[Video] SecCon with Lion MkII

Coming from the guy that whines whenever he’s killed.


And I do know what it’s like up here. I know just how “op” bubbles are. Their damage is fine. Their speed, however, is not. Especially when fighting against ships 2 Tiers below.


Wtf are you talking? i tell you one true thing about t5,  when you tryed to shitload on me, check my profile then look at your own,btw if i cryed ever, it was about stupid ECMS in my past 



My best guess is, that due to the Recon-Swarms and the removal of stab. rails Jerry Tacklers suffered badly. 

btw this video dont show Singu is op, it shows ESB vs SCRUBS



Jerry Tacklers need tweaks! Feds are fine! Actually synergizeing the Silent Fox was hilarious easy and fun.

But the Katana AE is just terrible… oh, well, it a Jerry Tackler… 

Leveling the S.Fox felt a lot easier, this I concur.


The gameplay is COMPLETELY different between the 2 ships. I actually found the Kat-AE to be BETTER at its job than the S-Fox. But yes, the S-Fox was much more entertaining to fly, I can’t deny that.

Depends on what the ‘job’ is. Murdering frigates? Katana AE wins hands down. It’s also waaaay better for defensive play and ambushes, and brawling with gunships. Cloak when Overdrive comes on, stalk them, then decloak and unleash hell when Overdrive runs out. (Provided there aren’t any micro locators nearby, which happens from time to time.)

Wtf are you talking? i tell you one true thing about t5,  when you tryed to shitload on me, check my profile then look at your own,btw if i cryed ever, it was about stupid ECMS in my past 


And, if you think I’ll even look at a pilot’s profile, you’re dead wrong. I don’t care about stats. Why would anyone wave their e-peen at someone’s face? It’s pathetic.

And… you still do, according to what I’ve heard from a few pilots… They’ve also gone as far as to give you a different nickname…


My best guess is, that due to the Recon-Swarms and the removal of stab. rails Jerry Tacklers suffered badly. 

Gauss Rails are still excellent due to them being Stab Rails copy/paste. That was my weapon of choice on the S-Fox and I got top scores all the time. All Tacklers suffered with the recent Recon swarms, not just Jericho, though.


btw this video dont show Singu is op, it shows ESB vs SCRUBS

So show one vs a damned good team. I know Zap can deliver on that (whether he’s recorded any or not, not that I care, because I know he’s a damned good pilot), he’s faced dozens of good teams, even when he was flying with the pack.

Gauss Rails are still excellent due to them being Stab Rails copy/paste. That was my weapon of choice on the S-Fox and I got top scores all the time. All Tacklers suffered with the recent Recon swarms, not just Jericho, though.



They are more sort of a weired Hail with kinetic dmg. if you ask me. 

Stabs were miles better, hands down.

True, but they suffered most due to their pathetic speed and not working shield tank (Feds dont have that problem, tank is not really there at all,but at least they have the speed to compensate). 

They are more sort of a weired Hail with kinetic dmg. if you ask me. 

Stabs were miles better, hands down.

True, but they suffered most due to their pathetic speed and not working shield tank (Feds dont have that problem, tank is not really there at all,but at least they have the speed to compensate). 

No, Stabs were broken, no doubt about it.


Shield tank is still crap, nowadays, but that’s because the mods were poorly handled upon the Passive revamp… They HIGHLY favour Armour, leaving Shield in the gutter. That’s the sole reason any and all Jericho ships are terrible.


Federate tank is speed, not physical. A high manoeuvrability and velocity is all they need to “tank” any incoming damage. They don’t need any physical tank, if you ask me, they’re perfect the way they are, extremely deadly in the right hands.

Do you really think that Gauss is a valid Weapon at the moment? 

Imo its the worst choice for every Fighter. 

And, if you think I’ll even look at a pilot’s profile, you’re dead wrong. I don’t care about stats. Why would anyone wave their e-peen at someone’s face? It’s pathetic.

And… you still do, according to what I’ve heard from a few pilots… They’ve also gone as far as to give you a different nickname…


yes but then stop talking bullshit  when you dont care it, and fly t5, you have more posts in forum as battles ingame and you want to tell me something about pathetic? you know a xxxx about me or anyone and trying to pissoff someone… just come t5 and dont stay in t3 or t2  Mr. Pathetic.

Do you really think that Gauss is a valid Weapon at the moment? 

Imo its the worst choice for every Fighter. 

Command Fighters (below T4), S-Fox, Phobos. T2 Tacklers & Gunships… Half the Fighters, they’re effective on, tbh. Moreso than Ions and Bubbles. At least that’s what I noticed.

Command Fighters (below T4), S-Fox, Phobos. T2 Tacklers & Gunships… Half the Fighters, they’re effective on, tbh. Moreso than Ions and Bubbles. At least that’s what I noticed.


