Viaibility Stat

There should be a “visibility” or “detectability” stat that all ships have that governs radar distance for enemies. As in, a Covert Ops ship might have a visibility stat of 3,000m where a Guard frigate would have a visibility of 6,500m. Destroyers should have some insane visibility or be permanently visible. LRF and Covert Ops ships should be on the lesser end, along with Tacklers just above that. This would help with a bit of passive balancing.

maybe the visibility would be subtracted from the enemies radar,


recon has 10000m radar range (pretend)

guard has 10m “stealth”

equation= R-S=D

r=radar range

s=enemy stealth

d=distance the enemy needs to be within to be detected

(using afterburners reduces stealth, as in it gives a heat signature to track)


great idea by the way

Visibility from the HUD or Total ship visibility. I don’t want ships popping out of nowhere(world of tank style) nor an invisible LRF positroning your face.

hud invisibility I’d assume

We have a radar, no need to use stone age tech (eyes), WW2 is enough.

16 minutes ago, ORCA1911 said:

We have a radar, no need to use stone age tech (eyes), WW2 is enough.

But consider: Tai’Kin perma-cloak.