Use alien ship to grow crystals

I suggest some sort of away mission or other activity where you send your alien ship to a lab, and they use its natural crystal regrowth to harvest xenocrystals. It would grant X xenocrystals per Y hours and have potentially no cap or limit. The only catch is that your alien ship is unusable while it is being harvested.

The more alien ships that are being harvested, the greater yield of crystals.

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I like the Idea, + from me.

+1 to this.

Need a maximum time limit or else you can just forget it.

10 minutes ago, Swifter43021 said:

Need a maximum time limit or else you can just forget it.

You would also forget that you have an alien ship. Remember they would be 100% unusable while being harvested.

Just now, TheDarkRedFox said:

You would also forget that you have an alien ship. Remember they would be 100% unusable while being harvested.

Nah it needs to be like Vouchers.


Or else a player that don’t even launch the game for months will come back with tons of live crystal. It’s unfair.

It’s unfair, he will come when everything gets nerfed and we continue playing something else lol relax, let people get stuff, as if those kinds of players will get gud by not playing.

That is a valid point. I been taking it easy on playing SC lately and playing other games or well just doing anything else due to playing WAY too much. The game seems more fun to me now that I don’t play it like its a career. BUT I’m still holding my own. ![:D](<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/006j.png “:D”)