whut? i payed exactly 200 bucks for my ASUS 660 Ti with 3GB last october. i always think 200 is a reasonable price for a gaming card, and i usually use them around 3 yrs.
oh, you meant the dedicated “Titan” cards, i thought they were discontinued… so dunno if their price is ever going to fall into a “reasonable” state. It’s overkill anyway. 900 bucks? i’d rather buy a second pc and record with that for that money. 
if you plan to record games and buy a new card, i would say, do not take ATi atm., except for BF4 Mantle support, also, the GTX 760 is stronger than the 660ti and in a similar price range; and will definitely be around in the next couple years. a used ebay GTX660-2GB should be cheap and nuff for the next 2 yrs.
and shadowplay isn’t just random fandom - it is really exceptionally superior to CPU recorders. except only having one audio channel, and not a separate one for ts3, it is perfect.
i had a 57xx too before mine, too. they were great for years. unfortunately, in bf4 open beta it suxord. for this game, intel video is enough, too 
but it also depends on your CPU / Mainboard, i5 and 1155 or 1150 mainboards should have no problems, 1156 or older however are a bit too old for the youtube gamer, mainly because of the architectural changes (1155/1150 cpus have the memory controller on the cpu and you can feel that a LOT in these tasks). i swapped my pc just months ago for these reasons, so i researched a lot, sry if i smarta$$ here.
if you plan to record games and buy a new card, i would say, do not take ATi atm., except for BF4 Mantle support, also, the GTX 760 is stronger than the 660ti and in a similar price range; and will definitely be around in the next couple years. a used ebay GTX660-2GB should be cheap and nuff for the next 2 yrs.
I don’t even care, tbh.
I bought the R7870 cause it was cheap and excellent. Then the GTX660 price plummeted and I just flipped my table. I xxxx lost it. The SOLE reason I didn’t buy the GTX was cause of the price and, out of nowhere, it was cheaper than mine.
Can’t you upload 720p videos? It would be cool.
I´ll try and see how my PC handles it.
I´ll try and see how my PC handles it.
If it drops, like, 10-15 fps, it’s not a huge loss (unless you have around 30-40 fps).
I never liked bubbles on tacklers. It’s too risky, I never liked getting this close in fight with them.
I loved RFR tacklers to bits back in the old days. In T3 bubbles become viable enough for them to mimic RFRs. In T2, bubbles are probably too slow (haven’t tried them out before in T2). Ions are nice in T2, though obviously not the best weapon against agile intys. I still fit my Fox-M with assault rails because of their versatility.
I was talking about below T3. Considering I’m still Synergyzing my low-end ships (almost into T3, now), I found those to be better. I’m still iffy about using Bubbles on T3 Tacklers, though, even on the Bear I prefer Ions. I don’t have the Parallax, but I suspect it has all the advantages of using Ions, considering its bonus to heating time.
I checked my Parallax: it’s actually cooling time, not heating time (which is what ECMs have). Singularities see their cooling time drop from 3.5s to 2.3s, ions from 2.2s to 1.5s, gauss 2.0s to 1.3s.
Bear has a crit damage bonus, but I don’t run crit builds so I’m not sure what’s the best way to exploit that.
I checked my Parallax: it’s actually cooling time, not heating time (which is what ECMs have). Singularities see their cooling time drop from 3.5s to 2.3s, ions from 2.2s to 1.5s, gauss 2.0s to 1.3s.
Bear has a crit damage bonus, but I don’t run crit builds so I’m not sure what’s the best way to exploit that.
Err, right. I don’t have the Parallax, so I wasn’t sure which one it was. Yes, bubbles would actually be mildly better on them, then.
As for the crit builds, it’s not impressive. You get, MAYBE, 30-40%, unlike the natural 70% on CovOps and Gunships (when on Overdrive)
I bought the R7870 cause it was cheap and excellent. Then the GTX660 price plummeted and I just flipped my table. I xxxx lost it. The SOLE reason I didn’t buy the GTX was cause of the price and, out of nowhere, it was cheaper than mine.
same happened to me couple of times, if not every time i bought cards before, thats why this time i did extended research. i didn’t know about shadowplay back then, so it was just a final bonus to my decision. but to be honest, there is always a bigger fish.
I checked my Parallax: it’s actually cooling time, not heating time (which is what ECMs have). Singularities see their cooling time drop from 3.5s to 2.3s, ions from 2.2s to 1.5s, gauss 2.0s to 1.3s.
omg, i just realized the difference because of your post the first time. explains a lot.
Jerry Tacklers need tweaks! Feds are fine! Actually synergizeing the Silent Fox was hilarious easy and fun.
But the Katana AE is just terrible… oh, well, it a Jerry Tackler…
For me it was the opposite. Maybe it was the jerry slot layout and the fourth active module, but for me the Katana AE was a walk around, while the fox was more of a challenge.
Tacklers in T3 don’t need anything. If any, they will welcome the bonus % damage after uncloaking proposed in the tackler tread.
Problem is people try to use them as gunships, and they are not.
Problem is people try to use them as gunships, and they are not.
He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.
He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.
Or to preserve his precious! :lol:
He who fights and runs away, lives to fight another day.
No if you’re a slow xxxx Jericho Tackler, you wont scape.
No if you’re a slow xxxx Jericho Tackler, you wont scape.
Exactly. You cant club PPL from behind like with the fed ones, either.
Coward. Traitor.
Starscream to Megatron: “Sometimes cowards survive”
Or to preserve his precious! :lol:
My DSR is crap so I have nothing to lose. (Besides, I don’t even need to repair the Parallax so there’s essentially no loss for me at all.) I’m more cautious when it comes to recon, CTB and long dragged out detonation matches (where death matters).
No if you’re a slow xxxx Jericho Tackler, you wont scape.
Since the Katana AE couldn’t run, I usually just fought to the death and put my main weapon damage bonus to good use.
Coward. Traitor.
My apologies. If I have the honour of flying alongside you, I’ll stand and fight. In a Styx.
long dragged out detonation matches (where death matters).
We had one of those against ESB. I planted the last bomb in the last seconds cause ESB were blinded with bloodlust.
No if you’re a slow xxxx Jericho Tackler, you wont scape.
As a Jericho tackler you have enough tank to survive for a while, enough to get out of microlocator range or wait till the F recharges. But fed ones get instapopped by snipers.
As a Jericho tackler you have enough tank to survive for a while, enough to get out of microlocator range or wait till the F recharges. But fed ones get instapopped by snipers.
They’re as tanky as the Commands, but without the phase shield, speed module bonus to run and extra passive resists from aegis. The problem most of the time is that any decent recon will have you droned since the minute 1, so you wont last.
And I don’t agree the Fed ones are that squishy. Parallax has 1 hull and 2 shields, it can be hard to kill (also EB). Fed tacklers are most of the time more energy stable.
We had one of those against ESB. I planted the last bomb in the last seconds cause ESB were blinded with bloodlust.
Bloodlust can be good if it’s directed at the right people (i.e. bomb carriers).
Bloodlust can be good if it’s directed at the right people (i.e. bomb carriers).
It really wasn’t, in that case. We had 2 pilots (pugs) that stormed the Station and I just went under it all. ESB & Co (around half a dozen pugs) started shooting them and did not even realize I was heading towards the Station. And I planted it.
Iirc, fine actually prevented me from planting one, the first time, on that same Station, due to the xxxx Stasis Generator, I just floated into oblivion and the station was saved for an extra 3 minutes.