vs-critical-damage/)


It’s math!  I did it for everyone!


following this logic, there are no wrong or bad builds only different, so even a completely naked ship is perfectly fine just because, well it is different?

Nonsense, target tracking vs infrared is rarely a logical choice.  Plus there’s engineers without auras, etc.  There are bad builds.  We just try to forget them.

following this logic, there are no wrong or bad builds only different, so even a completely naked ship is perfectly fine just because, well it is different?

Every build is good if it serves a purpose and fills it. There are standard builds, and more extreme or rare builds which maybe are not that optimal but fulfil the role they are made for.


I have one speed build in one recon I use just to travel around in Invasion mode. It is useless as a combat ship, but it fills its purpose, which is bringing me from A to B as fast as possible.


Of course, a naked ship doesn’t serve any purpose so… it is useless.


Also, most of the builds I have seen here doesn’t serve any purpose… The reaper speed build is just atrocious.

The reaper speed build is just atrocious.


Rakza didn’t post here yet because he died from a heart attack. 



The funny thing is when people use a hull regen active module on a guard and no shield regen active, when their tanking is done with their shields. Longer shield duration, moar tank i say. On a guard. Guard who’s special is to swich between shield resists. 


Par contre, i like that SoldiersFortune is having fun with builds. Even if they are kind of uninspired. But by trying he can actually find some good builds. I like his spirit :slight_smile:

The funny thing is when people use a hull regen active module on a guard and no shield regen active, when their tanking is done with their shields.


GADZOOKS! How did I miss that?!?

Alright. I completely reworked the OP with ships that I have used effectively in battle. Hopefully this gives others some fun ideas.


Guard as an Interdictor, LRF as a Tank, LRF as a Missile Boat, etc.

I find the lion II build not really useful… if u fly at 700 speed u don’t need adaptative tank at all… and i find a solid build for the lion mkII without the cruise engine would be much better :wink: with slowing modules. Another tackler would kill that build in seconds

I find the lion II build not really useful… if u fly at 700 speed u don’t need adaptative tank at all… and i find a solid build for the lion mkII without the cruise engine would be much better :wink: with slowing modules. Another tackler would kill that build in seconds


It’s more for Invasion, to be honest. The Cruise Engine helps me get into position behind the target player while my cloak is up. Once I start shooting, I get the +20% damage boost from decloaking. If I have underestimated my target, the adaptive shields help keep me alive while I am running. The adaptive shields do not activate unless I am using Afterburner.