US player base

It would seem the US player base is vanishing


 Most of the games we get are on EU or Russian servers

about 80%of the time my ping is between 120 and 250 for most games


now your going to say play the US server

  ok Ill wait for 5 to 10 mins per game for t3

 and forever for anything t4 plus

so what we do is play the game with the lowest possible settings,

 and when we get a high ping game go with big ships.

always at a disadvantage in most games

 when are we likely to get a us server game

  Between 7 and 10 pm

  this would seem to me to be the most active time for the US player base!

  now as for the dread battles

 The times there a totally screwed

 we lost a battle area because it was unsupported

   ok fine!!!

 leave the supported game time alone 10pm eastern and 7 pm on the west coast

   but rather than do that what happens

You move the supported game to the time that was unsupported

   ummmm maybe not the best move

 unless you are trying to get the last US players to throw up there hands and give up

because for me

  its happening fast

im over it

  what you want me to do is at midnight, try to forma wing of 8 for a game that may last for 1.5 hours

ok developers tonight stay up time 1:30 and go to work tomorrow

   and do it every night for a week

 because that is what your are asking me to do.

 We/I worked hard to get better in Dread battles

 I have lead undermanned attacks to the slaughter

  I have helped defend

 we have grown and got better together

 we finally get it together and claim get two sectors

 only to find the battle is so late is gonna be a major pain to even try to defend them

I am over it.

Boo Hoo the people in the unsupported times were crying

 they lost the times by not supporting it


 because what is happening is your taking the support from the game

 we will defend our sectors until they are gone and when they are gone

   well I guess dreads were the end game content

   you can not believe how disappointed I am in this last development

 we im sure no one of import will look over this so

all I have left to say is Good For You


HalfFast CEO BOJ





You said it man.   I feel the exact same way.   I hope they fix this soon, it would be a real shame to lose yet another good US corp.  You guys are fun to fight against, and you help represent the US to the world by taking those sectors.  But really, I totally understand why you’d leave, and I’d probably do the same if I had put in as much work, and battled as much as you had with your dread.  


They better make a change soon.  I’d really hate to lose any of BOJs finest.

I play T3 because of the T4/5 wait times…


Darn… I wish i could read this. Then I’d agree with you.

Darn… I wish i could read this. Then I’d agree with you.


   I gotta

 make walls of

text that look like

        I’m some sort

  of modern poetry writer

What do you do when you cant support your argument?

   attack the way  someone else expresses their thoughts!

  the FACTS are simple

 1 the late fed space Dreadnought battle was unsupported.

 2 it was changed to a time that was better supported

 3 changing the remaining fed space dread battle to the one hour earlier than the unsupported time is a bad idea.

 4 NASA and ARCH held all the sectors in the unsupported times.

     I wonder why you chose to degrade what I posted?

   did you defend the sectors after the time change?


 why do I know this I offered to help you defend but you let your sectors fall.

  but regardless there has to be a fair way to divide the dreadnought battles

 after all fair is fair and the Jericho Dread battle times should be split.

  and if you lived close to Daytona

   you would know what this means

  Good For You


  HalFfast  CEO BEAST

im not in nasa or arch

Honestly, I don’t really care about the dreads still. Probably because the corp I’m in, RadiX, still isn’t too competitive in them; but they are fun to play in every once in a while.


The more important issue for me is the queue times / matchmaker. There are days when I’m on what I assume is prime US time, and I get stuck mostly in RUS and EU matches; and then times when it’s way late (like 4AM EST) and suddenly I get a bunch of nice US matches. Seems odd. I know the devs say not everyone is on Steam, but I assume more US players are inclined to use the Steam client than RUS players, and this seems very out of cycle with the US peak times.

Heh, complaint the most, and yet controls most sector sin NA time zone

Honestly, I don’t really care about the dreads still. Probably because the corp I’m in, RadiX, still isn’t too competitive in them; but they are fun to play in every once in a while.


The more important issue for me is the queue times / matchmaker. There are days when I’m on what I assume is prime US time, and I get stuck mostly in RUS and EU matches; and then times when it’s way late (like 4AM EST) and suddenly I get a bunch of nice US matches. Seems odd. I know the devs say not everyone is on Steam, but I assume more US players are inclined to use the Steam client than RUS players, and this seems very out of cycle with the US peak times

dass cuz the times are bad. :( 

dass cuz the times are bad. :frowning:

yeah like your attack once month bac when times were different, was any better

yeah like your attack once month bac when times were different, was any better

twice a week. But it’s okay kosty, counting is hard for some ppl. ;) 

twice a week. But it’s okay kosty, counting is hard for some ppl. ;) 

not showing up to battles or rather wussing out right after realising who you gonna fight, doesn’t count, you know

not showing up to battles or rather wussing out right after realising who you gonna fight, doesn’t count, you know

Says the guy whose corp won’t queue while we have a squad going.

Says the guy whose corp won’t queue while we have a squad going.

:smiley: that’s entirely unrelated to what i said kosty. but nice video :slight_smile: i like your choice of music. 


also 3 out of 8 of those ppl aren’t in NASA. so wasn’t truly nasa vs radix. ;) 

also 3 out of 8 of those ppl aren’t in NASA. so wasn’t truly nasa vs radix. :wink:

true dat, especially considering how many Nasa were on radix team.

true dat, especially considering how many Nasa were on radix team.

i think you mean former nasa ;) 

i think you mean former nasa ;) 

People come, people go… you’ll find out soon enough.

People come, people go… you’ll find out soon enough.

hmmm most RadiX members stay…