Versus AI mode improvements



Versus AI mode is good. Players have a choice and they will act, according to their preferences.

I think that you should re-introduce rank 1-15 mode, like you did initially.

It just needs to be harder and more challenging. If you can do that, it can also be more fun.



number 1:

There are 3 main issues, why such matches are boring and so easy to win or complete. Here is the solution.

  • bots should be fully synergized ( maximum synergy rank )

  • bots should be fully equipped with the latest equipment in general ( Mark 4 and Mark 5 equipment is mandatory , whenever possible)

  • bots should be fully implanted (benefits of various and diverse implant setups should be applied to all bots)


number 2:

Bot AI (tweaks and adaptations and general AI improvements; accuracy, ship setups in general, response times, etc.)

  • behavior (defensive, offensive, aggressive, etc.)

  • certain special tricks should be used by the bots (like cloaked Tackler attacking from behind, maneuvers, coordination with the other bots, etc.)


number 3:

Advanced (rank 11-15; applies, when you use T4 or T5 ships in your ship lineup)

  • bots should use any and all available Secret Project ships

  • bots should use different and various customizable synergy rank bonuses, depending on the Secret Project ship

  • there is a low chance, that the bots can use a T4 or T5 Destroyer (rank 13-15 only; applies only to one or two bots and never more)



Point is, to be able to play this game mode freely, without rank and contract limitations.

If you can implement all those suggested improvements, then this will be justified and worthwhile.




Bring it on!


+1 to everything here

Yes to everything.

  • bots should not suicide

  • I would not mind having ru server in pva (or pve either) if the eu server capacity would be used for pvp instead

Mode should not be awailable at ranks 9+

Omg I figured out that the captain mode swaps the AI logic to travel to the edge of the map and self destruct. It’s hilarious.

Turkey shots… Just standing in one place, the bots came and die. So many medals for nothing really skilled done. -.-

Is it funny or is it sad, that in OS a few groups of NPCs are a way harder challenge as those … targets?

They should implement a group AI behavior like it’s done in OS. If you aren’t prepared or well equipped, you are death. But here?

Nothing to do out of standing in one place, letting the bots come and shoot them down.

Well… Now as the gaming population is growing, and numbers are so impressive… - Why not open up a seperate PVP queue for “WILD T5” aka, with no squad restrictions?? 


But in the absence of that… I dont know, Vs AI would be nice for vouchers. 

With a little difficulty increase PvA would be good as is up to rank 9. It really boosts synergy leveling even if it draws players away from PvP. At least there are some efforts towards squad playing. Just make it a little more difficult than PvE and it will be fine. AI should use everything in this mode really, fully equipped with mk2 modules and all ships including destroyers.


From rank 10 PvA should be more challenging like spec ops. It should require good teamwork so for r10+ players this mode would really be about squad playing and it wouldn’t suck out too many players of PvP. 

Mode should not be awailable at ranks 9+

It should be.

Introducing rank restrictions would just put another limit.

Game should present as much freedom to obtain tasks as much as possible.

You got full support of me for everything there Koro good suggestion

Though PvAI is a great confidence booster for pilots that have a hard time in other modes. And the fact that it is playable by anyone, means that players will have less chance of stagnating in any one rank. Though with the new levelling system that is a whole other issue. Someone needs to complain about it.

It should be.

Introducing rank restrictions would just put another limit.

Game should present as much freedom to obtain tasks as much as possible.

No it should not

No it should not

NO! it Should


This shamemode shouldn’t even exist. The T1 PvP and the AI is already the same. Anyway, Rank 1-9 restriction sounds fair to me. Don’t spend more time to make the bots smarter, just keep it as it is and concentrate on the important parts of the game.

I don’t like to keep a chance for anybody to rank up to R15 with this shamemode.
Farm PvE or OS, and keep the restriction.

This shamemode shouldn’t even exist. The T1 PvP and the AI is already the same. Anyway, Rank 1-9 restriction sounds fair to me. Don’t spend more time to make the bots smarter, just keep it as it is and concentrate on the important parts of the game.

I don’t like to keep a chance for anybody to rank up to R15 with this shamemode.

Farm PvE or OS, and keep the restriction.

I thought that you’re no longer active with Star Conflict. I guess you changed your mind.

I thought that you’re no longer active with Star Conflict. I guess you changed your mind.

I’m still active, but since I almost have everything on my main acc. I’m playing mostly with my alt. :slight_smile:

I only login for do the daily sh*t and the mono tasks.


I’m still active, but since I almost have everything on my main acc. I’m playing mostly with my alt. :slight_smile:

I only login for do the daily sh*t and the mono tasks.


Good to know, Gizmomac. Yes, it is sh*t indeed now.

I need some official information about this. People are complaining about extra damage from bots and durability.

Can you actually make it like I suggested?