Cant help myself but I find Bubbles, Ions, Rails by far more useful than Gauss in T3+ for EVERY Fighter.

Or maybe I just suck badly with them. They are very specialized tho.  

I never liked bubbles on tacklers. It’s too risky, I never liked getting this close in fight with them. Sniper rails was always my playstyle, so you basically only have anti-interceptor flanking role (still better than lazors imo), that can only scratch a frigate, which can still be sometimes effective in current meta, since there are not as many frigates around anymore. I still don’t fly it tough, but I remember one game in SQ when enemy team has actually been giving us problems with interceptor swarms, switching from my BG LB to Piranha Gauss which I was leveling at the time, this weapon fitted marginally better in that situation (would probably be even better on a tackler, but hey, there were recons around, so no cloak). Lasers are probably better overall on a tackler, but I like the feel and alpha damage on the gauss. Just personal preference, and old love for stab rails.

Im too much addicted to a “Do or die”-Playstyle. 

The Bubbles stay!  :lol:

Cant help myself but I find Bubbles, Ions, Rails by far more useful than Gauss in T3+ for EVERY Fighter.

Or maybe I just suck badly with them. They are very specialized tho.  

I was talking about below T3. Considering I’m still Synergyzing my low-end ships (almost into T3, now), I found those to be better. I’m still iffy about using Bubbles on T3 Tacklers, though, even on the Bear I prefer Ions. I don’t have the Parallax, but I suspect it has all the advantages of using Ions, considering its bonus to heating time.

Gauss if for duck hunting™

I´ll try to do some better quality next time. Cant record at full res since I already have fps-drops on some maps… gets worse with bandicam in the background. If smb. knows a less consuming tool, i´d be happy.  


if u have an nvidia >=650, shadowplay. you just don’t feel it - at all. direct encoding on the graphic chip, all it does is write the mp4 to the hd, full res and 60fps. it is basicly the nonplusultra atm. for recording and even a good reason if you try to decide whether your new card should be ATi or nV. (mantle vs. physX)


otherwise i used OBSto directly tap into the 3d stream and encode, and there is a thread in offtopic somewhere with more examples (dxtory, etc.)



Tacklers need tweaking in T3, not T5. EVERYTHING is op’d in T5, especially with those implants and you know it.

i have tried T3 tacklers yesterday (i had a parallax for a long time - equipped it because of this video) - and i even used assault rails on it - and it felt much more balanced than it was before. i bought the parallax right as i joined T3, and always regreted it, because tacklers back then were really bad. however you are rite, T5 ships are really hard to bring down in a T3. the difference is huge.


i still enjoyed the video. and i don’t mind, anyone who exclusively plays T5 atm. will get rusty and will be surprised once the regular 8v8 or 12v12 comes up to higher tiers, which i believe one day will occur. zap ain’t one of them, he flies T3 often enough. you can already feel it, ESB squads ain’t that much of a threat anymore in a T3 match, other groups have way better and fearsome tactics and crowd control (they are no picnic either, tho, but at least no guaranteed loss)


well i consider WPK anyway kings of T3 atm, so, i don’t think you might argue much about that :smiley:

if u have an nvidia >=650, shadowplay. you just don’t feel it - at all. direct encoding on the graphic chip, all it does is write the mp4 to the hd, full res and 60fps. it is basicly the nonplusultra atm. for recording and even a good reason if you try to decide whether your new card should be ATi or nV. (mantle vs. physX)


otherwise i used OBSto directly tap into the 3d stream and encode, and there is a thread in offtopic somewhere with more examples (dxtory, etc.)



Thanks. I´ll try that. 

I have a ATI Radeon HD 5700… its getting a bit old. On the other hand it should be sufficient for this game.  

Thanks. I´ll try that. 

I have a ATI Radeon HD 5700… its getting a bit old. On the other hand it should be sufficient for this game.  


note, my brother entersprite used a program called “Action” and said it was also very good (he has an ATi too, he swaps it to an nvidia just because of recording). However with all these tools more emphasis is on your CPU, and you have to tweak recording accordingly - either use bigger files and reencode them later in some nice 2pass or try to find the biggest resolution / tweakiest settings to record. I used 50% screen on OBS and increased the encoding - however i doubt you will get the crystal clear videos in SC without feeling it ingame with anything but shadowplay or using an i5/i7, mainly because you have to record in high fps for this game to look good.

Thanks. I´ll try that. 

I have a ATI Radeon HD 5700… its getting a bit old. On the other hand it should be sufficient for this game.  

I suggest you get your hands on an R7870 (like mine, it’s just perfect on almost all games, including recent ones) or a GTX 660.


Just don’t touch Titans, those things are a bit overpriced. Maybe this christmas, they’ll be cheaper.

Can’t you upload 720p videos? It would be cool.


And pls, if you’re going to argue it’s ok, but keep the insults out of the thread.